1. нет, не могу, я пока еще не определилась со своей будущей профессие перевод - 1. нет, не могу, я пока еще не определилась со своей будущей профессие английский как сказать

1. нет, не могу, я пока еще не опре

1. нет, не могу, я пока еще не определилась со своей будущей профессией, но думаю, что это будет связано с чем то творческим. в будущем я хочу большую семью и, как это не нагло, но я не хочу работать постоянно (например художником). я хочу, что бы меня и моих детей обеспечивал муж, т.к. считаю что это его обязанность. в свою очередь, от меня он получит все остальное:любовь, заботу о доме, буду выполнять всю домашнюю работу, растить детей и готовить много разнообразной еды.
2. 8, я считаю, что я хороший друг, т.к. для меня честь превыше всего, я никогда не придам - это не в моих принципах. но в то же время я иногда слишком прямолинейна и груба, что отпугивает от меня людей. сын, потому что я хочу сына, и желательно не одного, а три. смысла вопроса про ученика я не поняла. брат, т.к. очень хотелось бы старшего брата, который заботился бы обо мне.
3. я не завишу от чужого мнения, высказываю все, что думаю, очень талантлива и умею делать почти все. но конечно же есть и минусы: я ленива и иногда очень труслива и если у меня плохое настроение, то все об этом знают.
4. я очень люблю развлекаться и делать что то творческое. да, я думаю, что отчасти это изменится на заботу о семье и конечно же станет меньше развлечений.
5. в людях я ценю стойкость, доброту, честность, и я думаю, что эти качества присуще мне. я бы хотела стать более ответственной и менее ленивой.
6. я мечтаю объехать весь мир.
7. хммм... думаю, что я прикладываю не все усилия, но в будущем я уверена, что это изменится, т.к. сейчас я еще пока не понимаю всей ответственности.
8. и этот вопрос я тоже не очень поняла
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. нет, не могу, я пока еще не определилась со своей будущей профессией, но думаю, что это будет связано с чем то творческим. в будущем я хочу большую семью и, как это не нагло, но я не хочу работать постоянно (например художником). я хочу, что бы меня и моих детей обеспечивал муж, т.к. считаю что это его обязанность. в свою очередь, от меня он получит все остальное:любовь, заботу о доме, буду выполнять всю домашнюю работу, растить детей и готовить много разнообразной еды.2. 8, я считаю, что я хороший друг, т.к. для меня честь превыше всего, я никогда не придам - это не в моих принципах. но в то же время я иногда слишком прямолинейна и груба, что отпугивает от меня людей. сын, потому что я хочу сына, и желательно не одного, а три. смысла вопроса про ученика я не поняла. брат, т.к. очень хотелось бы старшего брата, который заботился бы обо мне.3. I do not depend on another's opinion, giving everything that I think is very talented and can do almost everything. but of course there are downsides: I lazy and sometimes really are cowardly and if I have a bad mood, everybody knows about it.4. I love to have fun and do something creative. Yes, I think that's part of the reason this change to the care of the family and of course becomes less fun.5. people I appreciate firmness, kindness, honesty, and I think that these qualities inherent in me. I would like to become more responsible and less lazy.6. I dream of travelling around the world.7. hmmm ... think I'm making not all efforts, but in the future I'm sure that this will change, because now I've still yet to understand the full responsibility. 8. and this do I really understood
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. No, I can not, I have not yet decided on his future profession, but I think that it will be associated with something creative. in the future, I want a big family and it's not blatantly, but I do not want to run continuously (eg artist). I want that to me and my children provide her husband because I think that it is his duty. in turn, from me he will get everything else: love, care about the house, I'll do all the housework, raise children and cook a lot of variety of food.
2. 8, I believe I have a good friend, because an honor above all else, I never arrive - it's not in my principles. but at the same time I am sometimes too straightforward and tough, that scares people away from me. son, because I want a son, and preferably not one, but three. the meaning of the question about the student I did not understand. brother because very much like his older brother, which would take care of me.
3. I do not depend on other people's opinions, I express all that I think is very talented and can do almost anything. but of course there are also disadvantages: I am lazy, and sometimes cowardly and if I have a bad mood, everyone knows about it.
4. I love to have fun and do something creative. Yes, I think that part of this will change in the care of the family and of course will be less entertainment.
5. in people I appreciate stability, kindness, honesty, and I think that these qualities are inherent in me. I would like to become more responsible and less lazy.
