главным героем был лис-мошенник Ник Уайлд, которому приходится прятаться от закона, так как его обвиняют в преступлении, которого он не совершал. Зайчик-полицейская Джуди Хоппс тоже участвовала в действии, но она была не начинающим копом, а опытным лейтенантом, лучшим сыщиком своего управления. Поначалу она преследовала Уайлда, искренне веря в его виновность, а затем вынужденно присоединялась к нему, когда злодеи подставляли и ее. В конечном итоге герои разоблачали истинных преступников и доказывали, что «хищник» и «добыча» могут работать вместе, невзирая на давнее взаимное недоверие между их видами.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
the main character was a sly rogue Nick Diaz, who had to hide from the law, because he is accused of a crime he did not commit. Bunny-police Judy Hopps also participated in the action, but it was not a novice COP, and an experienced Lieutenant, best detective of his Office. At first she's pursued a sincere belief in his guilt, and then forcibly joined him when the villains tripped up and her. The heroes eventually exposed the true criminals and argued that the "predator" and "production" can work together, despite the long-standing mutual distrust between their views.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
the main character was a fox-scammer Nick Wilde, who has to hide from the law, as he is accused of a crime he did not commit. Bunny-Judy Hopps police also participated in the action, but it was not a cop beginners and experienced lieutenant, the best detective of his administration. Initially, she pursued Wilde, sincerely believing in his guilt, and then forced to join him when the villains and tripped her. In the end, the heroes exposed the true criminals and argued that the "predator" and "prey" can work together, despite the long-standing mistrust between their views.
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