1. Как давно вы уже смотрите этот сериал? - Я смотрю его уже месяц и в перевод - 1. Как давно вы уже смотрите этот сериал? - Я смотрю его уже месяц и в английский как сказать

1. Как давно вы уже смотрите этот с

1. Как давно вы уже смотрите этот сериал? - Я смотрю его уже месяц и все еще не могу понять, что там происходит. 2. Переговоры длятся уже два часа, но президенты пока еще не подписали бумаги. З. А почему это вы молчите? Вы опять про меня говорили? 4. Сынок. почему у тебя грязные брюки? Ты опять играл в футбол? 5. Целый день идет дождь, а я оставила зонт дома. б. Пойду в душ, я работал в саду. 7. Джинсы в моде уже больше века. Люди носят их все это время. А вы носите джинсы? 8. Собака ищет бомбу в этом здании уже зри часа, но пока еще ничего не нашла. 9. Мы ремонтируем квартиру с весны и очень устали. 10. Он очень беспокоит меня. Он целый день сидит сегодня, ничего не делая и не говоря. 11. Я думаю о тебе с тех пор, как мы впервые встретились. 12. Команда упорно тренируется всю зиму, но пока еще не выиграла ни одной игры. 13. - Ты почему такой сердитый? - Я опять потерял свой проездной билет. Ищу его с утра, по оп пропал. 14. Моя мама преподает французский язык с 1990 года. 15. Крыши домов покрыты снегом. Всю ночь шел снег.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. how long have you already watch this series? -I'm watching it for a month now and still can't figure out what is going on there. 2. the negotiations lasted for two hours, but Presidents have not yet signed the paper. Z. and why it is you keep silent? You talked about me again? 4. Sonny. Why do you have dirty pants? You played football again? 5. raining all day, and I left the umbrella at home. b. Go to the shower, I worked in the garden. 7. Jeans in fashion for more than a century. People wear them all the time. And you wear jeans? 8. Dog looking for a bomb in this building is already impossible hours, but still didn't find anything. 9. We repair flat spring and very tired. 10. It is very worried about me. He sits all day today doing nothing and not speaking. 11. I think about you since we first met. 12. team stubbornly practicing all winter, but has not yet won any games. 13.-you're why such angry? -Again I have lost my ticket. Looking for it in the morning, op. 14. My mom teaches French to the 1990 year. 15. Rooftops covered with snow. It snowed all night.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. How long have you've been watching this show? - I watch it for a month and still can not understand what is happening there. 2. The negotiations lasted for two hours, but the president has not yet signed the papers. Z. And why are you silent? Once again you are talking about me? 4. Son. Why you dirty pants? You again play football? 5. The whole day is rain, and I left the house umbrella. b. I go into the shower, I was working in the garden. 7. Jeans in fashion for more than a century. People wear them all the time. Do you wear jeans? 8. The dog is looking for a bomb in the building already behold hours, but have not yet found anything. 9. We repair the apartment from the spring and were very tired. 10. He was very worried about me. It is today, nothing sits all day without doing or saying. 11. I think about you ever since we first met. 12. The team is training hard all winter, but has not yet won a single game. 13 - Why are you so angry? - Again, I lost my ticket. I am looking for him in the morning, on the op gone. 14. My mother taught French since 1990. 15. Roofs of houses covered with snow. All night it was snowing.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. how long have you been watching the show? - i"m looking for a month and i still can"t figure out what"s going on. 2. negotiations have lasted two hours, but the president has not yet signed the papers. 3. why are you silent? you were talking about me? 4. son. why do you have dirty pants? you played football? 5. a day of rain, i left the umbrella at home. b. go take a shower, i was working in the garden. 7. jeans are in fashion for more than a century. people wear them all the time. what do you wear jeans? 8. a dog looking for a bomb in this building already see hours, but still haven"t found anything. 9. we"re fixing it up the flat spring and very tired. 10. it really bothers me. he spent a whole day, doing nothing, and not to mention. 11. i think about you since we first met. 12. the team has trained all winter, but has yet to win a single game. 13. - why are you so angry? - i"ve lost my id card, ticket. looking for him this morning, he"s gone. 14. my mother teaches french in 1990. 15. roofs are covered with snow. it was snowing all night.
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