1. Над чем вы сейчас работаете? - Пишу статью о проблемах защиты окруж перевод - 1. Над чем вы сейчас работаете? - Пишу статью о проблемах защиты окруж английский как сказать

1. Над чем вы сейчас работаете? - П

1. Над чем вы сейчас работаете? - Пишу статью о проблемах защиты окружающей среды. - Как долго вы собирали материал для этой статьи? - В течение месяца. 2. Она учится на биолога 5 лет. И в этом году заканчивает университет. Она еще точно не знает, где будет работать, но очень хочет вернуться в свой родной город. З. Том болен. Он заболел три дня назад. Все это время у него очень болит ухо. Он уже дважды ходил к врачу, но все еще чувствует себя плохо. 4. Как долго вы переводите эту книгу? А вам когда-нибудь приходилось переводить подобные книги? 5. Эта девушка - опытный водитель? - Она сдала на права в январе, значит, она водит машину всего лишь четыре месяца. 6. Ты давно ждешь меня? - Да, я жду тебя с пяти часов и уже начинаю терять терпение. Давай поторопимся, иначе опоздаем к началу концерта. 7. Вы первый человек, которого мы встретили за последние две недели. Нам нравится путешествовать по этой безлюдной местности. 8. В этом году я собираюсь провести свой отпуск в Германии. Я не встречался со своими друзьями с тех пор, как они в последний раз приезжали ко мне в гости три года назад. Все это время мы голько переписывались. 9. Мы прекрасно проводим время в Лондоне. Мы здесь уже целую неделю и собираемся пробыть еще несколько дней. Осмотрели лшогодостопрнмсчатсаьностсй, много гуляли по городу, а завтра идем в Британский музей. Я впервые в Лондоне, и я просто счастлива. 10. Сью купила проигрыватель компакт-дисков на прошлой неделе, и с тех пор она постоянно слушает музыку. 11. Джон очень расстроен. Он разорвал помолвку с Меган, так как ода встречалась с другим молодым человеком последних два месяца. 12. Я очень давно не видела Лену. Раньше мы обычно встречались по дороге на работу. - Разве ты не знаешь, что с начала этого года она работает в Бресте? Кстати, несколько дней назад она приехала в отпуск к родителям. 13. Мой шурин работает слесарем уже 3 года. Работа ему нравится, и он хочет открьпь свою мастерскую. 14. Джеси ищет квартиру с тех пор, как приехала работать на совместном предприятии в Москве. Сейчас она живет у своих друзей. 15. На следующей неделе мы едем к бабушке. У неё большой дом в деревне. Она живет одна, и мы часто навещаем ее. 16. Молодые супруги откладывают деньги с тех пор, как пожени-лись. И теперь, спустя три года, они собираются купить небольшой дом в пригороде Манчестера.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. What are you currently working on? -Write an article about the problems of environmental protection Wednesday. -How long have you been collecting material for this article? -Within a month. 2. she learns from 5 years biologist. And this year finishes University. She still did not know exactly where would work, but really wants to return to his hometown. Z. That is sick. He fell ill three days ago. All this time he has a sore ear. He twice went to the doctor, but still feels bad. 4. how long have you translate this book? Did you ever transfer such books? 5. This girl-experienced driver? She passed the law in January, it leads the car in just four months. 6. Ty long waiting for me? -Yes, I'm waiting for you with five hours and already starting to lose patience. Come on potoropimsja, otherwise we will be late to the beginning of the concert. 7. you are the first person we met over the past two weeks. We like to travel on this uninhabited area. 8. This year I'm going to spend your vacation in Germany. I haven't met with her friends since they last came to me three years ago. All this time we gol'ko texted. 9. We have a great time in London. We've been here a week and going to stay a few more days. Saw lshogodostoprnmschatsa'nostsj, many walked around the city, and tomorrow we go to the British Museum. I first in London, and I'm just happy. 10. Sue bought a CD player last week and since then she always listens to music. 11. John is very upset. He ripped her engagement with Megan, so as an ode to the met with another young man the last two months. 12. I really have not seen Lena. Before we usually met on the way to work. -Don't you know that since the beginning of this year, it works in Brest? By the way, a few days ago she came to release to parents. 13. My brother-in-law works as the mechanic 3 years already. Work he likes, and he wants his Studio otkr'p'. 14. Dzhesi seeking an apartment since I came to work at the joint venture in Moscow. She now lives with friends. 15. Next week we go to Grandma. She has a big house in the village. She lives alone, and we often visit her. 16. young spouses lay their money since the pozheni place. And now, three years later, they're going to buy a small house in the suburbs of Manchester.