Тебердинский государственный заповедник играет важную роль в сохранени перевод - Тебердинский государственный заповедник играет важную роль в сохранени английский как сказать

Тебердинский государственный запове

Тебердинский государственный заповедник играет важную роль в сохранении животного мира Западного Кавказа.
На территории заповедника зарегистрировано 74 вида животных, из которых 36 вошли в Красную книгу России. Возможны встречи еще 12-и видов животных, занесенных в Красную книгу России.
Кубанский тур - наиболее характерный обитатель заповедника. Он населяет скалистые участки высокогорий Главного Кавказского хребта. Тур - стадное животное и взрослые самцы, образуют отдельные стада до 150 голов. Отличительная черта этих животных - саблевидные рога, достигающие у старых самцов 1 метра в длину
Другой представитель горных копытных — серна. Она, подоб¬но туру, прекрасно передвигается по склонам, но больше чем он придерживается лесного пояса
Также обычен для Тебердинского заповедника дикий кабан — обитатель хвойных и буко¬вых лесов
гордостью заповед¬ника является, конечно же, зубр — наиболее крупный из диких зверей Европы
Среди хищников в заповеднике также встречаются бурый медведь, волк, лисица.
Немало в заповеднике и птиц. Их здесь встречается око¬ло 200 видов. Это снегирь, серая неясыть, зеленый дятел, бородач, альпийская галка, клушица, сыч, клест и другие
22 вида птиц заповедника занесены в Красную книгу России
Весной заповедник становится настоящим птичьим царством
Одна из наиболее замеча¬тельных птиц заповедника — кавказский тетерев
и белоголового сипа..
К редким птицам относятся и бородач, черный гриф, филин и ряд других. Гриф - Самая крупная птица заповедника. Грифы весят до 12,5 кг, размах их крыльев почти 3 метра
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Teberda BRS State reserve plays an important role in the conservation of fauna of the western Caucasus. The nature reserve has registered 74 species, of which 36 were included in the Red Book of Russia. There are still 12 meetings-and the species of animals listed in the Red Book of Russia.Kuban-the most characteristic denizen of the reserve. It inhabits rocky areas of the Highlands of the main Caucasian Ridge. Tour-gregarious animal and adult males, form separate flocks up to 150 goals. The distinguishing feature of these animals-Sabre-like horns growing from older males 1 meter in lengthAnother representative of mountain ungulates, Serna. She is such a great tour, but ' moves on the slopes, but more than he is of the forest beltAlso common to the Teberdinskogo nature reserve, a wild boar, a denizen of conifers and Buko-new forestpride of the reserve of Nick is, of course, the bison is the largest of the wild animals of EuropeAmong the predators are also found in the reserve, brown bear, Wolf, Fox.Many in the reserve and birds. Here is an eye-Lo 200 species. This bullfinch, Grey Owl, green woodpecker, bearded, Alpine Chough, Chough, owl, crossbill and other22 species of birds reserve are listed in the Red Book of Russia In the spring the reserve becomes a true avian KingdomOne of the most remarkable bird protection reserve — and the Caucasian black grouseGriffon vulture and. .. The rare birds are the bearded vulture, Black Vulture, eagle owl, and others. The vulture is the largest bird preserve. Weight 12.5 kg, weigh up to sweep their wings almost 3 meters
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Teberdinsk State Reserve plays an important role in the conservation of fauna of the Western Caucasus.
The reserve recorded 74 species, of which 36 are included in the Red Book of Russia. There are still 12 meeting and animal species listed in the Red Book of Russia.
Kuban tour - the most characteristic inhabitants of the reserve. It inhabits rocky areas of high mountains of the Main Caucasian ridge. Tour - gregarious animal and adult males form separate herds of up to 150 animals. The distinctive feature of these animals - saber horns, old males reaching 1 meter in length
Another mountain ungulates - chamois. She podob¬no tour, great moves on the slopes, but more than it adheres to the forest belt
is also common for Teberdinsky Reserve wild boar - the coniferous forests and buko¬vyh
zapoved¬nika pride is, of course, bison - the largest of the wild animals Europe
Among the predators in the reserve also found the brown bear, wolf, fox.
Many in the reserve and birds. They are found oko¬lo 200 species. This bullfinch, Tawny owl, green woodpecker, the bearded vulture, alpine chough, chough, owl, crossbill and other
22 kinds of birds of the reserve are listed as endangered Russian
spring reserve becomes a real bird kingdom
One of the most zamecha¬telnyh bird reserve - Caucasian black grouse
and griffon vulture ..
The rare birds and are bearded, black vulture, owl and several others. Grief - The largest bird reserve. Vultures weigh up to 12.5 kg, the scope of their wings almost 3 meters
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Northern Caucasia state reserve plays an important role in maintaining the animal world the west Caucasus.
Within a reserve registered 74 animals, of which 36 are logged in the Red book of Russia.There may be up to 12-and the types of animals, recorded in the Red book of Russia.
Kuban tour - the most distinctive even nature reserve. He inhabit rocky areas highlands Main Caucasian ridge.Tour - herd animal and adult brownish, form a separate 150 cattle herds. The distinguishing feature of animals - m horn, reaching the older males 1 meter in length
Another representative mountain hoofed animals - cerna. She, dissuade such patent but also tour, excellent moves on slopes, but no longer than it takes forest zone
Also builders Тебердинского sanctuary for wild birds - even conifers and absolutely unconstitutional¬o
is proud to forest reserves of oil nick is, of course, Zubr - the largest of the wild animals Europe
Among predators in reserve as well, there are brown bear, wolf, fox.
a lot in reserve and birds. Their here meets JCE¬lo 200 species. This sanction, gray and roach in, green CIOCĂNITOARE VERDE, Borodach, alpine remunerations are mountain goats,Master FCF, horned lark and other
22 kinds of birds sanctuary have been entered in the Red book of Russia
in spring park is hereby heaven
-year-old boy one of the most patent enforcement comments bird sanctuary - Caucasus borovik-hilchevskaya
And its CIPA project..
THE rare birds are and Borodach, black labelled, griffon and a number of other. Documentation - the largest bird sanctuary. Publishing House - numerous winners weigh up to 12.5 kg, the magnitude their wings almost 3 meters
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