С_скл^пр=С_(хр/ед)^пр*(Q⁄2+З_стр+З_сез+З_тек), (3.5)где, C_скл^пр– зат перевод - С_скл^пр=С_(хр/ед)^пр*(Q⁄2+З_стр+З_сез+З_тек), (3.5)где, C_скл^пр– зат английский как сказать


С_скл^пр=С_(хр/ед)^пр*(Q⁄2+З_стр+З_сез+З_тек), (3.5)

где, C_скл^пр– затраты предприятия на хранение, долл;
Зстр– запас страховой, шт;
Зсез– запас сезонный, шт;
Зтек – запас текущий, шт;

В условии сказано, что случались задержки отгрузок при сбое производства, значит логисты на складе не имели страхового запаса, чтобы предотвратить это. Таким образом, справочно найдем складские
затраты, если бы мы, скажем, арендовали такой же склад при тех же
С_скл^пр=3,77*750/2=1413,75 долл
Как мы видим, затраты на хранениепочти в 3,5 раза ниже реальных затрат – 5500долл. Это показывает прямую зависимость размера запасов на конечные затраты на хранение.
В) Затраты на заработную плату персонала, занятого на складе готовой продукции за год найдем по формуле (3.6):

С_(з/п)^пр= N_чел * С_срмес*n, (3.6)

где,С_(з/п)^пр– затраты на заработную плату работников за период, долл;
N_чел – количество занятого персонала, долл;
С_срмес – средняя заработная плата в месяц, долл;

Они равны: З_(з⁄п)=(2+4)*500*12=36000 долл
Г) Суммарные затраты на организацию работы склада находим по
формуле (3.7):
С_∑= С_оф^пр+ (Сскл+С_упр)*n+С_(з/п)^пр, (3.7)

где, С_∑ – суммарные затраты, долл;
С_упр – административно-управленческие расходы в месяц, долл;

Годовые затраты: С_∑ = 360 + (5500 + 150) * 12 + 36000 = 104 160 долл.
Затраты на единицу продукции найдем по формуле (3.8):
С_ед^пр= С_∑/S, (3.8)

