когда я гуляю по нашему городу,то я вижу людей спешащих на работу,люде перевод - когда я гуляю по нашему городу,то я вижу людей спешащих на работу,люде английский как сказать

когда я гуляю по нашему городу,то я

когда я гуляю по нашему городу,то я вижу людей спешащих на работу,людей разговаривающих по телефону,сидящих в интернете и людей слушающих музыку. Люди проходят мимо друг друга,бросая мимолетные взгляды,не замечая вокруг себя ничего.

Сейчас мы бежим быстрей домой чтобы закрытся от всех,не разговариваем со своей семьей за столом,только сидим уткнувшись в телефоны и телевизоры,молодые родители за хорошую учебу покупают своему ребенку айфоны и айпады. В то время когда мои родители были молодыми,все было подругому,дети игрались во дворе с утра до вечера,люди здоровались и разговаривали друг с другом,на праздники за большим столом всегда собиралось много гостей и было живое общение.

Раньше у людей была ценность-это семья,воспитанние детей,хорошее образование. Сейчас меняется время,меняются ценности и мы вместе со всем этим. И я надеюсь что в будущем мы вернемся за большие столы,живое общение и будем ценить друг друга.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
When I walk in our city, I see people hurrying to work, people talking on the phone, sitting on the Internet and people listening to music. People pass by each other, throwing the fleeting glances, oblivious to anything around him.Now we run faster home to zakrytsja of all, do not talk with her family at the table, just sit with their heads in telephones and televisions, young parents for good study bought iPhones and ipads to their child. At that time, when my parents were young, things were otherwise, children played in the yard from morning to evening, people greeted and chatted with each other on holidays for large table always gathered a lot of guests and it was live communication. Before people have value is family, vospitannie the children a good education. Now the time is changing, changing values and we, along with all of this. And I hope that in the future we will return for big tables, live communication and will cherish each other.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
when I walk in our city, I see people hurrying to work, people talking on the phone sitting on the internet, and people listen to music. People pass each other, throwing fleeting glances, not noticing anything around him.

Now we run faster to close the home of all, we do not talk with his family at the table, just sit buried in phones and TVs, young parents for good study buy your child iPhones and iPads. At the time when my parents were young, it was a friend, the children played in the yard all day long, people greeted and talked with each other for the holidays at the large table was always going to a lot of guests and had a lively chat.

Previously, people had value, it is a family, raise children, a good education. Now time is changing, changing values, and we, along with all of this. And I hope that in the future we will be back at the big table, live chat and we appreciate each other.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
when i'm walking on our city, i see people from work, people talking on the phone, sitting in the internet and listening to music. people pass by each other, throwing the fleeting views, not even around it.now we run hurry home to закрытся of all, don't talk with your family at the dinner table, we had to phones and tvs, young parents for a good school for your child to buy iphones and ipods. at that time, when my parents were young, it was different, the children were playing in the yard, from morning to night, people greeting and talking with each other, for the holidays at the big table always met many guests and live communication.before people had the value of this family, воспитанние children a good education. now change time, change the values of and together with all this. and i hope that in the future we will be back for large tables, live communication and we appreciate each other.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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