Упражнение 8. 1. Мне не нужно было идти в библиотеку, так как эта книг перевод - Упражнение 8. 1. Мне не нужно было идти в библиотеку, так как эта книг английский как сказать

Упражнение 8. 1. Мне не нужно было

Упражнение 8.

1. Мне не нужно было идти в библиотеку, так как эта книга оказалась у меня дома.
2. Чем больше я ее знаю, тем меньше понимаю.
3. Они не хотели давать никаких советов.
4. Вы уже прочитали эту книгу? Нет, мы начали читать ее на прошлой неделе.
5. Я буду еще работать, когда вы вернетесь.
6. Я очень голоден, как только собрание закончится, я пойду в столовую.
7. Ее платье было такое ж мокрое как и твое.

Упражнение 9.

1. Она услышала, как кто-то громко рассмеялся.
2. Если результаты последних экспериментов будут положительными,
они смогут начать разработку проекта немедленно.
3. Ты хочешь, чтобы я остановилась в этой гостинице?
4. Мама сказала, что в следующем году мы поедем на юг вместе.
5. В доме было тихо. Дети уснули.
6. Я закончил перевод. Что мне делать дальше?
7. Она будет рада, если мы навестим ее в ближайшие дни.

Упражнение 10.

1. В кабинете английского языка стоит шкаф, стол и несколько стульев.
2. Они прожили в Москве с 1990 по 1995 гг.
3. Иностранец спросил, кто из нас умеет говорить по-английски.
4. Спроси его, написал ли он сочинение.
5. Никто не заставит нас прекратить эту работу.
6. Родители приезжают завтра 6-ти часовым поездом с юга. Они прислали мне телеграмму.
7. Анна приехала? - А когда она вернулась?

Упражнение 11.

1. Осенью в лесу очень красиво. Листья желтеют.
2. Все вынуждены были согласиться с его предложением.
3. Мы с сестрой собираем марки с тех пор, как папа подарил нам альбом.
4. Я слышал, что все окончилось хорошо.
5. Он зашел в дом, семья обедала.
6. Я заставлю его взять себя в руки.
7. Положение моей сестры было гораздо хуже, чем мы предполагали.

Упражнение 12.

1. Вчера с утра до позднего вечера я ждала твоего телефонного звонка.
2. Вам следует обратить внимание на свое произношение.
3. Мы ничего о нем не слышали с тех пор, как он уехал в Лондон.
4. Холодильник нужно починить как можно быстрее.
5. Ни у меня, ни у моего друга не было денег.
6. Он никогда не играл в шахматы, когда был ребенком.
7. Боюсь, у нас не осталось кофе; не купишь ли ты немного?

Упражнение 13.

1. Он не чувствовал ни ветра, ни холода.
2. Он сказал, что будет очень занят сегодня и придет домой позже обычного.
3. Видно, что ты этого не знаешь,
4. Последний раз, когда ты был за границей - это весна 1990 г.
5. Вчера мне пришлось обедать в столовой, хотя я обычно обедаю дома.
6. Чем больше я об этом думаю, тем больше удивляюсь.
7. Он почувствовал, что кто-то следит за ним.

Упражнение 14.

1. Волосы моей мамы длиннее, чем волосы ее подруги.
2. Когда приходит осень, становится холоднее.
3. Кто заставляет его регулярно готовиться к занятиям?
4. Кто из вас разбил окно?
5. В это время в следующем месяце я буду купаться в Балтийском море.
6. До того как он приехал в Минск, он жил в деревне.
7. Никто не хотел, чтобы он уходил так рано.

Упражнение 15.

1. Уже семь часов вечера, он никогда не уходит из своего офиса раньше этого времени.
2. Я не мог позвонить тебе в это время, потому что разговаривал с директором.
3. Здоровье и счастье дороже денег.
4. Не имею понятия, сколько лет твоей подруге.
5. Почему твоя подруга такая сердитая? - Она потеряла ключи и не знает где их искать.
6. Вот ваши очки. Возьмите их и не теряйте больше.
7. Дождь начался в мае и с тех пор не прекращался.

