1. Зима. Декабрь. Очень холодно. Кругом много снега. 2. Весна. Апрель. перевод - 1. Зима. Декабрь. Очень холодно. Кругом много снега. 2. Весна. Апрель. английский как сказать

1. Зима. Декабрь. Очень холодно. Кр

1. Зима. Декабрь. Очень холодно. Кругом много снега. 2. Весна. Апрель. Тепло и солнечно. Это чудесное время года. 3. Сегодня суббота. Это мой свободный день. 4. Пасмурно, похоже, будет дождь. 5. — Какой сегодня день? — Это пятница. Мой любимый день. 6. — Который час? — 12 часов. Пора ланчевать. 7. — Боюсь, что я опаздываю. — Ты никогда не опаздываешь. 8. — Далеко ли отсюда до парка? — Не очень далеко. 9. — Какое сегодня число? Кто отсутствует? — Сегодня 5 Марта. Все здесь. 10. — Кто сегодня дежурный? — Я дежурная сегодня. Мы готовы к уроку. — Да, пора начинать урок. 11. — Время для второго завтрака. — Да, уже 12 часов. Хочется пить. 12. Это трудный вопрос. Необходимо решить его. 13. Мир тесен. В нем так много людей, которые знают друг друга. 14. В Лондоне всегда много туристов. В английской столице столько достопримечательностей. 15. Тебе сообщение на дисплее. Оно срочное.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. Winter. December. Very cold. Range of a lot of snow. 2. Spring. April. Warm and sunny. This is a wonderful time of the year. 3. today, Saturday. This is my free day. 4. Cloudy, it seems to be raining. 5.-what day is today? Is This Friday. My favourite day. 6.-what time is it? — 12:00. It's time to lanchevat'. 7. "I'm afraid that I'm late. "You never opazdyvaesh'. 8.-how far from here to the Park? Is not very far. 9.-What is the date today? Who is missing? Today March 5. All here. 10. is on duty today? I am on duty today. We are ready for the lesson. — Yes, it is time to begin the lesson. 11.-time for a second breakfast. Yes, already 12:00. Thirsty. 12. This is a difficult question. It is necessary to solve it. 13. Small World. In it there are so many people who know each other. 14. always a lot of tourists in London. In the English capital as many attractions. 15. you a message on the display. It is urgent.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. Winter. December. Very cold. All around a lot of snow. 2. Spring. April. Warm and sunny. This is a wonderful time of year. 3. Today is Saturday. It's my day off. 4. Clear, looks like it will rain. 5. - What day is it? - It's Friday. My favorite day. 6. - What time? - 12 hours. It's time lanchevat. 7. - I'm afraid that I'm late. - You'll never be late. 8. - How far is it from here to the park? - Not very far. 9 - What is the date today? Who is absent? - Today, March 5. All here. 10 - Who is on duty today? - I'm on duty today. We are ready for the lesson. - Yes, it is time to begin the lesson. 11. - for lunch time. - Yes, already 12 hours. I would like to drink. 12. This is a difficult question. It is necessary to solve it. 13. small world. There are so many people who know each other. 14. In London is always a lot of tourists. In the British capital as attractions. 15. You message on the display. It is urgent.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. winter. december. it's very cold. there is plenty of snow. 2. spring. april. warm and sunny. this is a wonderful time of the year. 3. today is saturday. this is my free day. 4. it looks like it's going to rain. 5. - what day is it today? - it's friday. my favorite day. 6. - what time is it? - 12 hours. time ланчевать. 7. - i'm afraid i'll be late. - you're never late. 8. - how far is it from here to the park? not very far. 9. - what day is it today? who's missing? today is march 5. everything here. 10. - who's on duty today? - i'm a today. we are ready for the lesson. - yeah, it's time to start the lesson. 11. - time for a second breakfast. - yeah, for 12 hours. thirsty. 12. it's a difficult question. to solve it. 13. it's a small world. there are a lot of people who know each other. 14. in london there are always a lot of tourists. in the english capital of many attractions. 15. the message on the display. it's urgent.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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