Он не знал, что время играет в странные игры, развлекаясь неожиданными поворотами, которые всегда озадачивают участников и в один прекрасный вечер ты будешь очень сильно желать того, кого отправил к черту 10 лет назад.
He did not know what the time is in strange games, having fun unexpected twists that are always puzzled by the participants and one evening you will very much be the one sent to the line 10 years ago.
He did not know that playing strange games, fun unexpected turns that always puzzled participants and one evening you will be very much to be the one sent to hell 10 years ago.
He did not know that the time is playing in strange games, fun unexpected turns, which are always embarrassing parties and in one beautiful evening you'll be very much who is sent to a line 10 years ago.