6. I dream to travel around the world.
7. hmmm ... I think that I put no effort, but in the future I'm sure this will change as Now I have not yet understand the whole responsibility.
8. And this question I do not really understand 3. I do not depend on other people's opinions, I express all that I think is very talented and can do almost anything. but of course there are also disadvantages: I am lazy, and sometimes cowardly and if I have a bad mood, everyone knows about it. 4. I love to have fun and do something creative. Yes, I think that part of this will change in the care of the family and of course will be less entertainment. 5. in people I appreciate stability, kindness, honesty, and I think that these qualities are inherent in me. I would like to become more responsible and less lazy. 6. I dream to travel around the world. 7. hmmm ... I think that I put no effort, but in the future I'm sure this will change as Now I have not yet understand the whole responsibility. 8. And this question I do not really understand 3. I do not depend on other people's opinions, I express all that I think is very talented and can do almost anything. but of course there are also disadvantages: I am lazy, and sometimes cowardly and if I have a bad mood, everyone knows about it. 4. I love to have fun and do something creative. Yes, I think that part of this will change in the care of the family and of course will be less entertainment. 5. in people I appreciate stability, kindness, honesty, and I think that these qualities are inherent in me. I would like to become more responsible and less lazy. 6. I dream to travel around the world. 7. hmmm ... I think that I put no effort, but in the future I'm sure this will change as Now I have not yet understand the whole responsibility. 8. And this question I do not really understand I think, I am very talented and can do almost anything. but of course there are also disadvantages: I am lazy, and sometimes cowardly and if I have a bad mood, everyone knows about it. 4. I love to have fun and do something creative. Yes, I think that part of this will change in the care of the family and of course will be less entertainment. 5. in people I appreciate stability, kindness, honesty, and I think that these qualities are inherent in me. I would like to become more responsible and less lazy. 6. I dream to travel around the world. 7. hmmm ... I think that I put no effort, but in the future I'm sure this will change as Now I have not yet understand the whole responsibility. 8. And this question I do not really understand I think, I am very talented and can do almost anything. but of course there are also disadvantages: I am lazy, and sometimes cowardly and if I have a bad mood, everyone knows about it. 4. I love to have fun and do something creative. Yes, I think that part of this will change in the care of the family and of course will be less entertainment. 5. in people I appreciate stability, kindness, honesty, and I think that these qualities are inherent in me. I would like to become more responsible and less lazy. 6. I dream to travel around the world. 7. hmmm ... I think that I put no effort, but in the future I'm sure this will change as Now I have not yet understand the whole responsibility. 8. And this question I do not really understand I'm lazy and cowardly, and sometimes if I have a bad mood, everyone knows about it. 4. I love to have fun and do something creative. Yes, I think that part of this will change in the care of the family and of course will be less entertainment. 5. in people I appreciate stability, kindness, honesty, and I think that these qualities are inherent in me. I would like to become more responsible and less lazy. 6. I dream to travel around the world. 7. hmmm ... I think that I put no effort, but in the future I'm sure this will change as Now I have not yet understand the whole responsibility. 8. And this question I do not really understand I'm lazy and cowardly, and sometimes if I have a bad mood, everyone knows about it. 4. I love to have fun and do something creative. Yes, I think that part of this will change in the care of the family and of course will be less entertainment. 5. in people I appreciate stability, kindness, honesty, and I think that these qualities are inherent in me. I would like to become more responsible and less lazy. 6. I dream to travel around the world. 7. hmmm ... I think that I put no effort, but in the future I'm sure this will change as Now I have not yet understand the whole responsibility. 8. And this question I do not really understand in part this will change in the care of the family and of course will be less entertainment. 5. in people I appreciate stability, kindness, honesty, and I think that these qualities are inherent in me. I would like to become more responsible and less lazy. 6. I dream to travel around the world. 7. hmmm ... I think that I put no effort, but in the future I'm sure this will change as Now I have not yet understand the whole responsibility. 8. And this question I do not really understand in part this will change in the care of the family and of course will be less entertainment. 5. in people I appreciate stability, kindness, honesty, and I think that these qualities are inherent in me. I would like to become more responsible and less lazy. 6. I dream to travel around the world. 7. hmmm ... I think that I put no effort, but in the future I'm sure this will change as Now I have not yet understand the whole responsibility. 8. And this question I do not really understand Now I have not yet understand the whole responsibility. 8. And this question I do not really understand Now I have not yet understand the whole responsibility. 8. And this question I do not really understand
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