Я видела, как они шли домой и пели Пассажиры наблюдали, как он пытается успеть на поезд. Она чувствовала, как ветер дул в открытое окно. Я наблюдал, как он ремонтирует машину. Ты видел, как они разговаривали в коридоре?
I watched as they walked home and sangPassengers watched as he tries to catch the train.She felt like the wind blew into the open window.I watched as he repairs a car.You saw how they talked in the hallway?
I saw how they went home and sang Passengers watched as he tries to catch a train. She could feel the wind blowing through the open window. I watched as he repairs the car. You could see them talking in the hallway?
i watched as they walked home and sangpassengers watched as he tries to catch the train.she felt like the wind blowing through the open window.i watched as he fixes the car.did you see the way they talked in the hall?