7 января В этот день в небольшом городке Вифлееме произошло небывалое  перевод - 7 января В этот день в небольшом городке Вифлееме произошло небывалое  английский как сказать

7 января В этот день в небольшом го

7 января В этот день в небольшом городке Вифлееме произошло небывалое событие — родился в мир Богомладенец, Сын Божий. Иисус Христос родился сверхъестественным образом от Девы Марии, Богородицы. Придя на землю, Христос не был встречен почетом, знатностью и богатством. У Него даже не было колыбели, как у всех детей, не было и пристанища — Он родился за городом, в пещере и был положен в ясли, куда кладут корм для животных. Первыми гостями божественного младенца были не цари и вельможи, а простые пастухи, которым Ангел возвестил о Рождестве Христовом: «Я возвещаю вам великую радость, которая будет всем людям: ибо ныне родился вам в городе Давидовом Спаситель, Который есть Христос Господь! И вот вам знак: вы найдете Младенца в пеленах, лежащего в яслях» (Лк 2,10-12). Пастухи первыми поспешили поклониться новорожденному Спасителю. В это время с дарами Царю Мира шли волхвы (древние мудрецы) с востока. Они ждали, что вскоре на землю должен прийти великий Царь Мира, а чудесная звезда указала им путь в Иерусалим. Волхвы принесли Младенцу дары: золото, ладан и смирну. Эти дары имели глубокий смысл: золото принесли как Царю в виде дани, ладан как Богу, а смирну как человеку, который должен умереть (смирной в те далекие времена помазывали умерших). Но неужели так встречен был родившийся Христос? Святая церковь поет, что все творение Божие встречало Спасителя: ангелы принесли Ему пение, волхвы — дары, пастыри встретили Младенца, земля приготовила пещеру-вертеп, а Матерью Господа стала Дева Мария. Рождество Христово завершает сорокадневный Рождественский пост (святая Четыредесятница), накануне праздника соблюдается строгий пост. После Рождества наступают святки — святые дни или 12 дней, в течение которых отмечается праздник.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
January 7 this day in the small town of Bethlehem was an unprecedented event - was born into the world of the Divine Infant Son of God. Jesus Christ was born miraculously of the Virgin Mary, Mother of God. Arriving on the ground,Christ was not greeted with honor, nobility and wealth. He has not even had a cradle, like all children, there was no shelter - He was born in the country, in a cave and was laid in a manger, to put animal feed.The first guests were not divine baby kings and nobles, and simple shepherds who angel announced the birth of Christ: "I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people:For unto you is born in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord! And Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger "(Lk 2,10-12).The shepherds hurried to worship the first newborn Savior. At this time, with the gifts of the Magi were King of the World (the ancient sages) to the east. They expected soon on the ground should come a great King of the World,and wonderful star showed them the way to Jerusalem. The Magi brought the infant with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. These gifts have a deep meaning: gold brought as a tribute to the King, as God incense and myrrh as a personthat is to die (myrrh in those days the dead were anointed). But do so was met Christ born? Holy Church sings that all of God's creation met the Savior, angels brought him singing,Magi - gifts pastors to meet baby, cooked ground cave-den, and the Mother of the Lord was the Virgin Mary. Christmas Advent completes forty days (Lent)on the eve observed a strict fast. After Christmas comes the yuletide - holy days or 12 days, during which the feast day.

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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
January 7 at that day in the small town of Bethlehem an unprecedented event occurred — was born in the world of Bogomladenec, the son of God. Jesus Christ was born supernaturally from the Virgin Mary, mother of God. Having come to Earth Christ was not greeted with honor, for their nobility and wealth. He did not even have a cradle, as with all children, there was no refuge — he was born in the countryside, in a cave and was laid in a manger, where to put the pet food. The first guests of the divine infant were not Kings and noblemen, and simple shepherds, an Angel announced the birth of Christ: "I bring you great joy which will come to all the people for unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord! And here's your sign: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger "(Luke -12 2.10). Shepherds first rushed to worship the newborn Savior. At this time with the gifts to the King of the world were the Magi (the ancient wise men) from the East. They waited to land soon to come a great King of the world, a wonderful star said his journey to Jerusalem. The Magi brought Baby gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. These gifts have a deeper meaning: Gold brought as King in the form of tribute, frankincense, and myrrh as God as man, that must die (benign in perpetuity in those days pomazyvali deaths). But is it received was born? The Holy Church sings that all God's creation met the Savior: the angels brought him singing, Magi — gifts, pastors met Baby, Earth has a cave-Nativity scene, and the mother of the Lord was the Virgin Mary. Christmas ends the day the Christmas fast (Holy Forty) on the eve of the holiday is observed a strict fast. After Christmas is Christmas-holy days or 12 days, during which the holiday

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
On 7 January, in this day in the small town of Bethlehem was an unprecedented event - was born in peace blessing, The Son of God. Jesus Christ was born riches of the Virgin Mary, Mother of God. When they come to the ground,Christ was not welcomed by proclamation, in a cave and wealth. It was not even cradle, as well as for all children, it was not haven - he was born in the city, in a cave and was based on the nurseries, where sesame food for animals.The first form divine Infant were not kings and shepherds, who hastened to bow to the newborn Savior: "I savior you great joy, which will be to all people.Because the current was born to you in the city babe wrapped, which is Christ! And that is you sign: you will find an infant in the heavenly host praising God, and saying" (Lux 2.10 -12).Shepherds this time the eastern sages with gifts went. At this time the king's gifts Peace went homespun (ancient sages) from the east. They have been waiting for, that soon on the ground must come to the great King peace,A lovely star pointed out to them the way to Jerusalem. Pharaoh had brought Baby gifts: gold, memoirs. These gifts have had profound meaning: gold yielded as king in the form of a dani, moribund as God, and memoirs as a human being,Who should die (having in those early times помазывали deaths). But is it as welcomed by Christ was born? The Church sings, that all god was receiving God Savior: angels have brought him singing,homespun - gifts, the shepherds were confronted by an infant, father land cave-Karlovy Vary Symphony Orchestra, and his mother was Mary Lord. Christmas is finalizing сорокадневныи Christmas post (repentance),On the eve holiday observed strict post. After Christmas nearing fats meat - holy days or 12 days, during which there is holiday.

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