Французский дед Пер Ноэль (Père Noël) дарит подарки только хорошим и п перевод - Французский дед Пер Ноэль (Père Noël) дарит подарки только хорошим и п английский как сказать

Французский дед Пер Ноэль (Père Noë

Французский дед Пер Ноэль (Père Noël) дарит подарки только хорошим и послушным детям. Дети пишут ему записку с пожеланиями, зарывают ее под особым рождественским деревом и находят подарки в своих башмаках. 3. Имя немецкого дедушки Вайнахтсман (Weihnachtsmann), что означает «рождественский человек». Он одет в вывернутую мехом наружу шубу, в одной руке держит подарки, а в другой – розги для непослушных детей. 4. Итальянский дед Баббо Натале (Babbo Natale) сам подарки не раздает. Добрая фея Бефана (La Befana) прилетает ночью на волшебной метле, открывает двери золотым ключиком и наполняет подарками чулки. Тем, кто много шалил и плохо учился, фея кладет уголек. 5. Бразильский дед Пай Натал (Pai Natal) даже в жару в 35 градусов носит красную куртку и колпак. Он приезжает в Бразилию из далекой Гренландии, а его любимый напиток – кофе. Подарки вместо него раздает его помощник Черный Пит.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
French father Pere Noel (Père Noël) presents only a good and obedient children. Children write him a note with wishes, bury it under a Christmas tree and gifts in their shoes. 3. the name of a German grandfather Vajnahtsman (Weihnachtsmann), meaning "the Christmas man". He dressed in a fur coat, with fur outside turned in one hand holds the other gifts-whip for naughty children. 4. Italian grandfather-Babbo Natale (Babbo Natale) itself is not giving away gifts. Fairy godmother Befana (La Befana) If you arrive at night on a magic broomstick, opens the doors of golden key and fills the stockings with gifts. Those who šalil and poorly studied, fairy puts Ember. 5. the Brazilian grandfather Pai Natal (Pai Natal) even in the 35-degree heat in a red jacket and Cap. He came to Brazil from distant Greenland, and his favorite drink-coffee. Gifts instead of giving away his assistant Black Pete.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
French grandfather Pere Noel (Père Noël) gives presents only a good and obedient children. Children write him a note with regards, bury it under a special Christmas tree and find gifts in their shoes. 3. Name the German grandfather Vaynahtsman (Weihnachtsmann), which means "Christmas man". He is dressed in a fur coat fur outside the inverted, with one hand holding a gift, and the other - the cane for disobedient children. 4. Babbo Natale Italian grandfather (Babbo Natale) itself does not distribute gifts. Fairy Godmother Befana (La Befana) arrives at night on a magic broom, opens the door to the golden key and fills stockings with gifts. Those who many naughty and bad student, fairy puts coal. 5. Brazilian grandfather Pai Natal (Pai Natal) even in the heat of 35 degrees wears a red jacket and cap. He arrived in Brazil from distant Greenland, and his favorite drink - coffee. Gifts instead gives his assistant Black Pete.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
French grandfather Fr Noel (Père Nоël) gives only good gifts and docile children. Children write him a note with the wishes, зарывают its under a special Christmas surprise wood and find gifts in their shoes. 3.The name games, attractions, german grandparents (Weihnасhtsmаnn), which means "Christmas man". He was dressed in fur вывернутую outward quite chilly, in one hand hold gifts, and the other - utter lack for disobedient children. 4.Italian grandfather family cosines (Bаbbо Nаtаle) itself is not distributing gifts. The good fairy traditions (La Befаnа) arrives at night magic метле, opens the door and gives gold cocoa butter). gifts stockings. However,Who many шалил and poorly studied, two swans hangs. 5. The Brazilian grandfather Pae Natal (Pаi Nаtаl) even in summer heat, 35 degrees is the red jacket and hood. He is arriving in Brazil from a distant Greenland Home Rule Government, and his favorite drink is coffee.Gifts instead, distributing his assistant Black Pete.
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