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. What are you working on now? - I am writing an article on the protection of the environment problems. - How long have you collected the material for this article? - During the month. 2. She is studying biology 5 years. And graduated from the university this year. She still does not know exactly where it will work, but really wants to return to his hometown. Tom Z. sick. He became ill three days ago. All this time he has a sore ear. He twice went to the doctor, but still feels bad. 4. How long do you translate this book? Do you ever had to translate these books? 5. This girl - an experienced driver? - She passed on the right in January, so she drives a car only four months. 6. Have you been waiting for me? - Yes, I'm waiting for you with five hours and already starting to lose patience. Let's hurry, or be late to the beginning of the concert. 7. You are the first person we met in the last two weeks. We like to travel on this uninhabited area. 8. This year I'm going to spend your holiday in Germany. I have not met with your friends since the last time they came to visit me three years ago. All this time we corresponded Golkoy. 9. We have a great time in London. We've been here for a week and we are going to stay a few more days. Lshogodostoprnmschatsanostsy They saw a lot of walking around the city, and tomorrow go to the British Museum. My first time in London, and I'm just happy. 10. Sue bought a CD player in the last week, and since then she always listens to music. 11. John is very upset. He broke the engagement to Megan, as an ode to meet other young man the last two months. 12. I really have not seen Lena. Previously, we used to meet on the way to work. - Do not you know that it works in Brest since the beginning of this year? Incidentally, a few days ago she came on holiday to her parents. 13. My brother in law is working as a mechanic for 3 years. The work he likes and he wants otkrp his workshop. 14. Jesse is looking for an apartment since I came to work in a joint venture in Moscow. Now she lives with their friends. 15. The following week, we go to my grandmother. She has a big house in the village. She lives alone, and we often visit her. 16. The young couple set aside money as long as married-lis. And now, three years later, they're going to buy a small house in the suburbs of Manchester.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. what are you working on now? - i'm writing an article on the protection of the environment. - how long have you collected the material for this article? - within a month. 2. she's a biologist for 5 years. and this year's university. she don't know where is going to work, but really want to go back to your hometown. 3. tom is ill. he fell ill three days ago. all this time he had a sore ear. he twice went to the doctor, but still feels bad. 4. how long did you get this book? do you ever have to move these books? 5. this girl is an experienced driver? - she passed a law in january, so she drives the car only four months. 6. how long have you been waiting for me? - yes, i'm waiting for you for five hours and already starting to lose my patience. let's hurry up, otherwise we'll be late for the concert. 7. you are the first person we met over the past two weeks. we like to travel on a deserted areas. 8. this year i'm going to spend my holiday in germany. i didn't go out with my friends, since the last time they came to visit me three years ago. all this time we голько corresponded. 9. we are having a great time in london. we have been here for a week and we're going to stay a few more days. looked at the лшогодостопрнмсчатсаьностсй, a lot of walking in a city, and tomorrow go to the british museum. i for the first time in london, and i'm just happy. 10. sue bought a cd player last week, and since then she is always listening to music. 11. john really upset. he broke off the engagement with megan, as oda met another young man, the last two months. 12. i haven't seen the lena. before, we used to meet on the way to work. - don't you know that from the beginning of this year, she works in brest? by the way, a few days ago she came to vacation with my parents. 13. my brother-in-law works as a mechanic for 3 years. the work he loves, and he wants to открьпь my workshop. 14. jessie is looking for an apartment since i came to work in the joint venture company in moscow. now she lives with their friends. 15. next week we are going to grandma's house. she has a big house in the country. she lives alone and often we're visiting her. 16. the young wife lay money since marry made available. and now, three years later, they're going to buy a small house in the suburbs of manchester.
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