Инженер человека корпорации Peter Senge имеет влияние. Пятая дисциплин перевод - Инженер человека корпорации Peter Senge имеет влияние. Пятая дисциплин английский как сказать

Инженер человека корпорации Peter S

Инженер человека корпорации
Peter Senge имеет влияние. Пятая дисциплина, которая инкапсулированные проф Senge идеалы об организационных изменений, развитие личности и многое другое, было продано около миллиона копий. Общество для организационный учить (SoL), эти дни основное внимание его энергий, граф BP, Shell, Hewlett-Packard и Intel среди своих сторонников. Так, как сделал академической школы бизнес – он остается старшим преподавателем в Массачусетс – в конечном итоге реализации повестки дня, что центры по «взаимозависимого развития народа» и их организаций в качестве ответственных и эффективных глобальных граждан?
«Помните, что мое обучение в инженерии, не управления»,-говорит он.» Я тренировался инженером, потому что это был лучший способ узнать о системах. Это поле - систем - мне казалось, для решения этой проблемы: мир становится все более взаимозависимым, мы создавали эти модели взаимозависимости, и пока мы не знали, как понять, что. Мы были просто слепой '.
Проф Senge амбиции по-прежнему применять системы мышления человека систем: обществ, организаций и компаний. Это было желание, которое привело его в 1980-х искать Крис Аргирис, Гарвардской школы бизнеса, и Эдгар Шайн MIT Sloan-лидеров движения «организационное развитие». Для проф Argyris, это означает, убеждая менеджеров на вопрос политики, обратно кусаться и оборонительных рутины, которая так негативно влияют на корпоративной жизни. Для проф Schein это означает, признавая важность «культура», невысказанные предположения и установленных процессов, которые требуют индивидуального поведения в организациях.
Именно из этой смеси ингредиентов, что проф Senge производят Пятая дисциплина. Первые четыре дисциплины являются: • «личного мастерства» (широко, приверженность к вашей собственной и других людей полного развития)
• 'ментальные модели' (учетом и допроса предположения)
• «общее видение» («сила в сердцах людей')
•' команда обучения '(or teamwork)
Думать систем-Пятая дисциплина – способ мышления о проблемах, который объединяет другие ингредиенты и позволяют для реальных организационного развития.
Заборах Пятая дисциплина является неоспоримым. А также начало движения «организационного обучения», он дал новые силы на довод о том, что наиболее эффективной организации также являются самым гуманным. Вам не нужно быть верующего признать, что идеалы интригующим. Они бросают вызов менеджеров думать глубоко не только об их роли, но и о корпоративных целей и задач. Вопрос, является ли методы, изложенные в пятом дисциплины действительно помогли организациям стать более эффективными.
Проф Senge указывают SoL «устойчивости консорциум», Группа компаний принимать экологически вредные материалы из их цепочек поставок, как системного мышления и «общее видение» в действии. Другие менее убеждены. Schein проф говорит: «Это отнюдь не ясно, что гуманизации организаций, делая их стоит быть частью, будет работать в более крупных дарвиновской схеме вещей»
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Human engineer Corporation Peter Senge has influence. The fifth discipline, which encapsulated Prof. Senge ideals regarding organizational change, personal development, and more, has sold nearly a million copies. Society for organizational learning (SoL), these days the focus of his energies, Earl of BP, Shell, Hewlett-Packard and Intel among its supporters. So, how did the academic school of business-he remains a senior lecturer in Massachusetts-will eventually implement the agenda that centers on "interdependent development of the people and their organizations as responsible and effective global citizens? "Remember that my training in engineering, not control," he says. "I trained as an engineer, because it was the best way to learn about systems. This field-systems-it seemed to me to solve this problem: the world is becoming increasingly interdependent, we created these patterns of interdependence, and while we do not know how to understand that. We were just blind '. Prof. Senge ambition to continue to apply a system of human thought systems: societies, organizations and companies. It was a desire that led him in the 1980 's to look for Chris Argyris, Harvard Business School, and Edgar Schein of MIT Sloan-the leaders of the "organizational development". For Prof. Argyris, it means persuading managers to question policy, back-biting and defensive routine, which so adversely affect corporate life. For Prof Schein, this means recognizing the importance of culture, unspoken assumptions and established processes that require individual behavior in organizations. Precisely because of this mixture of ingredients that Prof. Senge produce the fifth discipline. The first four disciplines are: • "personal mastery" (broadly, the commitment to your own and other people's full development) • ' mental models ' (light and questioning assumptions) • "common vision" ("strength in the hearts of the people ') • ' team learning ' (or teamwork) Systems thinking-the fifth discipline is a way of thinking about issues, which brings together other ingredients and allow for real organizational development. Fences of the fifth discipline is undeniable. As well as getting traffic "organizational learning", he gave new strength to the argument that the most effective organizations are also the most humane. You don't have to be a believer to recognize that the ideals of the intriguing. They challenge managers to think deeply about their role, but also about corporate goals and objectives. The question is whether the methods outlined in the fifth discipline really helped organizations become more efficient. Проф Senge указывают SoL «устойчивости консорциум», Группа компаний принимать экологически вредные материалы из их цепочек поставок, как системного мышления и «общее видение» в действии. Другие менее убеждены. Schein проф говорит: «Это отнюдь не ясно, что гуманизации организаций, делая их стоит быть частью, будет работать в более крупных дарвиновской схеме вещей»
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Engineer man Corporation
Peter Senge has influence. The Fifth Discipline, Senge is encapsulated Prof. ideals of organizational change, personal development and many other things, it has sold nearly one million copies. Society for organizational learning (SoL), these days the main focus of his energies, BP graph, Shell, Hewlett-Packard and Intel among its supporters. So, how did the academic school of business - he is a senior lecturer in Massachusetts - the ultimate realization of the agenda, that "interdependent development of people 'centers and their organizations as a responsible and effective global citizens?
