Главные праздники Шотландии• Новый год (1 января) – новогодние традици перевод - Главные праздники Шотландии• Новый год (1 января) – новогодние традици английский как сказать

Главные праздники Шотландии• Новый

Главные праздники Шотландии
• Новый год (1 января) – новогодние традиции шотландцев включают торжественный обед с непременным хаггисом и виски, а также праздничный обход друзей и родственников с пожеланиями благополучия.
• Праздник кельтской культуры Celtic Connections (12-30 января) – многодневный фолк-марафон, на котором представлены лучшие кельтские артисты Шотландии и других стран мира.
• День рождения Роберта Бернса Burn's Night (6 января) – торжества, посвященные главному поэту и пропагандисту культуры Шотландии.
• Праздник викингов Up Helly Aa (последний вторник января) – красочный костюмированный парад, проходящий в столице Шетландских островов Леруике, главной фигурой которого является тридцатифутовая модель корабля викингов.
• Вальпургиева ночь (30 апреля) – праздник с самым массовым шабашем ведьм в году, посвященный возрождению природы после зимнего сна.
• Бельтайн (1 мая) – праздник, чьи корни восходят ко временам друидической религии кельтов, считавших этот день одним из важнейших в году.
• День независимости Шотландии (24 июня) – годовщина победы шотландского короля Роберта Брюса над английскими войсками Эдуарда II, которая позволила надолго отстоять независимость страны.
• Эдинбургский международный фестиваль (август-сентябрь) – торжество классических форм искусства (музыка, театр, опера, танец), почти на месяц делающее столицу Шотландии крупнейшим арт-центром Европы.
• Фестиваль Edinburgh Military Tattoo (август) – ежегодный королевский смотр собирающий лучшие военные оркестры из Великобритании и других стран мира.
• Фестиваль искусств Фриндж (август) – крупнейший в мире арт-фестиваль, проходящий почти месяц на крытых и уличных сценах Эдинбурга.
• Горские игры (каждую субботу в мае-сентябре) – крупнейшие соревнования по традиционным искусствам и видам спорта шотландских горцев.
• День Святого Андрея (30 ноября) – праздник, посвященный чествованию святого покровителя Шотландии.
• Рождество (25 декабря) – главный праздник зимы, отмечаемый шотландцами, как и миллионами католиков по всему миру, в кругу семьи.
• Сочельник или Хогманай (31 декабря) – наполненный огнями и взрывами фейерверков праздник последнего дня в году, чьи корни восходят к языческим временам.
Национальные особенности Шотландии
Клетчатый килт, громкая волынка, выдержанный виски – так можно охарактеризовать и страну и человека, живущего в ней, то есть шотландца. Национальные особенности Шотландии таковы, что нация противоречивого характера. Они могут быть эмоциональными и молчаливыми, необязанными и сдержанными. Как будто в них живет сразу два человека. Бунтари с каменным замком на сердце.
Дорогие женщины, не ждите от шотландца яркого комплимента в ваш адрес, даже если вы потратили целый день, выбирая ваше прекрасное платье и делая прическу. Самое лучшее, что он может сказать, что вы хорошо выглядите.
Они живут обособленно и свято чтут свой клан – это яркая национальная особенность Шотландии. Они с дотошностью будут рассказывать вам, какой узор на их килте и что он значит, а так же с какой ноты стоит начинать играть на волынке их клановый гимн. Ведь шотландец – везде шотландец.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Main public holidays in Scotland• New year's day (1 January)-new year's tradition of Scots include gala dinner with a haggisom and whiskey, as well as a bypass of friends and relatives with the wishes of well-being.• Celebration of Celtic culture, Celtic Connections (12-30 January)-long folk-Marathon, which presents the finest Celtic entertainers in Scotland and other countries around the world.• Robert Burns ' birthday Burn's Night (6 January)-celebrations devoted to the poet and against the culture of Scotland.• Viking Up Helly Aa Festival (the last Tuesday of January)-colorful costumed parade, held in the capital of Shetland Islands Lerwick, main figure of the Viking ship model tridcatifutovaâ.• Walpurgis night (30 April) is a celebration of the mass gatherings of witches in the year dedicated to the revival of nature after winter sleep.• Bel′tajn (1 May) is a Festival whose roots date back to the time of druidičeskoj religion of the Celts, who considered this one of the most important day of the year.• Scottish independence day (24 June)-anniversary of the Scottish King, Robert the Bruce's victory over the British forces of Edward II, which allowed for a long time to defend the independence of the country.• Edinburgh International Festival (August-September)-the triumph of classical art forms (music, theatre, Opera, dance), almost one month making capital of Scotland's largest art center in Europe.• The Edinburgh Military Tattoo Festival (August)-the annual Royal Festival gathers top military bands from the uk and other countries around the world.• Fringe Arts Festival (August)-the world's largest art festival held almost a month on indoor and outdoor scenes in Edinburgh.• Mountain games (every Saturday May-September) are the largest competition on traditional arts and sports Scottish Highlanders.• St. Andrew's Day (30 November) is a Festival dedicated to the celebration of the patron saint of Scotland.• Christmas (25 December) is the main winter holiday, celebrated by Scots, as millions of Catholics around the world, with your family.• Christmas Eve and Hogmanay (31 December) is filled with lights and explosions of fireworks celebration on the last day of the year, whose roots date back to pagan times.National features of ScotlandCheckered kilt, loud bagpipe with whiskey-this is the way the country and the person living in it, that is, a Scotsman. Scotland's national characteristics are such that the nation's controversial nature. They can be emotional and silent, neobâzannymi and restrained. As if in a live, two people at once. Rebels with a stone castle on the heart.Dear ladies, don't expect Scot bright compliment to your address, even if you spent all day picking out your perfect dress and hairstyle. The best thing he could say well you look.They live separately and piously revered by his clan is a bright national features of Scotland. They will tell you the thoroughness with which the pattern on their kilt and what it means, and what notes to play on bagpipe their clannish anthem. After all, the Scotsman, Scotsman everywhere.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The main celebrations of Scotland
• New Year (January 1) - Christmas traditions of the Scots include a dinner with haggis and whiskey indispensable, as well as a celebratory round of friends and relatives with the wishes of well-being.
