РУБРИКИРУСНОВОСТИ21 Декабря 20130219СИЛЬНОЕ СЕЛО – СИЛЬНАЯ СТРАНАОбъяв перевод - РУБРИКИРУСНОВОСТИ21 Декабря 20130219СИЛЬНОЕ СЕЛО – СИЛЬНАЯ СТРАНАОбъяв английский как сказать


21 Декабря 20130219
Объявленная Главой государства в Стратегии «Казахстан-2050» модернизация сельского хозяйства напрямую затрагивает интересы жителей: горожане получают качественные и доступные по стоимости продукты питания, а сельчане – работу и перспективу, то есть вер

09В области сегодня реализуется ряд государственных программ, целью которых является улучшение благосостояния населения, особенно в сельской местности. Благодаря «Дорожной карте занятости-2020» многие сельчане занялись предпринимательством, открыв парикмахерские, кондитерские, мебельные цеха, медицинские кабинеты, а кто-то стал выращивать на приусадебном участке огурцы и помидоры, обеспечив работой своих близких и родных.

По второму направлению программы – «Создание рабочих мест через развитие предпринимательства и развитие опорных сел» – для открытия собственного дела и расширения действующего бизнеса обучение азам предпринимательства прошли более 1 100 человек. Более 700 участников программы получили кредиты на общую сумму 2 млрд. 165 млн. тенге. С каждым годом в области увеличивается количество желающих заняться своим бизнесом.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
FILED UNDERENGNEWS21 December 20,130,219STRONG VILLAGE-A STRONG COUNTRYThe head of State announced the strategy "Kazakhstan-2050" modernization of agriculture directly affect the interests of the inhabitants: the citizens receive high-quality and affordable food, and villagers work and perspective that is ver09b field today there are a number of State programmes aimed at improving the welfare of the population, especially in rural areas. Thanks to the road map of employment-2020, many villagers engaged in entrepreneurship, opening a barber shop, pastry shops, furniture workshops, medical offices, and someone began to grow on a personal plot cucumbers and tomatoes, ensuring that the work of their friends and relatives.A second programme is "job creation through entrepreneurship and development team sat down to open their own businesses and expansion of existing business learning the basics of entrepreneurship more than 1 100 people. More than 700 participants in the programme have received loans totaling $ 2 billion. 165 million. tenge. Every year in the field increases the number of those wishing to do their business.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

December 21 20,130,219
STRONG VILLAGE - strong country
declared the Head of State in the Strategy "Kazakhstan-2050" modernization of agriculture directly affect the interests of the inhabitants: citizens get high-quality and affordable food, and villagers - work and perspective, ie ver 09B the field today is implementing a number of government programs aimed at improving the welfare of the population, especially in rural areas. Thanks to the "Roadmap employment 2020" many villagers do business, opening the hairdresser, bakery, furniture shop, medical offices, and someone began to grow in the garden cucumbers and tomatoes, provide jobs for their relatives and friends. In the second direction of the program - " Job creation through enterprise development and supporting the development of villages "- to open their own businesses and expand existing business learning the basics of entrepreneurship have been more than 1 100 people. More than 700 participants of the program received loans totaling $ 2 billion. 165 million. Tenge. Every year in increased number of people willing to do their business.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

with ril news december 21, 20130219
strong village is a strong country
declared head of state in the strategy of "kazakhstan - 2050» modernization agriculture directly affects the interests of residents.the townspeople are the quality and affordability of food, and countrymen, and perspective, that is, vera

09в area today is a number of public programmesthe purpose of which is to improve the well-being of the population, especially in rural areas. the road map of 2020, many villagers are engaged in employment by entrepreneurship, hairdressing, confectionery,furniture shop, medical offices, and someone began to grow in the huge plot of cucumbers and tomatoes, by the work of their family or relatives.

on the second line of the programme is "creating jobs through entrepreneurship and development team сел» is to start up their own business and the expansion of existing business training fundamentalsthrough more than 1, 100 people.more than 700 participants received loans totaling $2 billion. 165 million. tenge. every year, the number of volunteers to do his business.
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