Проект здания был создан дюссельдорфскими архитекторами Лео фон Аббема и Бернгардом Тюзхаусом, а затем доработан жившим в Париже архитектором Вильгельмом Гофманом, учеником знаменитого Эрнста Фридриха Цвирнера. Замок богато украшен настенной живописью и гобеленами, на которых изображены сцены из героического прошлого Германии, древних саг и легенд. Особенно впечатляют так называемые «комнаты Нибелунгов» с фресками, повествующими о событиях этой германской легенды.
Замок Драхенбург построен в неоготическом стиле, и представляет собой некий синтез из дворца, замка и виллы. Он расположен посреди обширного парка, на правом берегу Рейна, на склонах горы Драхенфельс, близ города Кёнигсвинтер. После смерти барона фон Зартера в 1902 году, не оставившего завещания и не имевшего детей, Драхенбург переходит к его племяннику Якову Бизенбаху, открывшему здесь резиденц-отель для богатых путешественников. В более поздние годы в стенах замка находился католический интернат, железнодорожное училище и даже национал-социалистская военная школа.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
The building was created by dûssel′dorfskimi architects Leo von Abbéma and Berngardom Tûzhausom, and then finalized lived in Paris by architect Wilhelm Hoffmann, a disciple of the famous Ernst Friedrich Cvirnera. The castle is richly decorated with wall paintings and tapestries that depict scenes from the heroic past of Germany, the ancient sagas and legends. Particularly impressive are the so-called "room of the Nibelungen" with murals narrating the events of the Germanic legends.Drahenburg Castle was built in the neo-Gothic style, and is a synthesis of the Castle Palace and villas. It is surrounded by a vast park, on the right bank of the Rhine, on the slopes of the Drachenfels mountain, near the town of Königswinter. After the death of Baron von Zartera in 1902 year intestate and who had no children, Drahenburg goes to his nephew Jacob Bizenbahu who opened the Residenz-Hotel here for rich travelers. In later years the castle walls was a Catholic boarding school, railway school and even national socialist military school.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
The building was designed by architects Leo von Düsseldorf Abbema and Bernhard Tyuzhausom and then finalized lived in Paris by architect William Hoffman, a disciple of the famous Ernst Friedrich Tsvirnera. The castle is decorated with wall paintings and tapestries, which depict scenes from the heroic past of Germany, the ancient sagas and legends. Especially impressive are the so-called "House of the Nibelungen" with frescoes narrating the events of this German legend. Castle drachenburg built in neo-Gothic style, and is a kind of synthesis of the palaces, castles and villas. It is located in the middle of a large park, on the right bank of the Rhine, on the slopes of Mount Drachenfels, near the city of Koenigswinter. After the death of Baron von Zartera in 1902 without leaving a will, and who had no children, drachenburg passes to his nephew Jacob Bizenbahu who discovered here Residenz Hotel for wealthy travelers. In later years the castle was a Catholic boarding school, railway school and even the National Socialist military school.
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