В 1969 году первый магазин по продаже товаров справедливой торговли от перевод - В 1969 году первый магазин по продаже товаров справедливой торговли от английский как сказать

В 1969 году первый магазин по прода

В 1969 году первый магазин по продаже товаров справедливой торговли открылся в Нидерландах . Он был настолько успешен, что вскоре открылось много таких магазинов по всей Европе. На 1970-й год вклад Европы в мировой экспорт составлял 46 процентов. к 1980-му году он понизился до 42 процентов. Главной проблемой было то, что новизна некоторых товаров справедливой торговли начала изнашиваться, и спрос перестал расти. И так продолжалось до 1985, после чего в этом же году экспорт Европы на мировом рынке упал на один процент. В 1988 году мировой экспорт резко поднялся до 45 процентов, тогда же было определено Решение проблемы. Появилась первая сертификация товаров справедливой торговли - организация "Макс Х", созданная в Нидерландах. Сертификация позволяла товарам в неспециализированных магазинах. Эта идея разлетелась в другие Европейские страны и Северную Америку. И увеличение продолжалось до 1990-го года и возросло до пиковой точки - 48 процентов. Но в 1992-м году он понизился на один процент из-за того, что большая часть процентов оборота составляла ремесленная продукция, а не сельскохозяйственная.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In 1969, the first store selling fair trade products has opened in the Netherlands. He was so successful that soon opened many such shops throughout Europe. In 1970, the year the European contribution to world exports amounted to 46 per cent. the year 1980 it fell to 42 percent. The main problem: the novelty of some fair trade products began to wear off, and demand stopped rising. And so it went until 1985, and then in the same year, exports of Europe on the world market fell by one percent. In 1988 year world exports sharply rose to 45 percent, when it was determined a solution to the problem. The first certification of fair trade products-Max x ", established in the Netherlands. Certification allowed the goods in non-specialised stores. This idea spread to other European countries and North America. And the increase continued until 1990, had risen to a peak point-48 percent. But in 1992, the year it fell by one percent due to the fact that a large part of the turnover accounted for percent craft products, rather than agriculture.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In 1969, the first shop selling fair trade goods opened in the Netherlands. He was so successful that soon opened a lot of stores across Europe. In the 1970 th year of Europe's contribution to world exports accounted for 46 percent. By 1980, the ninth year it has gone down to 42 percent. The main problem was that the novelty of some fair trade products start to wear out, and the demand has ceased to grow. And so it went on until 1985, and then in the same year on the world market exports in Europe fell by one per cent. In 1988, world exports rose sharply to 45 percent, while it was determined solution to the problem. There was the first certified fair trade goods - organization of "Max X", established in the Netherlands. Certification allows goods in specialized stores. This idea is scattered in other European countries and North America. And the increase continued until 1990 and rose to a peak point - 48 percent. But it fell in 1992 by one percent due to the fact that most of the percent of turnover was handicraft products rather than agricultural.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
in 1969, the first store selling goods trade fair opened in the netherlands. he was so successful that soon opened a lot of stores across europe. in 1970 the year europe"s contribution to world exports amounted to 46 per cent. in 1980, mu year he dropped to 42 per cent. the main problem was that the novelty of some commodities fair trade began to deteriorate, and demand was growing. and so it went on until 1985, followed in the same year, europe"s exports on the world market fell one percentage point. in 1988, world exports sharply went up to 45% and was determined to solve the problem. the first fair trade certification is the "max x", established in the netherlands. certification allows goods in non specialized stores. this idea of it in other european countries and north america. and the increase lasted until 1990, and increased to a peak of 48 per cent. but in 1992 he dropped one percent because most of the per cent turnover amounted crafts production and agriculture.
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