1. В разные времена разные языки мира привносили свою лексику в английский язык.
2. Нынешнее положение английского языка можно сравнить с монополией латинского во времена Римской империи.
3. Давно пора упростить написание сложных слов в английском языке.
4. Люди, говорящие на двух и более иностранных языках, всегда вызывают уважение у окружающих.
5. В наше время знание английского — это не просто один из способов самосовершенствования, но и ключ к успеху.
6. Свободное владение английским языком повышает шансы получить высокооплачиваемую работу или продвижение по службе.
7. