Великого ученого, мыслителя и энциклопедиста Абу Насра Мухаммеда ибн Т перевод - Великого ученого, мыслителя и энциклопедиста Абу Насра Мухаммеда ибн Т английский как сказать

Великого ученого, мыслителя и энцик

Великого ученого, мыслителя и энциклопедиста Абу Насра Мухаммеда ибн Тархана ибн Уэлага аль-Фараби (родившегося на территории нынешнего Отрара - Фараба) называют «аль-муаллим ас-сани» - вторым учителем (первым считается Аристотель). И это соответствует действительности, так как он в своих научно-философских трудах решает ряд актуальных проблем дидактики. В педагогическом наследии аль-Фараби представлены вопросы разработки, создания средств обучения, образования. В этом направлении он достиг выдающихся успехов. Арабский историк Ибн-Халликан (XIII век) в своем биографическом своде «Даты кончины знаменитых людей и сведения о сынах времени» сообщал: «Аль-Фараби превзошел всех в исламе своими истинными познаниями в логике, он объяснил ее темные места, раскрывал ее тайны, упрощал ее понимание и представлял все необходимое для ее совершенства в книгах, замечательных четкостью стиля и искусностью объяснения, замечая в них то, что упустил в них аль-Кинди и др. в мастерстве анализа и математических процессов. Его книги по этому предмету крайне удовлетворительны и обладают высшими достоинствами» /1/.
Перу Аль-Фараби принадлежат множество учебников, методических разработок, учебно-методических трудов. Методические работы Аль-Фараби представлены небольшими трактатами-путеводителями, где дается последовательный ход, порядок изучения некоторых проблем и даются дидактические указания.
Ученый большинство своих учебно-методических трудов создал по просьбе своих учеников, отдельных ученых-современников по трудным проблемам науки и философии. Зачастую в устном преподавании Аль-Фараби использовал методы эвристической беседы (диалог) и проблемного обучения, основанного на решении спорной проблемы /2/.
В XIII – XVII веках в Казахстане нет еще сложившейся системы научных знаний в области педагогики и психологии. В середине XV века на территории нынешнего Казахстана стали возникать раннефеодальные государственные объединения. Именно с этого времени начинается развитие собственной казахской культуры и образования.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The great scientist, thinker and scientist Abu Nasr Muhammad Ibn Tarhan Ibn Al-Farabi Huélaga (born on the territory of present-day Otrar-Farab) is called "Al-muallim Al-Thani"-the second teacher (the first is Aristotle). And it's true because it's scientific and philosophical writings addressing several urgent problems of didactics. In the pedagogical heritage of Al-Farabi presented design issues, the establishment of training facilities, education. In this regard, he achieved outstanding success. The Arab historian Ibn Khallikan (13th century) in his biographical book "date of death of famous people and the sons of time reported: «Al-Farabi has surpassed all in Islam, his true knowledge in logic, he explained to her dark place, revealed her secrets, simplify its understanding and expose all necessary for its excellence in books, remarkable clarity of style and skill of explaining, the noticing of what they missed in Al-Kindi hospital, etc. in skill analysis and mathematical processes. His books on this subject very satisfactory and possess superior advantages "/1/. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Peru owns a lot of textbooks, methodical, educational-methodological works. Methodical works of Al-Farabi represented small tracts of Guidebook, which provides a consistent stroke, the study of some problems and are given didactic guidelines. The scientist most of its educational and methodological works created at the request of his students, individual scholars and contemporaries on difficult issues of science and philosophy. Often in the oral teaching of Al-Farabi used interviews heuristic methods (dialogue) and problem-based learning, based on controversial issues/2/. In the 13th-17th centuries in Kazakhstan is not yet established system of scientific knowledge in the field of pedagogy and psychology. In the mid-15th century, on the territory of present-day Kazakhstan began to emerge early feudal State unions. Since that time, development of own Kazakh culture and education.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The great scientist, philosopher and encyclopedist Abu Nasr Muhammad ibn Tarhan ibn Huélaga al-Farabi (who was born on the territory of Otrar - Farab) called "Al-Muallim Al-Thani" - the second teacher (first considered by Aristotle). And this is true, as he is in his scientific and philosophical writings solves a number of urgent problems of didactics. In pedagogical heritage of Al-Farabi presents the development, creation of learning tools and education. In this direction, he has achieved outstanding success. The Arab historian Ibn Hallikan (XIII century) in his biographical vault "Dates death of famous people and information for the children of time," reported: "Al-Farabi surpassed all in Islam, their true knowledge of logic, he explained to her dark place, revealed her secrets, simplified its understanding and represented everything for her excellence in the books of remarkable clarity of style and finesse explanation noticing them what they missed in al-Kindi and al. in skill analysis and mathematical processes. His book on this subject is very satisfactory and has the highest virtues "/ 1 /.
Al-Farabi Peru belong to the set of textbooks, teaching materials, teaching works. Methodical work of Al-Farabi represented by small tracts Guide, which provides a consistent course, the order of the study some of the problems and are didactic instructions.
The scientist most of his teaching works created at the request of his students, some scientists contemporaries on difficult problems of science and philosophy. Often in the oral teaching of Al-Farabi used the heuristic conversation (dialogue) and problem-based learning, based on the solution of controversial issues / 2 /.
In XIII - XVII centuries in Kazakhstan there is still no established system of scientific knowledge in the field of pedagogy and psychology. In the middle of the XV century on the territory of Kazakhstan began to emerge early feudal state associations. It is from this time begins to develop its own Kazakh culture and education.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The great scientist, andThinker and numismatics Abu Nasr Muhammad ibn Representative ibn Уэлага al-farabi (born on the territory of the present Uzbeks - first Kazakh khanates emerged at this time) is referred to as the "al-newcomer al-Sani" - the second teacher (the first is considered to be Aristotle).And this is indeed the case, because it is in their scientific and philosophical writings solves a number of relevant issues didactics. In pedagogical heritage Aristotel submitted questions of design,Create a means of training, education. In that direction, he has achieved outstanding success.
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