Я та девушка, которая покажет тебе такую любовь, которую ты еще никогда не ощущал! Ты окунешься в море страстной любви и неземного блаженства! Я знаю, что тебе будет хорошо со мной! Тебе будет так хорошо, как еще не с кем не было! ТЫ готов?
I'm the girl that will show you the kind of love that you have never felt! You will plunge into the sea of passionate love and unearthly bliss! I know that you will be fine with me! You will be as good as anyone yet! Are you ready?
I'm the girl who can show you the kind of love that you have never felt! You okuneshsya in the sea of passion and heavenly bliss! I know that you will be fine with me! You'll be as good as there is nobody else was not! Are you ready?
i am the girl who's going to show you the love that you've never felt. you окунешься sea passion and unearthly radiance. i know that you will be fine with me. you will be so goodstill haven't been. are you ready?