Эти произведения слагались и бытовали в народной среде. Их безвестными перевод - Эти произведения слагались и бытовали в народной среде. Их безвестными английский как сказать

Эти произведения слагались и бытова

Эти произведения слагались и бытовали в народной среде. Их безвестными авторами были крестьяне, ремесленники, бродячие торговцы, а исполнителями- певцы из народа,иногда профессиональные певцы-менестрели. Передаваясь из поколения в поколение,баллады исполнялись по-разному. Поэтому нередко существует несколько вариантов одной и той же баллады. Установить точно дату зарождения англо-шотландской баллады как жанра народного творчества трудно. Самая ранняя английская баллада дошедшая до нас,- английская баллада об Иуде -датируется в XIII. Английские и шотландские баллады распадаются на несколько групп. Прежде всего это баллады, носящие по преимуществу эпический характер. В них нашли отражение народные толкования исторических событий, в частности феодальных войн между Англией и Шотландией (так называемые пограничные баллады).древнейшей из этих песен, повествующих о бранных подвигах и грабежах, личной доблести и убийствах, является баллада "Охота Чивиoте". Она изображает столкновение шотландского витязя Дугласа и английского лорда Перси с дружинами в горах Чивиoта. Как и старинные эпические песни, баллада перечисляет всех воинов, участвовавших в битве, и всех погибших в ней.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
These works was employed and were in folk Wednesday. Their authors where were peasants, artisans, ambulant and performers-singers from people, sometimes professional singers-minstrels. Passed from generation to generation, ballads performed differently. So often there are several variations of the same ballads. Install exactly the date of birth of the Anglo-Scottish ballad as a genre of folk art is difficult. The earliest English ballad which was preserved to us-English Ballad of Judas dates back to the XIII CENTURY. English and Scottish ballads fall into several groups. First of all it's ballads, which are predominantly epic nature. They reflect people's interpretations of historical events, particularly the feudal wars between England and Scotland (known as borderline ballads). ancient of these songs, telling us about the exploits of the battles and looting of personal Valor and murders, is the ballad "hunting Chiviote". It depicts the clash of Scottish Knights Douglas and English Lord Percy with the army in the mountains of Chiviota. Like the ancient epic song, ballad enumerates all of the soldiers involved in the battle, and all those killed in it.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
These works were composed and was common among the people. Their obscure authors were peasants, craftsmen, wandering merchants and ispolnitelyami- singers of the people, sometimes professional singers, minstrels. Passing from generation to generation, a ballad sung in different ways. So often there are several versions of the same ballad. Set the exact date of origin of the Anglo-Scottish ballad as a genre of folk art is difficult. The earliest English ballad has come down to us - the English ballad of Judas -datiruetsya in XIII. The English and Scottish ballads fall into several groups. First of all, it is a ballad, wearing mostly epic character. They reflect the people's interpretation of historical events, such as the feudal wars between England and Scotland (the so-called border ballads) .drevneyshey of these songs that tell of the exploits of abusive and robbery, personal valor and killings, it is the ballad "Hunting Chiviote". It depicts a clash of the Scottish knight Douglas and the English Lord Percy and his warriors in the mountains Chiviota. Like the ancient epic songs, ballad lists all the soldiers involved in the battle, and all those who died in it.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
these works turned and бытовали in people's environment. their безвестными sponsors were the farmers, artisans, merchants, lost, and artists - singers of the people, sometimes менестрели professional singers. being passed from generation to generation, ballads were performed differently. however, often there are several variations of the same ballads. to establish the exact date of the anglo scottish ballads as the genre of folk art is difficult. the earliest english ballad дошедшая before us - the ballad of иуде - dates back to the 13th. the english and scottish ballads fall into several groups. first of all, it is a ballad that is predominantly an epic character. they reflected the interpretation of historical events, in particular the feudal wars between england and scotland (the so-called border ballads).древнейшей of those songs, accounts of the exploits of foul and looting, personal valor and murders, is the ballad "hunting чивиoте". it depicts the collision of scottish and english lord percy douglas витязя with by the army in the mountains чивиoта. as the ancient epic song, the ballad of lists of all the soldiers involved in the war, and all of it.
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