Все колледжи предоставляют жилье по крайне мере в течение первых двух  перевод - Все колледжи предоставляют жилье по крайне мере в течение первых двух  английский как сказать

Все колледжи предоставляют жилье по

Все колледжи предоставляют жилье по крайне мере в течение первых двух лет обучения, а многие – на все время обучения. Жилье обычно представляет собой комнаты на одного человека, расположенные на территории колледжа или рядом. Проживание в жилом фонде колледжа подразумевает умеренную арендную плату.
Традиционно, наиболее престижными являются самые древние и самые богатые колледжи, такие, как Крайст Черч (Christ Church), Колледж Св. Иоанна (St. John’s), Мертон и Колледж Св. Магдалины. Будучи прикрепленными к этим колледжам, студенты, как правило, не имеют проблем с нахождением места для проживания в общежитии, дополнительным финансированием на научные проекты, занятиями спортом и т.п. Учитывая ежегодный массовый наплыв студентов, нахождение места для проживания вне колледжа может стать серьезной проблемой. По этой причине, к выбору колледжа следует отнестись весьма ответственно. Русскоязычные студенты зачастую выбирают Колледж Св. Антония (St. Antony’s), где обучаются также студенты из других стран Восточной Европы и Азии.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
All colleges provide accommodation, at least during the first two years of study, and many are learning all the time. Housing is typically a room for one person, located on or near campus. Accommodation in College Housing implies a reasonable rent.Traditionally, the most prestigious are the oldest and the richest colleges such as Christ Church (Christ Church), the College of St. John (St. John's), Merton College and St. Magdalene. Being attached to these colleges, students generally do not have problems finding places to stay in the dormitory, additional funding for scientific projects, sports, etc. given the annual influx of students, finding a place to stay outside of the College can be a serious problem. For this reason, the choice of the College should be handled very responsibly. Russian-speaking students often choose the College of St. Antonios (St. Antony's), where trained students from other countries in Eastern Europe and Asia.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
All colleges provide housing at least during the first two years of study, and many - for the duration of training. Accommodation is usually a room for one person, located on campus or nearby. Living in a residential college fund involves moderate rent.
Traditionally, the most prestigious are the most ancient and richest colleges, such as Christ Church (Christ Church), St. John's College (St. John's), Merton College, and St. Mary Magdalene. Being attached to these colleges, students usually do not have problems with finding a place to stay in a hostel, additional funding for scientific projects, sports activities, etc. Given an annual mass influx of students, finding a place to stay out of college can be a serious problem. For this reason, to the choice of the college should be taken very responsibly. Russian-speaking students often choose St. Anthony's College (St. Antony's), which are taught as students from other countries in Eastern Europe and Asia.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
all the colleges offer accommodation at least during the first two years of study, and many are learning all the time. housing is generally a room for one person within or near the college. living in a residential college fund implies a nominal rent.traditionally, the most famous are the most ancient and most wealthy schools, such as christ church (christ church), the college of st. john (st. john"s), merton and college st. the magdalene. being attached to these colleges, students generally do not have problems in finding a place to live in the dorm, additional funding for research projects, activities, sports, and so on. given the massive influx of students, finding a place to live outside of school can be a serious problem. for this reason, the choice of the college should be taken very seriously. russian students often choose the college of st. antonia (st antony"s), with an enrolment of students from other countries in eastern europe and asia.
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