1. Боюсь, как бы нам не успеть осмотреть все исторические достопримеча перевод - 1. Боюсь, как бы нам не успеть осмотреть все исторические достопримеча английский как сказать

1. Боюсь, как бы нам не успеть осмо

1. Боюсь, как бы нам не успеть осмотреть все исторические достопримечательности. 2. Картина, несомненно, стоит той суммы денег, которую за нее просят. Предлагаю вам подумать еще. 3. Он ударил кулаком по столу и сказал: “Пора принимать меры. Я приказываю, чтобы только служащих с пропусками допускали в здание.” 4. Она была так поражена, что единственным ее желанием на тот момент было, как бы ее волнение не стало очевидным для всех. 5. Предлагаю подарить ей вазу! Ее любимая ваза недавно разбилась. 6. Совет доктора заключался в том, чтобы пациент придерживался диеты и ограничил употребление сахара до двух кусочков в день. 7. Мы выражаем общее мнение, что круговое движение на этой площади ухудшает экологическую обстановку. 8. Она опасалась, как бы предыдущий текст по домашнему чтению не поставил студентов в тупик. 9. Ее опасения заключались в том, как бы общение в высших кругах не повредило Дориану. 10. Мы договорились, что нам дадут такое же количество часов на гуманитарные науки, как и на естественные. 11. – Боюсь, как бы фотосъемка со вспышкой не была запрещена в Британском музее. – Неудивительно, что ты так опасаешься этого, ведь ты так любишь фотографировать. В любом случае, ты сможешь купить буклеты и открытки в магазине сувениров. 12. Галерею Тэйт стоит посетить. Я попрошу, чтобы ее посещение было включено в нашу программу экскурсий. 13. Его предложение заключалось в том, чтобы эти потрясающие новости никому не сообщали сегодня.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. I'm afraid as we would not have time to visit all the historical sights. 2. the picture is undoubtedly worth the amount of money being asked for it. Suggest you think again. 3. He hit his fist on the table and said: "it's time to take action. I'm ordering that only employees with passes allowed in the building. " 4. She was so stunned that only her desire at that moment was, as her excitement was not obvious to all. 5. Propose to give her a vase! Her favorite vase recently broke. 6. the Board doctor was to the patient adhered to the diet and restricted the use of sugar to two pieces per day. 7. We express the general opinion that the roundabout at this square degrades the environment. 8. She feared, how would the previous text on home reading did not put the students at a standstill. 9. her concerns were how to communicate in the higher circles not hurt Dorianu. 10. We agreed that we will give the same number of hours on the humanities, as well as natural. 11.-I'm afraid, as though using the Flash has not been banned in the British Museum. -It is not surprising that you're so opasaeš′sâ this because you love to photograph. In any case, you can buy booklets and postcards at the gift shop. 12. Tate Gallery is worth a visit. I ask that her visit was included in our tours. 13. his proposal was that these stunning news nobody reported today.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. I am afraid that we do not have time to explore all the historical sights. 2. The picture, of course, is the amount of money you are asking for it. I suggest you think again. 3. He banged his fist on the table and said: "It is time to take action. I order only with admissions officers admitted into the building. "4. She was so impressed that her only desire at that time was as though her excitement did not become apparent to all. 5. Offer to give her a vase! Her favorite vase recently broke. 6. The Council was whether the doctor that the patient adheres to a diet and limited the use of sugar to two pieces a day. 7. We express our common opinion that the circular movement in this area degrades the environment. 8. It is feared that the previous text for home reading not put students in a deadlock. 9. Her fear is how to communicate in high places did not hurt Dorian. 10. We agreed that we will give the same number of hours in the humanities, as well as on the natural. 11. - I am afraid that flash photography was banned in the British Museum. - No wonder you're so wary of this because you love so much pictures. In any case, you can buy booklets and postcards in the gift shop. 12. Tate Gallery is worth a visit. I'll have to visit it was included in our program of excursions. 13. His suggestion was that these great news no one reported today.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. i think we won't make it to all the historical sights. 2. the picture is definitely worth the amount of money that she asked for. i suggest you reconsider. 3. he hit his fist on the table and said:"it's time to take action. i'm ordering only servants pass allowed in the building. "4. she was so impressed that the sole desire at that time, it was as if her excitement was clear for all to see. 5.offer to give her a vase! her favorite vase was broken recently. 6. the doctor was to patient with diet and restricted the use of sugar to two pieces a day. 7. we extend the general opinionthat circular motion on the square worsens the environmental situation. 8. it was as if the previous home reading put students into a dead end. 9. her fear washow to communicate in the highest circles didn't hurt the dorian. 10. we agreed that we should have the same number of hours in the humanities, and natural. 11. - i'm afraidas the photo shoot with flash is not prohibited in the british museum. - no wonder you're so worried about it, because you love to take pictures. in any case,you can buy fliers and postcards at the gift shop. 12. the tate gallery is worth a visit. i ask her to visit was included in our programme of guided tours. 13. his suggestion wasthe exciting news that no one reported today.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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