я слышу нотки грусти в твоём голосе. Мне нужна твоя улыбка и твой смех, который так греет душу! Улыбнись! Пусть мы далеко друг от друга, но мы рады, что встретились
I hear the notes of sadness in your voice. I need your smile and your laughter, which warms the soul! Smile! Let we are far apart, but we are glad that met
I hear the notes of sadness in your voice. I need your smile and your laughter, which so warms the soul! Smile! Even if we are far apart, but we are pleased that met
i hear a hint of sadness in your voice. i need your smile and your laughter, which warms the soul. smile! even if we"re far apart, but we are happy that we met