Если магазин ювелирный, его реклама должна быть особенной. Ювелирные у перевод - Если магазин ювелирный, его реклама должна быть особенной. Ювелирные у английский как сказать

Если магазин ювелирный, его реклама

Если магазин ювелирный, его реклама должна быть особенной. Ювелирные украшения ассоциируются с романтическим праздником, приближением осуществляющейся мечты. Это не повседневные надобности, а нежные украшения, которые дарятся или покупаются в преддверие важных событий - возможно, ключевых в жизни. Реклама такого магазина должна быть соответствующей.
Конечно, в качестве рекламы лучше применять как видео-, так и аудиосредства. Однако ювелирный магазин предполагает, в первую очередь, визуальное восприятие. Поэтому на визуальную рекламу нужно обратить особое внимание.
Очень эффективно и, по словам дизайнеров, эффективно, смотрится в качестве рекламы ювелирного магазина обручальное кольцо на нейтральном неярком фоне. Подчеркнуть достоинство кольца и его красоту - и эффективная реклама у Вас в кармане. Не стоит использовать в качестве фона яркие цвета - они будут раздражать и на их фоне потеряется само кольцо, а основное внимание в рекламе должно быть уделено именно ему.
Обручальное кольцо - просто идеальные объект для рекламы ювелирного магазина. Психологи утверждают, что при виде обручального кольца учащается сердцебиение и просыпается романтическое настроение. А с каким еще настроением нужно идти в ювелирный магазин?
Можно в качестве рекламы использовать фотографию с фрагментом рук влюбленной пары, на пальцах которых - обручальные кольца. Однако изображение должно быть построено таким образом, чтобы кольца, опять таки, были главными на этом изображении.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
If the jewelry shop, his advertising has to be special. Jewelry is associated with the romantic holiday, approaching the ongoing dream. It is not casual, and tender decorations, which handed out or bought on the eve of important events-perhaps key in life. Advertising of such shop should be appropriate.Of course, it is better to use as an advertisement as video and computer audio through. However, the jewelry store assumes, first of all, the visual perception. Therefore Visual advertising need to pay special attention.Very effective and, according to designers, effectively, looks as wedding ring jewelry store advertising on neutral low background. Emphasize the dignity of rings and its beauty-and effective advertising in your pocket. It is not necessary to use as the background bright color-they will annoy and their background ring itself gets lost, and the focus of publicity should be given to him.Engagement ring-just the perfect object for advertising jewelry store. Psychologists say that when engagement ring quickens the heartbeat and wakes up a romantic mood. And with what other mood need to go to a jewelry store?You can use a photo as an advertisement with a fragment of hand couples, on the fingers which wedding rings. However, the image must be constructed in such a way that ring, again, were the main in this image.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

If the jewelry store, its advertising has to be special. Jewelry associated with a romantic holiday, the approach carries the dream. It's not everyday need, and delicate decorations, that one gives or bought on the eve of important events - perhaps the key to life. Advertisement of the store should be appropriate.
Of course, as the advertising is better to use both video and audioresources. However, jewelry shop involves, primarily, visual perception. Therefore, visual advertising is necessary to pay special attention to.
It is very effective and, according to designers, effectively looked at the wedding ring on a neutral background dim as a jewelry store advertising. To emphasize the dignity of the ring and its beauty - and effective advertising in your pocket. Do not use as a background bright colors - they are annoying and they lost against the ring itself, and the focus of the advertising must be given to him.
The wedding ring - a perfect object for a jewelry store advertising. Psychologists say that quickens the heartbeat and romantic mood waking up at the sight of a wedding ring. And with what is still the mood to go to a jewelry store?
It is possible to use as an advertising picture with a fragment of the hands of a loving couple on the fingers of which - wedding rings. However, the image should be constructed in such a way that the ring, again, this was the main image.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
if the store jewelry, advertising should be special. jewelry are associated with the romantic holiday approaching, wild dreams. it's not everyday needs, and delicate decorations, which дарятся or bought in advance of important events may be the key to life. advertising the store should be appropriate.of course, as advertising is used as the video, and аудиосредства. however, the jewelry store involves, first and foremost, the visual perception. therefore, in the visual ads need to pay special attention.very effective and, according to the designers, effectively works as an advertising jewellery wedding ring in the neutral неярком background. to stress the dignity of the ring and its beauty and effective advertising in your pocket. should not be used as the background of bright colors they are annoying and in comparison to lose the ring, and the focus of advertising should be placed on it.an engagement ring is just the ideal object for advertisement of a jewelry store. psychologists argue that, in the form of a wedding ring fast heartbeat, and wakes up a romantic mood. what is the mood to go to the jewelry store?you can use as an advertising picture with a fragment of the hands of the loving couple on the fingers which is an engagement ring. however, the image must be constructed in such a manner that the ring, again, were the principal in this image.
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