В ячейке С32 указан сайт namba.kg, столбец называется Type размещения рекламы в интернете, уточните опечатка ли это, на каком разделе Намбы Вы хотите заказать преролл?
In cell C32 namba.kg site is specified, the column is called a Type of online advertising, check whether it is a typo which partition you want to order the preroll Namby?
In cell C32 Set site namba.kg, called the Type column of advertising on the Internet, check whether it's a typo, which partition you want to book Namba preroll?
in the box с32 specified site namba.kg, column called type advertisement on the internet, check if it's a typo, which partition you want to order намбы преролл?