После этого все выкладываем на тесто и ставим пиццу в духовку запекать. Через 15-20 минут достать пиццу с духовки и блюдо готово к подаче. Приятного аппетита!
After that, all spread on dough and put a pizza in the oven to bake. Through 15-20 minutes to get a pizza from the oven and the dish is ready to serve. Bon Appetit!
After that, all spread on the dough and put the pizza into the oven to bake. After 15-20 minutes to get a pizza from the oven and the dish is ready to serve. Bon appetit!
after that, it put on the dough and put it in the oven for baking pizza. after 15 - 20 minutes to get the pizza oven, and the dish is ready to serve. - bon appetit!