Перед вами сочинение на тему: Таинственная лаборатория.
На уроках ботаники я узнал интересный факт: зеленый листок — самая таинственная лаборатория из всех, какие существуют на Земле. В нем ежесекундно, пока долетает до него солнечный луч, осуществляется дерзновеннейшая мечта химиков — создание живого из неживого. Только зеленое растение может изготовлять живое вещество из мертвых материалов природы. Удивительно и прекрасно начинается это творчество жизни. Оно начинается работой плененного в растении солнечного луча. Что же такое процесс созидания при помощи света?
Материалы для него крайне просты: углекислота, находящаяся в воздухе, вода, а затем в дело вступают растворы солей, доставляемых корнями из почвы.
Все животные, все человечество — нахлебники чудесной зеленой кухни, она кормит всех. Хищники пожирают травоядных, а травоядные питаются флорой, и все они живут за счет пищи, приготовленной зелеными растениями.
Итак, они — наши общие кормильцы. Но, оказывается, нам следует поблагодарить их и за воздух, которым мы дышим.
Миллионы лет растительные клеточки ткали земному шару его летучую одежду — атмосферу, без которой мы не могли бы жить.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Before you essay on the topic: the mysterious laboratory.Botany lessons I learned an interesting fact: the Green Fox talk is the most mysterious of all laboratory, which helped support the existence on Earth. It every second until it gets Sol inexhaustible Ray, carried out derznovennejshaja dream Himi Cove is the creation of a living from non-living things. Only the green plant can produce live stuff from the dead materials during childbirth. Amazing and wonderful creativity begins life either. It begins the work of the captive in the plant of solar beam. What is the process of creation by using the light?Materials for him is extremely simple: carbonic acid, finding that in air, water, and then the case will take salt solutions, delivered to the roots from the soil.All the animals, all of humanity is a wonderful freeloaders see Lena cuisine, it feeds all. Predators devour travojad, and herbivores feed on flora, and they all live off the food cooked by the green plants.So, they are our common breadwinners. But, it turns out, we should thank them and for the air we breathe. Millions of years of plant cells wove the globe his flying clothes — atmosphere, without which we could not live.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Here is an essay on the topic: Mysterious Laboratory.
In botany lessons I learned an interesting fact: a green leaf - the most mysterious of all the Laboratory, which exist in the world. In it every second until it reaches the sunbeam carried boldly dream of chemists - the creation of life from nonliving matter. Only green plants can produce living matter from dead material nature. It's amazing and wonderful life begins this work. It begins in the work of the captive plant sunbeam. What is the process of creation with light?
Materials for him is very simple: carbon dioxide in the air, water, and then into the act salt solutions, delivered by the roots from the soil.
All the animals, all of humanity - parasite wonderful green food, it feeds all. Carnivores eat herbivores, and the herbivores feed on flora, and they all live off the food, cooked green plants.
So they - our common breadwinners. But it turns out, we need to thank them and the air we breathe.
Millions of years of plant cells globe wove his clothes volatile - environment, without which we could not live.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
before you essay on: a mysterious laboratory.from this i learned an interesting fact: green листок is the most mysterious of all laboratory, which существуют on earth. in every second, until he reaches солнечный beam is дерзновеннейшая dream химиков - the living from the dead. only green plant can make the living substance of the material природы. amazing and beautiful starts this creativity жизни. it begins the work плененного plant sunlight. what is the creative process with the assistance of the world?the materials for his extremely simple: carbon dioxide, находящаяся in air, water, and then to enter the solutions of salts brought the roots from the soil.all animals, all mankind is a parasite that зеленой cuisine, it feeds. predators are травоядных and herbivores eat flora, and they all live at the expense of the meals from green plants.so, they are our common feeders. but, it turns out, we should thank them, and the air we breathe.millions of years of plant cells ткали globe it that clothes - the atmosphere, without which we could not live.
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