Вместилещем нефти и газа в земной коре являются пустоты (поры) и трещины в осадочных горных породах. Суммарный объем пустот характеризует абсолютная (теоретическая) пористость - отношение объема пустот в породе Уп ко всему объему породы У. Это отношение, выраженное в процентах или долях единицы, называют коэффициентом пористости
К = Уп/У.
Абстрагируясь от реальности, представим пористую среду, сложенную из шариков. Легко показать, что максимальный теоретический коэффициент пористости К = 47,6 %, а минимальный К = 25,8 %. Реальный коэффициент пористости, как правило, лежит в этих пределах. Однако форма зерен, неотсортированность по размеру, наличие цементирующего вещества между зернами могут привести к уменьшению пористости ниже 25,8 %. Нетрудно показать, что теоретическая пористость не зависит от размеров шарообразных зерен.
Эффективной пористостью называют отношение объема сообщающихся между собой пар ко всему объему породы. Именно сообщающиеся поры заполняются пластовыми флюидами (нефтью, газом, водой), поэтому важный показатель - коэффициент насыщения породы Кн, равный отношению объема пустот, заполненных флюидом Уф, к общему объему пор Уп:
Кн = Уф/Уп.
Показатель горной породы, характеризующий возможность и скорость перемещения в ней флюида, называют проницаемостью.
Пористые и трещиноватые горные породы, способные вмещать промышленно значимые количества флюидов, называют коллекторами. Лучшими природными коллекторами являются пески и песчаники (так называемые гранулярные коллекторы), а также известняки (так называемые трещиноватые коллекторы). Обязательное условие существования коллекторов в качестве резервуаров нефти и газа - изоляция их от других прони¬цаемых пород практически непроницаемыми породами. Лучшими изолято¬рами (так называемыми флюидоупорами) являются глины, проницаемость которых близка к нулю, в то время как пористость может быть существенной
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Vmestileŝem oil and gas in the Earth's crust are voids (pores) and cracks in sedimentary rocks. Total volume of voids is characterized by absolute (theoretical) ratio of porosity-voids in the rock Up to the entire amount of the breed by this ratio, expressed as a percentage or percentage, is called the coefficient of the porosityTo = Ue/U.Abstracting from reality, imagine the porous medium, folded from the balls. It is easy to show that the maximum theoretical ratio of porosity to = 47.6%, and the minimum to = 25.8%. Real ratio of porosity, generally lies within these limits. But the form of grains, neotsortirovannost′ in size, the unit, the substance between the grains can lead to reduced porosity below 25.8%. It is easy to show that the theoretical porosity does not depend on the sizes of spherical grains.Effective porosity is the ratio of interconnected pairs to the entire volume of the breed. It is interconnecting pores are filled by reservoir fluids (oil, gas, water), so important is the factor of saturation of breed kN, equal treatment of cavities filled with fluid Uv, to total time up:Kn = Uv/Ue.Rate rock characterizes the possibility and rate of movement of fluid in it, called the permeability.Porous and fissured rocks that contain industrially significant amounts of fluid called the collectors. Best natural reservoirs are the sands and sandstones (the so called granular collectors) and limestones (called fissured collectors). The obligatory condition for existence of collectors as reservoirs of oil and gas-insulated them from other species almost caemyh ¬ PRONI impermeable rocks. Best izolâto ¬ Rami (so-called flûidouporami) clay, permeability which are close to zero, while porosity can be substantial
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Vmestileschem oil and gas in the earth's crust are voids (pores) and cracks in the sedimentary rocks. The total volume of voids characterizes the absolute (theoretical) porosity - the ratio of the volume of voids in the rock Vn to the total volume of rock W. This ratio, expressed as a percentage or fractions of a unit, called the void ratio
K = F / U.
Abstracting from reality, imagine a porous medium, folded of beads. It is easy to show that the maximum theoretical void ratio K = 47.6%, and the minimum K = 25.8%. Real porosity usually lies within these limits. However, the grain shape, size neotsortirovannost, the presence of cementitious material between the grains may lead to a decrease in porosity to 25.8% lower. It is easy to show that the theoretical porosity does not depend on the size of the spherical grains.
Effective porosity is the ratio of the volume of interconnected pairs to the total volume of rock. It communicating pores are filled with the formation fluids (oil, gas, water), so important indicator - saturation coefficient breed KH equal to the ratio of void volume, fluid-filled UV to the total pore volume Vn:
Kn = Vp / Vn.
Indicator rock, characterized by the possibility speed and move it in a fluid called permeability.
The porous and fractured rocks can contain commercially significant quantities of fluids, called headers. The best natural collectors are sands and sandstones (the so-called granular collectors) and limestone (the so-called fractured reservoirs). Mandatory condition for the existence of collectors as reservoirs of oil and gas - isolation from other breeds proni¬tsaemyh practically impermeable rocks. Izolyato¬rami better (so-called confining beds) are clays, the permeability of which is close to zero, whereas the porosity can be a significant
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
Вместилещем of oil and gas in the earth's crust are voids (pores) and cracks in sedimentary mountain rocks.The sum of the gap describes the absolute (theoretical) porosity is the volume of voids in the rock CB to the entire volume of the rock. This ratio, expressed as a percentage or percentages of units,Also referred to as a factor porosity
A = Cb/The.
Abstracting from reality, imagine microporous Wednesday, folded from the balls. Easy to show that the maximum theoretical rate porosity = 47.6 %,As a minimum the = 25.8 %. Real factor porosity, as a general rule, it is in these limits. However, the form beans, неотсортированность on size,The presence brings about emotional substances between grains can lead to reduce porosity below 25.8 %. It is not difficult to show that the theoretical porosity does not depend on the size Duro Dakovic Montaza d.d. grains.
Effective porosity is referred to as ratio of which there is no dialog between the pairs to the entire volume of rock. It is connecting pores are filled пластовыми imagining community (oil, gas, water),It is therefore an important indicator - saturation factor rock Kn, equal to the volume of voids, filled evening Squealer called them together UV, to the total volume of the CB:
Kn = uv/Cb.
Target rock,Which characterizes the possibility and the speed of movement in the variant, is referred to as an inverse problem.
porous and трещиноватые rocks that can accommodate the significant number of fluids, is referred to as manifolds.Best natural manifolds are sand and sandstone (the so-called гранулярные manifolds), as well as Eastern Donbass area (the so-called трещиноватые manifolds).A condition sine qua non for the existence of manifolds as a oil reservoirs and gas - isolate them from other proni¬цаемых species virtually impervious formation.Best изолято¬Rami (so-called флюидоупорами) are clay, the permeability which is close to zero, while the porosity can be substantial
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