А бывают ли идеальные люди? Я считаю, что идеальных людей не бывает. Для каждого человека есть свои стандарты и идеалы красоты как внешние, так и внутренние, и я сомневаюсь, что у всех они одинаковые. Ведь есть люди, которым нравятся блондинки, а есть те, которые терпеть их не могут, так же есть люди, которым нравятся добрые и искрении люди, а некоторые предпочитают , что бы люди им врали и говорили только хорошее, то есть льстили им. Так как у каждого человека есть свой идеал, то каждый к нему стремится и я считаю, что люди не придут не когда к общему идеалу красоты. Но даже если люди найдут общий идеал внешней красоты, то все равно она не придут к общему идеалу внутри, то есть в душе, так как каждый человек индивидуален и похожих людей не бывает.
Я могу сделать точный выбор, что не бывает идеальных людей и не когда не будет
Результаты (
английский) 1:
And are there any perfect people? I believe that there are no perfect people. Each person has their own standards and ideals of beauty, both external and internal, and I doubt that they are the same. After all, there are people who like Blondes, and there are those who cannot tolerate them, just as there are people who like good and iskrenii people, and some people would prefer that they lied and said the only good, that is admired them. Because everyone has their ideal, each a seeking and I believe that people will not come not when a common ideal of beauty. But even if people will find an ideal outer beauty, all the same, it will not come to a common ideal, that is, in the shower, because each person is different and similar people.
I can make an accurate choice, that there are no perfect people and never will
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
And whether there are common people? I believe that no ideal people. Each person has their own standards and ideals of beauty, both external and internal, and I doubt that they are all the same. After all, there are people who like blondes, but there are those who can not tolerate them, because there are people who like kind and sincere people, and some prefer that people would lie to them and say only good, that is flattered them. Since each person has his own ideal, each tends to him and I think that people will not come to a general ideal of beauty. But even if people find a common ideal of physical beauty, anyway, it does not come to a common ideal inside, that is in the soul, as each person is different and there is no similar people. I can make the exact choice, that there are no ideal people and not when there is no
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
And whether or not there are perfect people? I believe that ideal people are the same. For each human has its own standards and ideals beauty both external and internal, and I doubt that, for all they are the same. There are also people,Who likes blond bombshell, and there are those who tolerate their may not, for example, there are people, who likes good and genuine people, and some prefer to, that would be people to them and almost everyone spoke only good, then there is a turned unto fables.As everyone has their own ideal, then each to seek it and I believe that people do not come not when the common ideal of beauty. But even if people find common ideal external beauty,It is all as it does not come to a common ideal inside, that is in the shower, because as soon as everyone lung and similar people are the same.lord I can make accurate selection, that there is no perfect people and not when will not be
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