Если представить,что у меня много денег и я могу позволить себе любое  перевод - Если представить,что у меня много денег и я могу позволить себе любое  английский как сказать

Если представить,что у меня много д

Если представить,что у меня много денег и я могу позволить себе любое жильё, которое захочу, то я бы предпочла иметь квартиру в цетре города, в котором я буду жить, и небольшую дачу в пригороде.Моя кваритра была бы местом, где всегда много гостей, веселья и положительных эмоций. В ней всегда было бы много цветов и света. Она была бы большой и просторной, с тремя комнатами и всеми современными удобствами. Одна комната была бы моим рабочим кабинетом, где я бы работала над новыми проектами и решала рабочие вопросы. Она была бы светлой, не заставленной мебелю, только всё самое необходимое: рабочий стол, кресло, диван и шкафы для книг и моих документов. Окна были бы большие и из них был бы отличный вид на город, который бы меня подбадривал. Одна стена была бы посвещена вещам, который меня вдохновляют на работу и творчество. На этой стены были бы различные вырезки из журналов, фотографии моих путешествий, статьи из газет и просто милые открыточки. Я бы хотела, чтобы эта комната была в пастельных тонах, желательно молочного или песочного цвета.
Вторая комната была бы моей спальней. Там было бы всё просто, как в обычных спальнях : кровать, туалетный столик, шкаф, большое зеркало и тумбочки около кровати. В моей спальне была бы большая кровать, а мебель была бы из дерева. Из спальни был бы выход на балкон, на котором бы стоял столик и два деревянных стульчика.
Третья комната - это гостиная. В ней бы были большые, роскошные диваны и кресла, современный домашний кинотеатр, музыкальный центр и камин. В этой комнате было бы много картин и сувениров, которые я привезла из своих путешествий по миру.
Дача был бы местом, где я отдыхаю и уединяюсь. Там я бы хотела иметь большой сад и клумбы с цветами, бесетку где-нибудь под вишней и место для барбекю. Она была бы одноэтажной, просторной, в деревенском стиле. Я бы хотела, чтобы она вся была сделана из дерева, а внутри была бы печь, где я бы пекла блинчики и камин, с креслом-качалкой напротив него. Дача была бы местом, куда я приезжаю на выходные, релаксирую, наслаждаюсь природой и освобождаю свой разум от проблем и забот.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
If you think that I have a lot of money and I can afford any housing that I want, then I would prefer to have an apartment in the center of the city in which I live, and a small cottage on the outskirts of my apartment would be a place where many guests, always fun and positive emotions. It has always been a lot of color and light. It would be a big and spacious, with three rooms and all modern facilities. One room would be my study, where I would be working on new projects and tackling work issues. It would be light, not cluttered with furniture, only the most necessary: Desk, Chair, sofa and bookcases and my documents. The window would be great and would be a great view of the city that would make me a source. One wall is dedicated to things that inspire me to work and creativity. On the wall were various clippings from magazines, photographs of my travels, articles from newspapers and simply lovely otkrytočki. I wish the room was painted in pastel colours, preferably milk or sand color. The second room was my bedroom. There would be simple, as in conventional bedrooms: beds, dressing table, wardrobe, large mirror and bedside tables around the bed. In my bedroom would be a large bed, and furniture was made of wood. One would be an exit to the balcony, which would have stood a wooden table and two chairs. The third room is a living room. It would have been big, luxurious sofas and armchairs, modern home theater, stereo and a fireplace. In this room would have been a lot of paintings and souvenirs that I brought from his travels around the world.Villa would be a place where I rest and uedinâûs′. There I would like to have a large garden and flower beds with flowers, besetku somewhere under the cherry blossoms and a barbecue area. It would have been one-storey, spacious, rustic style. I wish she was made from wood, and inside would be the furnace, where I'd baked pancakes and a fireplace with an armchair-shoulder in front of him. Villa would be a place where I come for the weekend, relaksiruû, enjoy nature and free your mind from worries and pressures.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
If we imagine that I have a lot of money and I can afford any housing, which I like, then I would prefer to have an apartment in the city center in which I will live, and a small cottage in prigorode.Moya kvaritra would be a place where there is always a lot of guests, fun and positive emotions. It would always be a lot of color and light. She would have been large and spacious, with three rooms and all modern amenities. One room would be my office, where I would be working on new projects and address operational issues. It would be light, not cluttered with furniture, but everything you need: desk, chair, sofa, and cabinets for books and my documents. Windows would be more of them and would be a great view of the city, which would make me encouragement. One wall was dedicated to be things that inspire me to work and creativity. On this wall would have been a variety of magazine clippings, photographs of my travels, newspaper articles and just lovely otkrytochku. I would like to have this room was in pastel colors, preferably milk or sand color.
The second room would be my bedroom. There would have been all just as in conventional bedrooms: bed, dressing table, wardrobe, mirror and nightstand beside the bed. In my bedroom would be a big bed and furniture would have been made ​​of wood. From the bedroom would have access to the balcony, which would have stood a table and two wooden chair.
The third room - a living room. It would have been a large, luxurious sofas and chairs, modern home cinema, hi-fi and a fireplace. In this room, it would be a lot of pictures and souvenirs that I brought back from his travels around the world.
Cottage would be a place where I relax and drift away. There I would like to have a large garden and flower beds, besetku somewhere under a cherry and a barbecue area. It would be one-storey, spacious, rustic. I would like to make it all was made ​​of wood, and inside the furnace would be where I would have baked pancakes and a fireplace, a rocking chair in front of him. Cottage would be a place where I go on holiday, relaxing, enjoying nature and frees your mind from the problems and worries.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
If you submit to,that I have a lot of money and I can't afford to any housing, which is wanted, then I would have preferred to have an apartment in the city Friedrichstrase, in which I live, and a small perjury committed in the suburbs of the city.My кваритра would be the place, where there is always many guests, fun and positive emotions. It has always been to many colors and light. It would be a large and spacious, with three bathrooms and all modern amenities.One room would be my working cabinet, where I was working on new projects and to tackle the issues. It would be bright, not a bookshelf full pine wood furniture, only the most necessary: work desk, armchair,
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