1. Пластиковые деньги были изобретены несколько десятилетий назад в СШ перевод - 1. Пластиковые деньги были изобретены несколько десятилетий назад в СШ английский как сказать

1. Пластиковые деньги были изобрете

1. Пластиковые деньги были изобретены несколько десятилетий назад в США.
2. Когда были изобретены электронные платежи? - Системы электронных платежей были введены в 1989 году.
3. Еще несколько лет назад ваша компания была вынуждена принимать к оплате только наличные деньги в местной валюте, не правда ли?
4. Платежная карта была проверена на подлинность на терминале, затем необходимая сумма была снята со счета и выдана квитанция, на которой держателя карты попросили расписаться.
5. Когда и где были утеряны ваши дорожные чеки? Сохранилась ли тогда ваша справка о продаже с номерами и достоинством чеков? - Боюсь, она была утеряна вместе с чеками. - А вас предупреждали, чтобы вы не хранили чеки вместе со справкой? - Меня ни о чем не предупреждали.
6. Кредитная карта была вставлена неправильно и изъята банкоматом. После этого держатель карты был приглашен в банк. Его попросили назвать свое имя и расписаться. Затем подпись сверили с подписью на кредитной карте.
7. Чаевые не были включены в счет. На усмотрение клиента они были оставлены наличными.
8. Моя чековая книжка и чековая карточка не были украдены. Они были оставлены на стойке службы приема и размещения гостиницы, когда я регистрировался вчера вечером.
9. Какие виды карт принимали к оплате в гостинице, в которой вы останавливались в последний раз? - К оплате принимались все виды платежей: все карты, все чеки и наличные. А вот в компании по аренде автомобилей в той же гостинице не принимали персональные и дорожные чеки.
10. В прошлом году терминалы для обслуживания клиентов с банковскими многофункциональными картами были установлены в этом универмаге.
11. Какой процент был начислен на задолженность? – Процент не был начислен, потому что задолженность была выплачена полностью в конце прошлого месяца.
12. Ты касался платежей, когда проходил стажировку в турагентстве? - Нет, мне не разрешали принимать оплату, но я был обязан выписывать счета к оплате.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. plastic money was invented a few decades ago in the United States.2. When were invented electronic payments? -Electronic payment systems were introduced in 1989 year.3. A few years ago your company was forced to accept only cash in local currency, isn't it?4. payment card has been verified for authenticity at the Terminal, then the necessary sum was withdrawn from the account and given a receipt on which the card holder was asked to sign.5. when and where was lost your traveller's cheques? Preserved there then your help on selling with numbers and denominations of cheques? -I'm afraid it was lost along with the cheque. -And warned you that you are not stored together with the reference checks? -I haven't been warned about anything.6. Credit card has been inserted correctly and removed the ATM. After that the card holder has been invited to the Bank. He was asked to give his name and sign. Then compared its signature with the signature on the credit card.7. Tips were not included in the Bill. At the discretion of the client, they are submitted by cash.8. My cheque book and cheque card has not been stolen. They were left at the reception desk in the hotel, when I registered yesterday evening.9. what types of cards accepted for payment in the hotel, where you stayed last time? -For payment all payment types: all the maps, all cheques and cash. But car rental companies in the same establishment did not take personal and Traveler's checks.10. in the past year, the terminals for servicing with bank cards were installed in multi-functional this department store.11. What percentage was credited to the debt? -The percentage was not credited because the debt has been paid in full at the end of last month.12. Are you concerned the payments when he was a trainee in the travel agency? -No, I was not allowed to accept payment, but I was obliged to issue invoices for payment.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. Plastic money has been invented a few decades ago in the United States.
2. When were invented electronic payments? - Electronic payment systems have been introduced in 1989.
3. A few years ago, your company has been forced to accept for payment only cash in local currency, is not it?
4. A payment card has been checked for authenticity at the terminal, and then the required amount has been withdrawn from the account and issued a receipt on which the card holder was asked to sign.
5. When and where your travelers checks are lost? Retained then your certificate of sale with numbers and denomination checks? - I'm afraid it was lost along with the checks. - And you are warned that you have not kept receipts together with the certificate? - Me nothing warned.
6. Credit card has been inserted correctly and removed the ATM. After that, the card holder has been invited to the bank. He was asked to give your name and sign. Then checked the signature with the signature on the credit card.
7. Gratuities are not included in the bill. At the discretion of the client they were left in cash.
8. My check book and check card had not been stolen. They were left at the front of the reception of the hotel, when I recorded last night.
9. What types of cards are accepted in the hotel where you stayed in last time? - We accept all types of payments: all the cards, all checks and cash. But in the car rental companies in the same hotel does not accept personal and traveler's checks.
10. Last year the terminals for customer service with multi-functional banking cards have been installed in this department.
11. What percentage was accrued on the debt? - The percentage has not been charged because the debt was paid in full at the end of last month.
12. You touched payments when an intern at the travel agency? - No, I was not allowed to accept payment, but I was obliged to issue invoices for payment.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. plastic money were invented decades ago in the united states.2. when the invented electronic payments? a system for electronic payments were introduced in 1989.3. a few years ago your company was forced to accept payments only in cash in local currency, isn"t it?4. a payment card has been verified the authenticity of the terminal, then the money was withdrawn from the account and issued a receipt on which the holder of the cards are asked to sign.5. when and where was the lost of your traveler"s checks? from there your certificate of sale rooms and dignity checks? - i"m afraid it was lost together with the cheque. - you"ve been warned you not to have kept the receipts together with a certificate? - i don"t know you were coming.6. the credit card was inserted correctly and removed with an atm machine. after that, a card holder was invited to the bank. he was asked to call your name and sign. then the signature is matched with the signature on the credit card.7. the tips were not included in the bill. at the discretion of the customer, they were left in cash.8. my checkbook and cheque cards were stolen. they are our reception hotels when i checked yesterday evening.9. what types of cards have to pay at the hotel, where you stayed in last time? to pay all the charges were: all the cards, all cheques and cash. the company for car rental in the hotel do not have personal and traveler"s checks.10. in the past year, the terminals for customers with bank cards were installed in the multi-functional department store.11. what percent was added to the debt? is the percentage was not added, because the debt was paid in full at the end of last month.12. you"ve touched payments when i internship in a travel agent? - no, i wasn"t allowed to be paid, but i was required to write the account for payment.
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