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Для северной части страны характерн

Для северной части страны характерна тундровая и лесотундровая растительность. Западные склоны Кордильер покрыты влажными океаническими хвойными лесами: здесь растет западный хемлок, складчатая туя, ситхинская ель. Равнины между Гудзоновым заливом и Скалистыми горами заняты тайгой: белая ель, бальзамическая пихта, сосна Банкса, белая береза. На склонах Скалистых гор растут редкие сосновые леса. На юго-востоке Канады - смешанные и широколиственные леса: дубы, каштаны, клены, буки. Прерии в южной части Канады покрыты в основном травами.
Животный мир.
Животный мир Канады весьма богат. В лесах водится много пушных зверей, среди которых соболь, росомаха, горностай, норка, песец, куница. Распространены и хищные звери: бурый медведь, барибал (черный медведь), рысь, волк, койот, лиса. На севере и западе страны распространены популяции бизона, лося, мускусного быка, арктического и лесного карибу. В горах Британской Канады можно часто встретить толсторогов (снежных баранов). На юге Канады встречаются несколько подвидов виргинского оленя, чернохвостый олень характерен для Британской Канады, там же можно встретить вилорогую антилопу. В стране имеются разнообразные виды птиц, в озерах и реках есть много пресноводной рыбы.
Государственное устройство, политические партии.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
For the northern part of the country is characterized by tundra and lesotundrovaâ vegetation. The western slopes of the Cordillera are covered with wet oceanic coniferous forests: there are western hemlock, Sitka spruce, Thuja plicata. The Plains between the Rocky Mountains and the Gulf of Gudzonovym occupied the taiga: white spruce, Balsam fir, Jack Pine, white birch. On the slopes of the Rocky Mountains grow rare pine forests. In the South-East Canada-mixed and deciduous forests: Oaks, chestnuts, maples, beeches. Prairie in southern Canada are mainly grasses.Animal world.Fauna of Canada is very rich. In the forests there are many fur-bearing animals, including Sable, Wolverine, weasel, mink, polar Fox, marten. Distributed and predatory animals: brown bear, American black bear (black bear), Lynx, Wolf, Coyote, Fox. To the North and West of the country distributed populations of bison, moose, musk ox, caribou and Arctic. In the mountains of the British in Canada can often be found tolstorogov (snow sheep). In southern Canada there are several subspecies of Virginia deer, mule deer is characteristic of British Canada, there can be seen viloroguû antelope. There are a variety of bird species in lakes and rivers there are plenty of freshwater fish.State structure, political parties.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The northern part of the country is characterized by tundra and forest-tundra vegetation. The western slopes of the Cordillera are covered with moist ocean coniferous forests: there is growing western hemlock, folded arborvitae, Sitka spruce. Plains between Hudson Bay and the Rocky Mountains are occupied by taiga: white spruce, balsam fir, jack pine, white birch. On the slopes of the Rocky Mountains are rare pine forests. In the south-east of Canada - mixed and deciduous forests: oaks, chestnuts, maples, beeches. Prairie in the southern parts of Canada are covered mainly herbs.
The fauna of Canada is very rich. The forests found a lot of fur-bearing animals, including sable, wolverine, weasel, mink, fox, marten. Distributed and wild animals: bear, Baribal (black bear), lynx, wolf, coyote, fox. In the north and west of the country distributed to the population of bison, moose, musk ox, Arctic and woodland caribou. In the mountains of British Canada can often be found bighorn (bighorn sheep). In southern Canada, there are several subspecies of Virginia deer, mule deer characteristic of British Canada, there can be found pronghorn antelope. The country has a variety of bird species in the lakes and rivers there are many freshwater fish.
The political system, the political parties.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The northern part of the country is characterized by enveloping and лесотундровая vegetation. Western Cordillera slopes are covered with wet oceanic bird cherry forest: here is growing west хемлок, складчатая Tuya, ситхинская spruce.Plains between Гудзоновым harbor and a rocky coastline with cliffs mountains are busy following tours: white spruce, бальзамическая silver fir, pine Банкса, white birch. On slopes rocky mountains are growing rare pine forests.In the south-eastern Canada - mixed and broadleaved forests: oak, chestnut, chestnut, buki. Prairie in the southern part of Canada are covered in the main herbs.
animal world.
animal world is very rich in Canada.In the forests counteract many fur-bearing animals, among which sable, weasels, ermine, mink, crane (Grus leucogeranus, vulture. Distributed fascinating birds and animals: wild goose, барибал (black bear), bison, wolf, riley-porsche, fox.In the north and west of the country - distributed populations, buried, view in map, arctic and forest integrity. In the mountains British Canada you can often find толсторогов (snow bride).In the south there are a few subspecies Canada virginia deer, pheasant чернохвостыи characterized the British Canada, ibid. вилорогую антилопу can be found. In the country there are a variety of birds,In the lakes and rivers there are many freshwater fish.
the State, political parties.
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