Я хотела спросить тебя вот о чем.. Как тебя зовут? Сэм это имя юзерпик перевод - Я хотела спросить тебя вот о чем.. Как тебя зовут? Сэм это имя юзерпик английский как сказать

Я хотела спросить тебя вот о чем..

Я хотела спросить тебя вот о чем.. Как тебя зовут? Сэм это имя юзерпика? Если не хочешь то не отвечай.
Да ты прав европейский вектор развития цивиллизации прнес много жертв. Но нельзя забывать о том что сама идея прогресса развивается в контексте динамики европейской цивилизации.
Проблема прогресса — одна из наиболее дискуссионных в современной науке, что определяется целым рядом взаимосвязанных обстоятельств, в первую очередь — переосмыслением понимания прогресса в рамках культуры, пришедшей на смену эпохе модерна. Если основу просвещенческих концепций составляло представление об общественном развитии как прогрессе по пути к свободе, то сегодня становится очевидным, что подобное восприятие истории исчерпало себя, а развитие современной западной культуры в большей степени характеризуется технологическим прогрессом. Развитие технологического потенциала, не сопровождающееся гармоничным развитием человека, общества и культуры, приводит к экологическим кризисам и углублению глобальных проблем человечества. Сегодня можно констатировать огромный дисбаланс между технологической активностью и внутренней духовной пустотой порожденного им потребительского общества и «одномерного» человека.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I wanted to ask you here about what .. What is your name? Sam is the name userpic? If you do not want it do not answer.
Yes you are right European development vector tsivillizatsii bring to light many of the victims.But we must not forget that the idea of ​​progress in the context of evolving dynamics of European civilization.
The problem of progress - one of the most controversial in modern science,that is determined by a number of interrelated circumstances, primarily - rethinking progress in the understanding of culture, which replaced the era of modernity.If the foundation of the Enlightenment concepts was an idea of ​​social development as progress on the road to freedom, then it is now clear that this perception of history has exhausted itself,and the development of modern Western culture largely characterized by technological progress. Development of technological capabilities is not accompanied by the harmonious development of man,society and culture, leads to ecological crisis and the deepening global problems of mankind.Today we can say a huge imbalance between technological activity and inner spiritual emptiness generated by them and the consumer society "one-dimensional" person.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I would like to ask you this is what ... What's your name? Sam is the name of a userpic? If you don't want to then don't answer.
Yes you are right the European vector of development of civillizacii prnes a lot of victims. But you can't lose sight of the fact that the very idea of progress is evolving in the context of the dynamics of the European civilization.
Problem progress is one of the most controversial in modern science, that is determined by a number of interrelated factors, particularly a rethinking of the understanding of progress in the culture, the Art Nouveau era. If the awareness of concepts was the public view as progress on the road to freedom, today it is clear that such a perception of history had exhausted itself, and development of modern Western culture is increasingly characterized by technological progress. Development of technological capacity, not accompanied by harmonious human development, society and culture, leads to ecological crisis and deepening global problems of humanity. Today we can see a huge imbalance between the technological activity and internal spiritual emptiness created by the consumer society and "one-dimensional".
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
I would like ask you that is what.. What's your name? Sam is the name юзерпика? If you do not want do not hearken unto me.
yes you are quite right the European vector development цивиллизации прнес many victims.But it should not be forgotten that the very idea is progress in the context of the dynamic European civilization.
the Problem progress - one of the most discussion in modern science,That is determined by a number of interrelated circumstances, in the first place - rethinking understanding of the progress within a culture, succeeding the art nouveau era.If the просвещенческих concept was the presentation on the public development as progress on the road to freedom, but today, it becomes clear that such a perception of history has exhausted itself,The development of modern western culture to a greater extent is characterized by technological progress. Development of technological capacity, is not accompanied by harmonious human development,Society and Culture, leads to environmental crises and deepening global problems of mankind.Today we can see a huge imbalance between technological activity and the inner spiritual silence generated by them to consumer society and the "one-dimensional" rights.
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