Предложил идею нравственной революции, в основе которой лежал тезис о  перевод - Предложил идею нравственной революции, в основе которой лежал тезис о  английский как сказать

Предложил идею нравственной революц

Предложил идею нравственной революции, в основе которой лежал тезис о свободном самоулучшении личности. Условия нравственного воспитания[править | править вики-текст]
развитие наблюдательности;
развитие способности самостоятельно мыслить и глубоко чувствовать;
развитие творчества;
свобода детской активности и детского творчества;
уважение ребёнка как личности;
протест против угнетения детей;
уважение к детским недостаткам;
приобщение ребёнка к «религиозному началу»

Физическое воспитание. Совершенствование физических качеств детей.Закаливание организма.Развитие физических качеств в народных играх и на природе.
Яснополянская школа. Толстой решительно восстал против всякой регламентации и дисциплины в школе. Всё в преподавании должно быть индивидуально — и учитель, и ученик, и их взаимные отношения. В яснополянской школе дети сидели кто как хотел. Никакой определённой программы преподавания не было. Единственная задача учителя заключалась в том, чтобы заинтересовать класс. Занятия шли прекрасно. Их вёл сам Толстой при помощи нескольких постоянных учителей и нескольких случайных, из ближайших знакомых и приезжих.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Proposed the idea of the moral revolution, based on the thesis samoulučšenii a free personality. Conditions of moral education [edit | edit wiki text]
development observation;
developing the ability to think independently and deeply feel the development of creativity;
freedom child activity and children's creativity;
respect children as individuals;
protest against the oppression of children;
respect for children's shortcomings;
engaging children to "religious

beginning physical education. Improvement of the physical qualities of children. Tempering body.Development of physical properties in popular games and nature.
Yasnaya Polyana school. Tolstoy strongly rebelled against any regulation and discipline in the school. All teaching must be individually — and the teacher, and the student, and their mutual relationship. In âsnopolânskoj school children who were wanted. No specific programmes of teaching was not. The only task of the teacher is to be interested in class. Classes went well. It was very Thick with a few permanent teachers and several random, of the closest friends and visitors.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Proposed the idea of a moral revolution, which was based on the thesis of the free self-improvement of the individual. Terms of moral education [edit | edit wiki text]
development of observation,
developing the ability to think independently and to feel deeply,
the development of creativity,
freedom of the children's activities and children's creativity,
respect for the child as an individual,
a protest against the oppression of children,
respect for children's shortcomings;
familiarizing the child to "religious principle" Physical education. Improving physical qualities detey.Zakalivanie organizma.Razvitie physical qualities in folk games and nature. Yasnopolyanskaya school. Tolstoy strongly opposed any attempt to regulate and discipline in the school. All teaching must be individually - and the teacher and the student, and their mutual relations. In the Yasnaya Polyana school children who sat as he wanted. No specific teaching program was not. The only task of the teacher was to interest the class. Classes are going well. They led Tolstoy himself with a few permanent teachers and a few random from the nearest relatives and visitors.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Proposed the idea moral revolution, based on the thesis of the free самоулучшении identity. Conditions for moral education[Edit | edit wiki text]
development ability to read buyer's signals;
The ability to think and deeply feel;
development creativity;
freedom child activity and children's creativity;
respect for the child as a person;
protest against oppression children;
Respect for children's shortcomings;
initiation of the child to the "religious early"

physical education. Improving physical qualities children.hardening should organism.Development physical qualities in the people's games, and the very nature.
Яснополянская school. Thick strongly propped against any regulation and discipline in the school. All in teaching must be individually - and the teacher,And the apprentice, and their mutual relations. In яснополянскои school children sat who as I would like. No specific programs of teaching was not. The only task teachers was to be interested in class.Lesson went very well. They led the very thick with the help of several permanent teachers and a few random, from the nearest familiar and visitors alike.
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