1. Я потерял свой словарь и мне пришлось купить другой. 2. Эта картина перевод - 1. Я потерял свой словарь и мне пришлось купить другой. 2. Эта картина английский как сказать

1. Я потерял свой словарь и мне при

1. Я потерял свой словарь и мне пришлось купить другой. 2. Эта картина моя, а другие -
моего брата. 3. Дайте мне какую-нибудь другую книгу. Эту я уже читала. 4. Вы говорите, что
купили две вазы. Я вижу только одну, где же другая? 5. Какой еще иностранный язык вы знаете?
6. Никакая другая книга не произвела на меня такого сильного впечатления как "Война и
мир". 7. Где твоя другая перчатка?- У меня нет другой перчатки, я ее потерял. 8. Мальчик
держал один конец веревки, а девочка - другой. 9. Давайте встретимся в другой день. Я занят
сегодня. 10. У меня не было другого выбора. 11. Только мы с Джоном отправились дальше,
остальные шестеро решили ночевать в лагере,. 12. Еще две минуты и я опоздал бы на поезд.
13. Три парашюта раскрылись одни за другим, в быстрой последовательности. 14. Я чувствую
себя совершенно другим человеком. 15. Мы виделись на днях, но он ничего не сказал. 16.
Последовала еще одна пауза. 17. Не говоря ни слова, она надела браслет на другую руку. 18.
Заберите эту чашку и принесите другую. 19. "Откройте второй глаз", сказал доктор. 20. Ты
почему один? Где остальные?
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. I have lost my dictionary and I had to buy another. 2. this picture of my and othersmy brother. 3. give me some other book. This I have already read. 4. you say thatbought two vases. I see only one, where is the other? 5. what other languages do you know?6. no other book has not made such a strong impression on me like war andthe world ". 7. where is your other glove?-I have no other gloves, I lost it. 8. boyhold one end of the rope, and another girl. 9. Let's meet the other day. I'm busytoday. 10. I had no other choice. 11. we went further, with Johnthe remaining six have decided to spend the night in the camp. 12. another two minutes and I was late for the train.13. the three parachute opened one after the other in quick succession. 14. I feela completely different person. 15. we met the other day, but he said nothing. 16.Followed by another pause. 17. without saying a Word, she wore a bracelet on his other hand. 18.Take this Cup and bring another. 19. "open the second eye, the doctor said. 20. TyWhy does one? Where are the rest?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. I lost my dictionary and I had to buy another. 2. This picture is mine, and the other -
my brother. 3. Give me some other book. I have read this. 4. You say that you
bought two vases. I see only one, where is the other? 5. What other foreign language do you know?
6. No other book has made ​​me such a strong impression as "War and
Peace. " 7. Where is your other glove? - I have no other gloves, I lost it. 8. The boy
was holding one end of the rope, and the girl - another. 9. Let's meet in the other day. I'm busy
today. 10. I had no other choice. 11. Only John and I went on,
the other six have decided to spend the night in the camp ,. 12. Two more minutes and I would have missed the train.
13. Three parachutes opened one after another in rapid succession. 14. I feel
like a completely different person. 15. We saw the other day, but he said nothing. 16.
There was another pause. 17. Without saying a word, she wore a bracelet on the other hand. 18.
Take this cup and bring another. 19. "Open the other eye," said the doctor. 20. Do you
why one? Where are the others?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. I had lost its dictionary, and I had to buy another. 2. The picture is my, and other -
my brother. 3. Give me any other book. This i already know. 4. You say that
bought two vases. I can see only one, where is the other?5. What is still a foreign language you know?
6. No other book has not impressed me such a strong impression as "War and
peace". 7. Where's your other glove?- I have no other gloves, i lost. 8. The boy
Kept one end of the rope, and a girl, the other. 9. Let's meet on a different day. I am busy
today. 10. I have had no other choice. 11. Only we with John went further,
the remaining six decided sleeping in camp,. 12.Another two minutes, and I was late to the train.
13. Three plummeting was given some for the other, in rapid sequence. 14. I feel
a is quite another man. 15. We discussed a few days ago, but he had said nothing. 16.
Followed by another pause. 17. Not to mention no words, she wore wrist strap on the other hand. 18.
retrieve this cup and sacrifice another. 19. "Open the second eye", said doctor. 20. You
why one? Where the remaining?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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