где,С_ед^пр– сумма затрат на складе готовой продукции, приходящаяся на единицу продукции;
Она равна: Сед = 104 160 / 18 000 = 5,79 долл.
Таким образом, мы получили, что готовые затраты предприятия на организацию хранения и управления сбытовыми запасами составляют
104160 долл, при этом на каждую единицу продукции приходится 5,79 долл. Кажется, суммы небольшие, но что же мы получим, если управление запасами отдадим на аутсорсинг.
Оптимизация затрат при аутсорсинге управления запасами
В качестве оператора, которому можно доверить управление запасами, я выбрал компанию ООО «ФСК Логистик». Во-первых, это один из тех немногих операторов, который позиционирует себя как 3PL. Во-вторых, компания не государственная, что в наших реалиях немаловажно. И в-третьих, предлагает хороший спектр услуг по вполне адекватным ценам, которые можно посмотреть в таблице Е.1 (Приложение Е).
Найдем сумму расходов, по представленным тарифом, которые предприятие потратит на оплату услуг за аутсорсинг.
Тарифы у оператора представлены за паллету, поэтому рассчитаем, сколько упакованных микроволновых печей помещается на одну
паллету –N_█(кор@)^палл. Возьмем стандартные габариты упаковки дляпечи: 0,4 м × 0,4 м × 0,3 м, где Ш × Д × В. Габариты ЕURпаллеты составляют 0,8м× 1,2 м, где Ш × Д, допустимую высоту примем за 1 м. Таким образом получаем, что по ширине помещается 2 микроволновые печи, по длине – 3 шт, по высоте – 3 шт,
следовательно N_█(кор@)^палл =2 × 3 × 3 = 18 микроволновый печей помещаются на одной паллете.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
S_skl ^ OL = From_ (XP/u) ^ ol * (Q ⁄ 2 + Z_str + Z_sez + Z_tek) (3.5)where, C_skl ^ OL-costs businesses $ storage;Zstr-stock insurance, PC;Zsez-seasonal stock, PCs;Ztek is the current stock, PCs;In the condition stated that there were delays of shipments if there is a failure of production means logistics at the warehouse had no insurance in reserve to prevent this. Thus, reference and find warehouse costs, if we, say, have rented the same warehouse in the same cost:S_skl ^ OL = 3.77 * 750/2 = $ 1413.75As we can see, the cost of hraneniepočti in 3.5 times lower than the real cost-5500doll. This shows a direct correlation to the size of stocks at the end of the storage costs.In) cost of wages of employees engaged in stock of finished goods for the year will find formula (3.6):From_ (w/v), ^ OL = N_čel * S_srmes * n (3.6)where From_ (w/v), ^ PR-the cost of wages for the period, USD;N_čel-the number of staff employed, USD;S_srmes-the average salary per month, USD;They are equal: Z_ (w/p) = (2 +4) * 500 * 12 = $ 36000G) Total cost of running a warehouse findformula (3.7): From_ ∑ = S_of ^ PR + (Sskl + S_upr) * n + From_ (w/v), ^ PR (3.7)where From_ ∑-total costs $;S_upr-administrative expenses per month, USD;Annual cost: From_ ∑ = 360 + (5500 + 150) * 12 + 36000 = $ 104 160.Costs per unit of output will find formula (3.8):S_ed ^ OL = From_ ∑/S (3.8)where, S_ed ^ OL-cost amount in stock of finished products per unit of production;It is: Sed = 104 160/18000 = $ 5.79. So we got ready enterprise costs to organize storage and management of marketing stocks make up $ 104,160, with each unit of production is $ 5.79. It seems like a small amount, but what do we get if the management give for outsourcing. Optimization of costs when outsourcing inventory managementAs an operator you can entrust the management of stockpiles, I chose the company OOO "FGC logistics". Firstly, it is one of the few operators, which positions itself as a 3PL. Secondly, the company does not state that our reality is important. And thirdly, offers a good range of services quite adequate prices, which can be seen in table e. 1 (annex e).Find the sum of the costs on the tariff, which the company will spend on services for outsourcing.Tariffs with the operator are presented for pallet, so calculate how much packaged microwave ovens fit on one pallet-N_ █ (@) ^ Pall. Take the standard packing dimensions dlâpeči: 0.4 m x 0.4 m × 0.3 m, where w × d × EURpallety dimensions represent 0, 8 m × 1.2 m, where w × d, allowable height assume 1 pm so get that fits across the width of 2 microwave ovens, length-3 PCs, height-3 PCs Hence N_ █ (@) ^ Pall = 2 × 3 × 3 = 18 microwave ovens are placed on the same pallet.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
S_skl ^ pr = C- (hr / unit) * etc. * (Q/2 + + Z_str Z_sez Z_tek +), (3.5) where C_skl ^ pr company's costs for storage, USD; Zstr- stock insurance, piece; Zsez- seasonal stock, piece; Ztek - the current stock, items, in the condition it is said that the case of delayed shipments in the failure of production, logistics means stock had safety stock to prevent it. Thus, we find reference storage costs, if we had, say, rented a warehouse at the same cost: S_skl pr ^ = 3.77 * 750/2 = 1413.75 USD As we can see, the cost of hraneniepochti 3.5 times lower than the actual costs - 5500doll. This shows a direct dependence of the size of reserves in the final storage costs. B) The costs of salaries of personnel involved in the stock of finished products per year, we find from (3.6): C- (s / n) = pr = N_chel * S_srmes * n, ( 3.6) where C- (s / n) = pr salary costs of employees for the period of $; N_chel - the number of staff employed, USD; S_srmes - the average salary per month, USD; they are: Z_ (z/p) = (2 + 4) * 500 * 12 = 36,000 USD d) The total cost of running the warehouse is located on the formula (3.7): S_Σ S_of ^ = np + (+ Sskl S_upr) * n + C- (s / n) ^ etc., (3.7) where S_Σ - the total costs, USD; S_upr - administrative expenses per month, US $, Annual costs: S_Σ = 360 + (5500 + 150) * 12 + 36000 = 104 160 dollars. Costs unit found in formula (3.8): S_ed ^ = pr S_Σ / S, (3.8) where S_ed ^ pr sum of expenses for stock of finished products per unit of production; it is: Sed = 104,160 / 18,000 = 5.79 dollars. Thus, we have found that the cost of the enterprise ready for the organization of storing and managing our marketing reserves amount to 104,160 dollars, with each unit of production falls to $ 5.79. It seems that a small amount, but what do we get if inventory management give up on outsourcing. Cost optimization in outsourcing inventory management as an operator, you can entrust the management of stocks, I chose the company «calendar Services." Firstly, it is one of the few operators which positions itself as a 3PL. Secondly, the company did not state that in our reality is important. And thirdly, offers a good range of services at very reasonable prices, which can be seen in Table E.1 (Appendix E). We find the amount of expenditure on the submitted tariff which the company will spend on services for outsourcing. Rates are for the operator pallet so calculate how much packaged microwave oven is placed on a pallet -N_█ (Kor @) ^ Pall. Take the standard package dlyapechi dimensions: 0.4 m × 0.4 m × 0,3 m, where W × D × B. Dimensions EURpallety up 0.8m × 1,2 m, where W × D allowable height is taken as 1 m. Thus we see that the width of the placed 2 microwaves, length - 3 piece, height - 3 pieces, so N_█ (Kor @) ^ Pall = 2 × 3 × 3 = 18 microwave ovens are placed on a pallet.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
with the _ скл
b = _ (brr / ed)
* (z) Q⁄2 _ page 3 _ сез z _ tech), (3.5)

