Когда мы начинали бороться с проявлением религиозного экстремизма, с самими религиозными экстремистами, их спикерами, «собаками» и «обезьянами», мы понимали, что они должны быть наказаны моментально.
When we started to deal with manifestations of religious extremism with religious extremists themselves, their speakers, "dogs" and "monkeys", we understand that they must be punished instantly.
When we started to deal with religious extremism with religious extremists themselves, their speakers, "dogs" and "monkeys", we understand that they must be punished immediately.
when we started to fight with the manifestation of religious extremism, with the religious extremists, they собаками» speakers "and" обезьянами», we realized that they must be punished immediately.