anslate into English, using appropriate form of the Infinitive.I. 1. Я перевод - anslate into English, using appropriate form of the Infinitive.I. 1. Я английский как сказать

anslate into English, using appropr

anslate into English, using appropriate form of the Infinitive.
I. 1. Я рад, что дал вам эту книгу. 2. Я рад, что мне дали эту книгу. 3. Мы хотим
проинформировать вас об этом. 4. Мы хотим, чтобы нас проинформировали об
этом. 5. Мы рады, что встретили его на станции. 6. Мы рады, что нас встретили
на станции.7. Они очень довольны, что их пригласили на конференцию. 8. Они
очень довольны, что пригласили вас на конференцию. 9. Я не думал (to mean)
прерывать ее. 10. Я не предполагал, что меня прервут, 11. Мне неловко, что я
причинил вам столько беспокойства. 12. Он будет счастлив повидаться с вами.
II. 1. Он был счастлив, что повидался с вами. 2. Он, казалось, подыскивал слова,
чтобы точнее выразить мысль. 3. Как ему повезло, что он побывал в такой
интересной поездке. 4. Он терпеть не может, когда над ним шутят. 5. Дети
любят, когда им рассказывают сказки. 6. Мы притворились, что не заметили его
ошибки. 7. Я рад, что рассказал вам эту историю. 8. Я рад, что мне рассказали
эту историю. 9. Я хочу познакомить вас с этой артисткой. 10. Я хочу, чтобы
меня познакомили с этой артисткой. 11. Он будет счастлив посетить эту
знаменитую картинную галерею. 12. Он был счастлив, что посетил эту
знаменитую картинную галерею. 13. Я рада, что дала вам нужные сведения.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
anslate into English, using the appropriate form of the Infinitive.I. 1. I'm glad I gave you this book. 2. I am glad that I was given this book. 3. We want toinform you about it. 4. We want to be informed aboutthis. 5. We are pleased that met him at the station. 6. We are pleased that we met7. on the station. They are very pleased that they have been invited to the Conference. 8. Theyvery pleased that you invited to the Conference. 9. I never thought (to mean)to interrupt it. 10. I never imagined that I will, 11. I am embarrassed that Icaused you so much trouble. 12. He would be happy to meet with you.II. 1. He was happy that I've met you. 2. It seemed, was looking for a Word,to better express the idea. 3. As he was lucky that he was in such aan interesting trip. 4. He hates when people joke on him. 5. childrenlove it when they tell tales. 6. We pretended not to notice iterror. 7. I'm glad I told you this story. 8. I am glad that I was toldThis story. 9. I want to introduce you to this artist. 10. I want toI was introduced to this artist. 11. He would be happy to visit thisthe famous picture gallery. 12. He was happy to have visited thisthe famous picture gallery. 13. I'm glad I gave you the information.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
anslate into English, using Appropriate form of the Infinitive.
I. 1. I'm glad you gave this book. 2. I am glad that I was given this book. 3. We would like to
inform you about this. 4. We want to be informed about
this. 5. We are pleased that met him at the station. 6. We are pleased that we met
on plant.7. They are very pleased that they were invited to the conference. 8. They
are very pleased that you have invited to the conference. 9. I do not think (to mean)
to interrupt her. 10. I did not expect that I will break 11. I hate that I have
caused you so much trouble. 12. He will be happy to see you.
II. 1. He was happy to see you. 2. He seemed to be waiting for the words,
in order to better express the idea. 3. How lucky he was that he was in such
an interesting trip. 4. He can not stand when the joke on him. 5. Children
love it when they tell stories. 6. We pretended not to notice his
mistakes. 7. I am glad that you told this story. 8. I am glad that I have told
this story. 9. I want to introduce you to this artist. 10. I wish
I was introduced to this artist. 11. He will be happy to visit the
famous art gallery. 12. He was happy that I visited the
famous art gallery. 13. I'm glad I gave you the right information.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Аnslаte into English, using appropriate form of the infinitive.
I. 1. I am glad that gave you this book. 2. I am glad that I was given this book. 3. We want
to inform you of this. 4. We want to ensure that we are informed about the
this. 5. We are pleased,That met with him at the station. 6. We are pleased that we were met by
the станции.7. They are very happy with that, they have been invited to the conference. 8. They
are very happy with that have invited you to the conference. 9. I did not think (to mean)
to interrupt it. 10.I do not think that I am sustain unity, 11. I don't feel right that I
caused you so much concern. 12. He will be happy daughters with you.
II. 1. He was happy that повидался with you. 2. He, however, nervous debility words,
To more accurately express my idea. 3. As it was fortunate that he had been in such a
an interesting visit. 4. He could not tolerate, when the humor. 5. Children
love it when they talk about fairy tales. 6. We have an abstinent life that does not have noticed his
An error. 7. I am pleased that told you the story. 8. I am glad that I was told
that history. 9. I would like to introduce you to this Denis Kirpanev. 10. I want to, to
i am interested in this Denis Kirpanev. 11. He will be happy to visit the
Famous art gallery. 12. He was happy that visited the
famous art gallery. 13. I am pleased that gave you the information you need.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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