Меня зовут Бондарев Виталий. Мне нравится обучаться в УрФУ. Я хочу рас перевод - Меня зовут Бондарев Виталий. Мне нравится обучаться в УрФУ. Я хочу рас английский как сказать

Меня зовут Бондарев Виталий. Мне нр

Меня зовут Бондарев Виталий. Мне нравится обучаться в УрФУ. Я хочу рассказать кратко об Уральском федеральном университете (УрФУ), вкотором я учусь. В городе Каменск-Уральский где я живу ,имеется несколько институтов. Тем не менее, я предпочел учиться в УрФУ в одном из крупнейших университетов города. Моя отрасль металлургия, и я вдальнейшем собираюсь работать на одном из сталепромышленных предприятий города. на одном из них я работаю. Приходится совмещать работу и учёбу,поэтому свободного времени почти нет. УрФУ был создан в городе Екатеринбурге в одна тысяча девятьсот двадцать году по указу главы Советского правительства Владимира Ленина. С две тысячи восьмого года университет носит имя Бориса Ельцина. Первого президента России.Тем не менее университет подготовил много специалистов, в том числе и иностранных студентов. Я знаю, что многие подростки мечтают обучаться здесь, но вступительные экзамены не из легких. Я ходил на подготовительные курсы, перед сдачей вступительного экзамена, в университет. После поступления, мы в группе с однокурсниками познакомились и сдружились. В университете имеется исследовательский комплекс, он включает в себя лаборатории, библиотеки, несколько музеев и коллекций.
Образование в УрФУ это хороший способ получить для себя знания
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
My name is Vitaly Bondarev. I like to study in a college graduate. I want to talk briefly about the Ural Federal University (Urfu), which I am. In the town of Kamensk-Uralsky where I live, there are several institutions. However, I chose to study at the College graduate in one of the largest universities in the city. My industry metallurgy and I infurther going to work on one of stalepromyšlennyh enterprises of the city. on one of them I am working. Have the opportunity to combine work and studies, so there is almost no free time. College graduate was established in the city of Yekaterinburg in one thousand nine hundred and twenty-year by order of the head of the Soviet Government of Vladimir Lenin. With two thousand and eight, the University bears the name of Boris Yeltsin. The first President of Russia. Nevertheless, the University has trained many specialists, including foreign students. I know that many teenagers dream of studying here, but no easy entrance exams. I went to preparatory courses before taking the entrance exam, the University. Upon receipt, we are in a group with fellow students met and became good friends. The University has research complex, it includes laboratories, libraries, several museums and collections. College graduate education is a good way to get to the knowledge
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
My name is Vitaly Bondarev. I like to study in Urfa. I want to talk briefly about Ural Federal University (Urfa), unto which I am studying. In the city of Kamensk-Uralsky where I live, there are several institutions. However, I would prefer to study in Urfa in one of the largest universities in the city. My metallurgy industry, and I vdalneyshem going to work on one of the Steel Industrial enterprises of the city. on one of them I work. We have to combine work and study, so there is almost no free time. Ural Federal University was established in the city of Yekaterinburg in one thousand nine hundred and twenty, by decree of the head of the Soviet government of Vladimir Lenin. With two thousand and eight, the university bears the name of Boris Yeltsin. First President Rossii.Tem least the university has trained many specialists, including foreign students. I know that many teenagers dream to study here, but the entrance exams is not easy. I went to preparatory courses before passing the entrance exam to university. Upon receipt, we are in a group with fellow students met and became friends. The university has a research center, it includes a laboratory, library, several museums and collections.
Education in Urfa is a good way to get the knowledge for themselves
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
my name is vitaliy bondarev. i like to study in urfa. i want to talk briefly about the ural federal university (urfa), вкотором i study. in the town of kamensk uralsky, where i live, there are a few institutions.however, i prefer to study in urfa in one of the largest universities in the city. my industry and steel industry, and i'm going to work on one of the вдальнейшем сталепромышленных city enterprises.in one of them i work. to combine work and study, therefore, almost no free time.urfa was founded in the city of yekaterinburg in the one thousand nine hundred and twenty year by decree of the soviet government, vladimir lenin. in two thousand eight, the university bears the name of boris yeltsin.the first president of россии.тем, the university has trained many professionals, including foreign students. i know that many teenagers want to study here, but the entrance examination of the lungs.i go to cram school, before passing the entrance exam to university. after admission, we in the group with classmates met and bonded. the university has a research complexit includes laboratories, libraries, several museums and collections.
education in urfa is a good way to get to the knowledge
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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