" Remember that my training in engineering, does not control "-. he says," I trained as an engineer, because it was the best way to learn about the systems. This field - systems - it seemed to me to solve this problem: the world is becoming increasingly interdependent, we created the model of interdependence, and while we did not know how to understand that. We were just blind. "
Prof Senge ambition to continue to apply the system of human thinking systems: companies, organizations and companies. It was a desire that led him in 1980 to look for Chris Argyris, Harvard Business School, and Edgar Schein MIT Sloan-leaders of the movement "organizational development". For Professor Argyris, this means convincing managers to question policy, back biting and defensive routines that so negatively affect the corporate life. For Professor Schein, this means recognizing the importance of "culture", the unspoken assumptions and established processes, which require individual behavior in organizations.
It is because of this mixture of ingredients that produce Prof. Senge The Fifth Discipline. The first four subjects are: • "personal mastery" (broadly, a commitment to your own and the other full of people)
• 'mental models' (considering and questioning assumptions)
• "common vision" ( "force in people's hearts ')
•' team learning '(or teamwork)
think systems Fifth discipline -. a way of thinking about the problems that brings together the other ingredients and allow for real organizational development
fence Fifth discipline is undeniable. As well as the beginning of the movement "organizational learning", he gave new strength to the argument that the most effective organizations are also the most humane. You do not have to be a believer to recognize that the ideals intriguing. They challenge managers to think deeply not only about their role, but also the corporate goals and objectives. The question is whether the methods set out in the fifth discipline really helped organizations become more effective.
Prof Senge indicate the SoL "sustainability consortium", group of companies to take environmentally harmful materials from their supply chain, as a system of thought and a "common vision" in action. Others are less convinced. Professor Schein says: "It is by no means clear that the humanization of organizations, making it necessary to be a part of, will work in the larger scheme of things Darwinian"
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
human engineering corporationpeter Senge has influence. the fifth discipline, which is encapsulated by Senge ideals about organizational change, personal development, and more, has sold nearly one million copies. society for organizational learning (SoL), these days the focus his energies, count, bp, shell, hewlett packard and intel among their supporters. so, how did the academic school of business. he remains a senior teacher in massachusetts is ultimately the agenda that centers on "interdependent development of people and their organizations as responsible and effective global citizens?"remember that my education in engineering," says он.» i was an engineer, because that was the best way to learn about systems. this field systems, i thought, to solve this problem, the world is becoming increasingly interdependent, we built up the model of interdependence, and while we don"t know how to understand that. we were just blind ".prof. Senge ambition continue to use systems thinking rights systems, societies, organizations and companies. it was the desire, which resulted in the 1980s to find chris argyris, harvard business school, and edgar shyne mit sloan - leader of the "organizational development". for prof Argyris, it means persuading managers issue back biting and defensive routines that affect corporate life. for prof Schein means, recognizing the importance of the "culture" unsaid assumptions and established processes that require individual behaviour in organizations.it is from this mixture of ingredients that professor Senge produce fifth discipline. the first four modules are: the "personal" (generally, a commitment to your own and other people"s full development.- "mental models" (light and questioning assumptions)the "common vision" ("strength in the hearts of the people ")the team learning "(or teamwork)thinking of the fifth discipline is a way of thinking about problems, which unites the other ingredients and allow for effective organizational development.заборах fifth discipline is undeniable. as well as the beginning of the organizational learning, he gave new strength to the argument that the most effective organizations are also the most humane. you don"t need to be a believer to admit that the ideals of intriguing. they challenge managers to think deeply, not only on their role, but also on the corporate goals and objectives. the question is whether the methods set out in the fifth discipline really help organizations become more effective.prof. Senge indicate SoL "sustainability консорциум», a group of companies to adopt environmentally harmful materials from their supply chains, systems thinking and the" common vision "in action. other less убеж
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