Чайлдерса, оно дало возможность с каждым из трех, совершенных им преступлений, как не парадоксально это звучит, становится ближе к вселенскому добру. Лишив жизни человека, впервые, из жалости и по незнанию, позже сделав тоже, но уже из желания восстановить справедливость, наконец, он убивает ради любви, осознанно и в полной уверенности в правильности своего поступка. Принявший крещение мужчина, по сути этим шагом на микроуровне повторяет великий поступок Иисуса, принося себя в жертву ради спасения одной семьи, как назаритянин сделал подобное ради всего человечества, не задумываясь о том, достойны ли того люди.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Čajldersa, it gave an opportunity with each of the three committed his crimes as not paradoxically, getting closer to the Ecumenical goodness. Denying human life, for the first time, out of pity and unknowingly, later making too, but already out of a desire to restore justice, finally, it kills for the sake of love, consciously and in full confidence in the correctness of his act. Accepted baptism, man, in fact this step at the micro level repeats the great deed of Jesus sacrificing himself for the sake of a single family, like nazaritânin did such for the sake of humanity, not thinking about the fact whether people deserve.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Childers, it has enabled each of the three crimes committed by him as paradoxical as it sounds, getting closer to the universal good. Depriving a person's life for the first time, out of pity and ignorance, and later did the same, but from a desire for justice, at last, he kills for love, consciously and full of confidence in the correctness of his action. Being baptized man, in fact this step at the micro level repeats a great act of Jesus, sacrificing oneself for the sake of the same family as nazarityanin made similar for all mankind, not thinking about the fact that there are worthy people.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
чайлдерса, it allowed each of the three committed crimes, as it sounds paradoxical, it is closer to the вселенскому goodness. so human life, for the first time, out of pity and ignoranceafter making, too, but from a desire to restore justice, finally, he kills for love, consciously and with full confidence in the correctness of his deed. accepted the baptism of manin essence this step at the micro level, says a great thing jesus to be sacrificed for the sake of the family, as назаритянин did this for all humanity, not thinking aboutworthy of the people.
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