Что это? Кто это?45. Чьи это ручки?46. Чья это книг перевод - Что это? Кто это?45. Чьи это ручки?46. Чья это книг английский как сказать Что это? Кто это


44. Что это? Кто это?
45. Чьи это ручки?
46. Чья это книга?
47. Чьи это дети?
48. Где твои родители?
49. Где ее ученики?
50. Они дома? Он на работе?
51. Дети в школе?
52. Эти книги в комнате?
53. Это картина на стене?
54. Почему ты здесь?
55. Он ученый? - Нет.
56. Она учитель? - Да.
57. Они студенты? - Да.
58. Эта книга интересная?
59. Эти дома большие?
60. В этой комнате находятся стол, два стула и шкаф. - Есть ли в этой комнате стол, два стула и шкаф?
61. На стене три картины. - Сколько на стене картин?
62. В нашей школе много учеников. - Много ли учеников в вашей школе?
63. В холодильнике есть молоко, масло, фрукты и сок. - Есть ли в холодильнике молоко, масло, фрукты и сок?
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Скопировано! What is it? Who is this?45. Whose line is it?46. Whose is the book?47. Whose line is it kids? 48. Where are your parents? 49. Where her students? 50. They House? He's at work? 51. children in school? 52. These books in the room? 53. This is a picture on the wall? 54. Why are you here? 55. He is a Savant? -No. 56. She's a teacher? -Yes.57. They students? -Yes.58. This book interesting? 59. these big houses? 60. In this room are table, two chairs and a wardrobe. -Is there anyone in this room, table, two chairs and a wardrobe? 61. three paintings on the wall. -How many pictures on the wall? 62. many students in our school. -How many students in your school?63. In the fridge is milk, butter, fruit and juice. -Is there a refrigerated milk, butter, fruit and juice?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

44. What is it? Who is this?
45. Whose pen?
46. Whose book is this?
47. Whose children?
48. Where are your parents?
49. Where is her disciples?
50. They are at home? He is at work?
51. Children in school?
52. These books are in the room?
53. This is a picture on the wall?
54. Why are you here?
55. He is a scientist? - No.
56. She is a teacher? - Yes.
57. They are students? - Yes.
58. This book is interesting?
59. These houses are great?
60. In this room there are a table, two chairs and a wardrobe. - Is there anything in this room table, two chairs and a wardrobe?
61. On the wall are three pictures. - How many paintings on the wall?
62. In our school, many pupils. - How many students in your school?
63. In the fridge there is milk, butter, fruit and juice. - Is there anything in the refrigerator milk, butter, and fruit juice?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Скопировано! what is it? who is it?45. whose is this pen?46. whose is this book?47. whose are these kids?48. where are your parents?49. where are the students?50. they are at home? he"s at work?51. the kids at school?52. these books in the room?53. this picture on the wall?54. why are you here?55. he"s a scientist? - no.56. she"s a teacher? - yeah.57. they students? - yeah.58. this book interesting?59. these houses are big?60. this room is a table, two chairs and a bookcase. - are there in the room, table, two chairs and a bookcase?61. three paintings on the wall. - how many wall paintings?62. in our school, many students. - how many students in your school?63. in the fridge, there"s milk, butter, fruit and juice. - is there in the fridge milk, butter, fruit and juice?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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