Упражнение 16.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Exercise 8. 1. I did not have to go to the library, because this book ended up at my home.2. The more I know, the less I understand.3. They did not want to give any advice.4. you have already read this book? No, we started reading it last week.5. I will still work when you return.6. I am very hungry, once the meeting is over, I'll go into the dining room.7. her dress was such a f wet like yours. Exercise 9. 1. She heard someone laughed out loud.2. If the results of the latest experiments are positive,they can start developing the project immediately.3. Ty hochesh, to I stopped at this establishment?4. My mother told me that next year we will go to the South together.5. The House was quiet. Children slept.6. I finished the translation. What do I do next?7. It will be happy if we navestim it in the coming days. Exercise 10. 1. In the study of English is a wardrobe, a table and a few chairs.2. They lived in Moscow from 1990 to 1995 Gg.3. a foreigner asked who of us knows how to speak English.4. Ask him if he wrote the essay.5. no one can make us stop this work.6. parents arrive tomorrow 6 hours by train from the South. They sent me a telegram.7. Anna arrived? -And when she returned? Exercise 11. 1. Autumn in the Woods very nicely. The leaves turn yellow.2. all were forced to agree to his proposal.3. My sister and I are collecting stamps since Dad gave us album.4. I've heard that all is well.5. He went into the House, the family lunched.6. I will make him pull yourself together.7. my sister's Situation was much worse than we had anticipated. Exercise 12. 1. Today from morning till late in the evening I was waiting for your phone call.2. you must pay attention to your pronunciation.3. We have not heard anything about him since he went to London.4. refrigerator need to be repaired as quickly as possible.5. Neither I nor my friend had no money.6. He never played chess when I was a kid.7. I'm afraid we have no remaining coffee; money can't buy you a bit? Exercise 13. 1. He felt neither rain nor cold.2. He said it would be very busy today and will come home later than usual.3. you can see that you don't know4. The last time you were abroad-this spring, 1990.5. Today I had lunch in the dining room, although I usually eat lunch at home.6. The more I think about it, the more I wonder.7. He felt that someone's watching him. Exercise 14. 1. my mom's Hair is longer than the hair of her friend.2. When the autumn comes, it becomes colder.3. who makes him regularly to prepare for classes?4. Who broke the window?5. by this time next month I'm going to swim in the Baltic Sea.6. Before he arrived to Minsk, he lived in the village.7. no one wanted him to go off so early. Exercise 15. 1. Already seven o'clock in the evening, he never leaves his Office before that time.2. I couldn't call you at this time because I talked to the Director.3. Health and happiness is more valuable than money. 4. Don't have a clue how old is your friend.5. Why is your girlfriend this angry? -She lost her keys and don't know where to look for them.6. Here's your glasses. Take them and not lose more.7. rain began in May and since then has not stopped. Exercise 16.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Exercise 8. 1. I did not need to go to the library, as this book was in my house. 2. The more I know, the less I understand. 3. They did not want to give any advice. 4. Have you already read this book? No, we started reading it last week. 5. I will still work when you return. 6. I'm very hungry, as soon as the meeting is over, I'll go to the dining room. 7. Her dress was wet so w as yours. Exercise 9. 1. She heard someone laughing out loud. 2. If the results of recent experiments are positive, they can begin to develop the project immediately. 3. You want me to stay at this hotel? 4. Mom said that next year we will go to the south together. 5. The house was quiet. Children slept. 6. I finished the translation. What do I do next? 7. She will be glad if we see her in the next few days. Exercise 10. 1. In the study of the English language is a wardrobe, a table and a few chairs. 2. They lived in Moscow from 1990 to 1995. 3. A foreigner asked which one of us is able to speak in English. 4. Ask him if he wrote an essay. 5. No one will force us to stop the work. 6. Parents come tomorrow to 6 hours by train from the south. They sent me a telegram. 7. Anna arrived? - And when she came back? Exercise 11. 1. Autumn in the forest is very beautiful. Leaves turn yellow. 2. All were forced to agree to his proposal. 3. My sister and I collect stamps as long as the Pope has given us an album. 