• Celebration of Celtic culture Celtic Connections (12-30 January) - a multi-day folk- Marathon, which presents the best Celtic artists in Scotland and other countries.
• Birthday of Robert Burns Burn's Night (January 6) - festivities dedicated to the main poet and promoter of the culture of Scotland.
• Holiday Viking Up Helly Aa (the last Tuesday of January) - a colorful costume parade, held in the capital of the Shetland Islands Lerwick, the main figure of which is thirty feet model Viking ship.
• Walpurgisnacht (April 30) - celebration with the most massive coven in the year dedicated to the rebirth of nature after winter sleep.
• Beltane (May 1) - Holiday whose roots date back to the time of Druidic religion of the Celts, who believed this day one of the most important of the year.
• Independence Day in Scotland (June 24) - the anniversary of the victory of the Scottish king Robert the Bruce of British troops of Edward II, which allowed for a long time to defend the independence of the country.
• Edinburgh International Festival (August-September) - a celebration of classical forms of art (music, theater, opera, dance), almost a month doing the capital of Scotland, the largest art center in Europe.
• Festival of Edinburgh Military Tattoo (August) - an annual review of the royal gathering of the best military bands Britain and other countries.
• Arts Festival Fringe (August) - the world's biggest art festival held for nearly a month in the indoor and outdoor scenes of Edinburgh.
• Highland Games (every Saturday from May to September) - the biggest competitions in traditional arts and types Sports Highlanders.
• St. Andrew's Day (30 November) - a holiday dedicated to honoring the patron saint of Scotland.
• Christmas (December 25) - the main winter holiday celebrated by Scots, like millions of Catholics around the world, in the family.
• Christmas Eve or Hogmanay (December 31) - filled with fires and explosions of fireworks celebration of the last day of the year, whose roots date back to pagan times.
National features Scotland
checkered kilt, bagpipe loud, aged whiskey - so you can characterize and country and people living in it, ie, Scot. National characteristics of Scotland are the nation controversial nature. They can be emotional and silent, neobyazannymi and restrained. As if they live just two people. Rebels with a stone castle in the heart.
Dear ladies, do not expect the Scot bright compliment to your address, even if you spent the whole day, choosing your perfect dress and doing her hair. The best thing he can say that you look good.
They live apart and hold sacred their clan - a bright national peculiarity of Scotland. They meticulousness will tell you what pattern on their kilt and what it means, as well as how the note should start playing the bagpipes their clan anthem. After all, the Scotsman - Scottish everywhere.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The main holidays Scotland
- the new year (1 January) - Christmas traditions aims include dinner with a sine qua non хаггисом and whisky,As well as holiday bypass friends and relatives with the wishes well-being.
- holiday which Sergey Erdenk culture see more connections (12-30 January) - desperation forces folk-marathon,On which represented the best celtic artists in Scotland and other countries of the world.
the day of birth Robert Burns Burn's night (6 January) - celebration, on the main poet but higher instances "corrected" this decree and Scotland's culture.
The Holiday Vikings up Gray Helly Hansen quality work overalls with multiple Aa (last tuesday January) - a colorful parade most celebrated festivity arranged, passing in the capital Леруике Shetland Islands, the main figure which is тридцатифутовая model Viking Ship.
- La Valse (30 April) - holiday with the most massive шабашем witch hunt in a year, on the revival of nature after the winter sleep.
- Бельтаин (1 May) - holiday,whose roots go back to the times offered as Wicca religion mladã¡ Boleslav, balking this day one of the most important in a year.
- Independence Day Scotland (24 June) - anniversary of victory scottish king Robert the Bruce of British troops, Eduard II, which has long defend independence of the country.
The Edinburgh International festival (August-September) - the triumph of the classical art forms (music, theater, opera, dance), almost a month makes the capital Scotland the largest art-the center of Europe.
The Edinburgh Military Tattoo Festival (August) - the annual royal festival collecting the best military orchestras from Great Britain and other countries of the world.
- Festival of Arts Фриндж (August) - the world's largest art festival,Passing almost a month on the indoor and outdoor scenes Edinburgh.
- Mountain games (every Saturday in May and September) is the largest competition in the traditional arts and sports Scottish Highland.
The St Andrew's Day (30 November) - holiday, on the day of the patron saint Scotland.
- Christmas Day (25 December) - the main holiday winter, celebrated Anadrill, as and the millions of Catholics around the world,In the midst of the family.
- Christmas Eve or Хогманаи (31 December) - filled with lights and explosions fireworks holiday last day of the year, whose roots go back to former communist functionaries times.
National especially Scotland
Rainbow килт, loud Doodle, candied malt whisky - so can be described and the country and rights, living in it, there is a disappointed Jani - if. Scotland's national characteristics are such that a nation controversial nature.They can be emotional and silent, необязанными and restrained. As if they are living as soon as two rights. Rock with a stone castle on the heart.
dear women,Do not wait for the bright organisers disappointed Jani - if in your address, even if you have spent all day, when selecting your perfect dress and making your hair. The best thing that he could say that, you do a good look.
They live separately and warmly cherish their clan - this bright national feature in Scotland. They, and will tell you which one pattern on their Tishman and all that it means,As well as the note is to start to play the "Doodle" their hardly an anthem. It is Scotland - anywhere mate.
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