where c _ скл
пр– enterprise expenses in storage);
зстр– supply of insurance, nj;
зсез– supply of seasonal, nj;
зтек is the supply of the current, nj;

in the saidwhat happened to delay shipments with other production, so логисты stock had no insurance stock to prevent it. thus, the query find storage
costs if we, say,rented a warehouse in the same

cost: with _ скл
b = 3,77 * 750 / 2 = 1413,75). as we can see, the cost of хранениепочти 3.5 times lower than the actual cost is 5500долл.it shows a direct dependence on the size of the ultimate costs of storage.
) the costs of the salaries of staff in the warehouse of finished products for the year we find the formula (3.6):

with _ (r / p)
b = n _ man * _ срмес * n(3.6)

where, with _ (r / p)
пр– expenses on wages of workers for the period);
n _ man is the number of employed personnel);
with _ срмес is the average salary per month);

they are equal, the _ (з⁄п) = (2 4) * 500 * 12 = 36000).g) the total cost of the organization of the work of the warehouse found on
formula (3.7):
with the _ = _ of
ol (сскл with _ upr) * n with _ (r / p)
ol, (3.7)

where, with the _ is the total cost, $
with _ upr; is the administrative and management costs per month, $

;the annual cost, with the _ = 360 (5500 150) * 12 = 104 160 $36000.
costs per unit of output have formula (3.8):
with _ ed
ol = with the _ / s, (3.8)

where, with _ ed
пр– cost warehouse finished products per unit of output;
she is equal to:sed = 104 160 / 18000 = 5,79). "thus, we have that ready enterprise expenses for the storage and management of the chain are
104160), with each unit of output is 5.79). i think the amount of small, but what do we get if management give to outsourcing.
cost optimization in the outsourcing management
as operator.with whom to entrust management, i chose the company ooo "fgc логистик». first, it is one of the few operators, which describes itself as 3PL. secondly, the company is not a state.that is in our reality is important. and thirdly, offers a range of realistic prices, which can be seen in table e.1 (annex e).
find the costs on the tariff.which the enterprise spends on services for outsourcing.
tariffs operator are presented for паллету, so calculate, how many packaged microwave ovens placed on one
паллету –N _ █ (bcd @)
the whole.take the standard size packages дляпечи: 0.4 m x 0.4 mm x 0.3 mm where sh x d x in. dimensions еURпаллеты are 0,8м× 1.2 m, where s x d, the permissible height take over 1 m. in this way, we get,what is the width of two microwave ovens, the length is 3 pieces, height is 3
n), thus _ █ (bcd @)
the whole = 2 x 3 x 3 = 18, microwave ovens are placed on one паллете.

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