4. I've heard that all ended well. 5. He went to the house for dinner. Family 6. I'll get him to pull himself together. 7. The situation of my sister was much worse than we expected. Exercise 12. 1. Yesterday in the morning until late at night I was waiting for your phone call. 2. You should pay attention to your pronunciation. 3. We have not heard anything about him since he left for London. 4. Refrigerator need to be repaired as soon as possible. 5. Neither I nor my friend had no money. 6. He never played a game of chess when he was a child. 7. I'm afraid we do not have coffee; if you buy a little? Exercise 13. 1. He felt neither wind nor cold. 2. He said he would be very busy today and come home later than usual. 3. It is evident that you do not know, 4. The last time you were abroad - it's Spring 1990 5. Yesterday I had dinner in the dining room, although I usually have dinner at home. 6. The more I think about it, the more amazed. 7. He felt that someone was watching him. Exercise 14. 1. The hair of my mother longer than the hair of her friend. 2. When fall comes, it becomes colder. 3. Who makes it regularly to prepare for classes? 4. How many of you broke the window? 5. At this time next month, I will swim in the Baltic Sea. 6. Before he arrived in Minsk, he lived in the village. 7. Nobody wanted him to leave so early. Exercise 15. 1. For seven o'clock in the evening, he never leaves his office before then. 2. I could not call you at this time, because it was talking to the director. 3. Health and happiness more than money. 4. I have no idea how old is your friend. 5. Why is your friend so angry? - She lost her keys and does not know where to find them. 6. Here are your glasses. Take them and do not lose any more. 7. The rain started in May, and since then has not stopped. Exercise 16.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
exercise 8.1. i don"t have to go to the library, as this book was in my house.2. the more i know her, the less i know.3. they don"t want to give any advice.4. you have already read this book? no, we have read it last week.5. i"m still working when you return.6. i"m very hungry, as soon as the meeting is over, i go to the dining room.7. her dress was so wet as yours.exercise 9.1. she heard someone laughed out loud.2. if the results of the latter experiments are positive.they can start the project immediately.3. you want me to stay in this hotel?4. mom told me that next year we will go to the south together.5. the house was quiet. the children are asleep.6. i finished translation. what do i do next?7. it would be nice if we can see it in the next few days.exercise 10.1. in the study english"s closet, a table and some chairs.2. they lived in moscow from 1990 to 1995.3. a foreigner asked me who of us can speak english.4. ask him whether he wrote an essay.5. no one can make us stop this work.6. my parents are coming tomorrow, 6 o"clock train to the south. they sent me a telegram.7. anna came? and when she came back?exercise 11.1. autumn in the forest, very beautiful. the leaves turn yellow.2. all were forced to agree to his proposal.3. my sister and i collect stamps since dad gave us album.4. i heard that all"s well that ends well.5. he came into the house, the family was having dinner.6. i"ll get him to take a grip.7. my sister"s situation was much worse than we thought.exercise 12.1. yesterday in the morning until late at night i"m waiting for your phone call.2. you should pay attention to your pronunciation.3. we haven"t heard from him since he left for london.4. the refrigerator should be repaired as soon as possible.5. neither i nor my friend didn"t have any money.6. he never played chess when i was a kid.7. i"m afraid we don"t have coffee; don"t you buy some?exercise 1.1. he does not feel or wind or cold.2. he said that he would be very busy today and come home later.3. see that you do not know4. the last time you were overseas in the spring of 1990.5. yesterday i had to eat dinner in the dining room, although i usually eat lunch at home.6. the more i think about it, the more i wonder.7. he felt that someone was watching him.exercise 14.1. my mother"s hair is longer than the hair of her friend.2. when autumn comes, it becomes colder and colder.3. who makes him regularly to prepare for it?4. for those of you who broke the window?5. this time next month, i will swim in the baltic sea.6. before he arrived in minsk, he lived in the village.7. nobody wanted him to leave so early.exercise 15.1. it is seven o"clock in the evening, he will never go away
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