Статуя Зевса Олимпийского была одним из Древних 7 Чудес Света, обознач перевод - Статуя Зевса Олимпийского была одним из Древних 7 Чудес Света, обознач английский как сказать

Статуя Зевса Олимпийского была одни

Статуя Зевса Олимпийского была одним из Древних 7 Чудес Света, обозначенных Филоном Византийским в 200 году до н.э. Эта позолоченная и украшенная драгоценностями статуя была заказана примерно в 438 году до н.э. Советом Олимпии, чтобы выказать своё уважение Зевсу, правителю Олимпа и самому могущественному богу. Величавая статуя была работой афинского скульптора Фидиаса и была построена внутри Парфенона, большого храма с фасадом на город. Фигура в сидячей позе занимала всю ширину крыла храма, который был построен вокруг неё. Согласно источникам тех времён она была 12 метров (37 футов) высотой. «Создавалось впечатление, что если бы Зевсу пришлось встать, – записал географ Страбон в начале 1 века до н.э. – он разрушил бы крышу храма».

Зевс был покрыт слоновой костью (слоновая кость, пропитывалась жидкостью, что делало её более пластичной, при необходимости могла почти и покрывать и придавать форму), а затем наносился слой золота. Зевс сидел на великолепном троне из кедра, обложенного слоновой костью, золотом, эбонитом и драгоценными камнями. В правой руке Зевс держал маленькую статую Ники, богини победы, а в его левой руке – блестящий жезл, на котором сидел орёл. Согласно Филону Византийскому она была самая воодушевляющая из всех семи чудес древнего света: «Если мы безмерно любовались другими шестью чудесами, то перед ней мы преклоняем колени…». Статуя Зевса Олимпийского позднее была сломана при невыясненных обстоятельствах. Некоторые учёные спорят, что она была разрушена вместе с храмом то ли в 170 г. до н.э., то ли в 5 веке н.э., другие утверждают, что она была увезена в Константинополь, где она погибла в большом пожаре в Лаусейоне. Однако в том, что фигура была грандиозна и поражала своими размерами, соглашаются все те, кто исследовал ее и видел ее параметры.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Statue of Zeus was one of the ancient 7 Wonders of the world, marked by the Byzantine Filonom in 200 BC, This gilded and decorated with jeweled statue of was ordered approximately 438 BC Council of Olympia, to show my respect to Zeus, the ruler of Olympus and the most powerful God. The majestic statue of was the work of the Athenian sculptor Fidiasa and was built inside the great Temple of the Parthenon, with a façade of the city. Figure in sitting posture occupied the entire width of the wing of the temple, which was built around her. According to sources of the time she was 12 meters (37 feet) tall. "The impression that if Zeus had to stand up," recorded at the beginning of the geographer Strabo 1 century BC — it would destroy the roof of the temple. Zeus was covered with ivory (ivory, propityvalas′ liquid, making it more plastic, if necessary, could almost cover and attach the form), and then applied a layer of gold. Zeus sat on a magnificent throne of cedarwood, obložennogo ivory, gold, rubber and gems. At the right hand of Zeus holding a small statue of the goddess of victory Nike, while his left arm is a brilliant wand, on which sat an eagle. According to Byzantine Filonu it was the most inspirational of all seven wonders of the ancient world: "if we are immensely admired the other six wonders, we bow our knees before it". Statue of Zeus was later broken in unclear circumstances. Some scholars argue that it was destroyed along with the Temple in 170 BC, whether in 5 century AD, others argue that it was taken to Constantinople, where it perished in the great fire at Lausejone. However, that figure was enormous and was stunned by its size, accept all those who researched it and saw her options.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The statue of Olympian Zeus was one of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World, marked by Philo of Byzantium in 200 BC This gilded and jeweled statue was commissioned in about 438 BC Olympia Council, to show my respect to Zeus, the ruler of Mount Olympus and the most powerful god. The majestic statue was the work of the Athenian sculptor Phidias and the Parthenon was built inside, a large temple with a facade of the city. The figure in the sitting position occupied the entire width of the wing of the temple, which was built around it. According to the sources of those times it was 12 meters (37 feet) tall. "The impression that if Zeus had to get up - geographer Strabo recorded at the beginning of the 1st century BC - It would have destroyed the roof of the temple. "Zeus was covered with ivory (ivory, impregnating liquid, which makes it more pliable, if necessary, and could almost cover and shape), and then apply a layer of gold. Zeus sitting on a magnificent throne of cedarwood, been charged with ivory, gold, and precious stones, hard rubber. In his right hand holding a small statue of Zeus, Nike, goddess of victory, and in his left hand - a brilliant rod, on which sat an eagle. According to Philo of Byzantium, it was the most inspiring of the seven wonders of the ancient world: "If we immensely enjoyed the other six wonders, before it we kneel ...". The statue of Olympian Zeus was later broken in unclear circumstances. Some scholars argue that it was destroyed together with the temple either in 170 BC, whether in the 5th century BC, while others argue that it was taken to Constantinople, where she died in a large fire in Lauseyone. However, that figure was grandiose and impresses with its size, agree to all those who have examined her and saw her options.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the statue of zeus olympic was one of the ancient seven wonders of the world, marked филоном byzantium in 200 bc. this gold and decorated with jewels, the statue was commissioned by approximately 438 bc.the olympia, to pay their respects to zeus, the ruler of mount olympus, and the god himself. statuesque statue was the work of фидиаса athens and was built in парфенона,the big temple in front of the city. the figure in the sitting position occupied the entire width of the wing of the temple, which was built around her. according to sources from those times she was 12 meters (36 feet) in height. "the impressionif zeus had to get up, recorded the geographer strabo in the 1st century bc. - he would've ruined roof temple. nonsense.

zeus was covered with ivory (ivory, пропитывалась fluidthat made it more elastic, if necessary, can almost cover and attach the form), and then was a layer of gold. zeus was sitting on a throne of cedar, обложенного ivory, goldэбонитом and precious stones. in the right hand of zeus holding a statue of niki, the goddess of victory, and in his left hand a staff, which was an eagle.according to филону comes she was most encouraging of all the seven wonders of the ancient world: "if we are to be able to see the other six wonders, before we преклоняем knees".the statue of zeus olympic was later broken in unclear circumstances. some scientists argue that it was destroyed along with the temple or 170 g. bc, in the 5th century ad, others sayshe was увезена in constantinople, where she died in the big fire in the лаусейоне. however, the figure was huge and amazed by its size, are all those who examined her and saw her parameters.
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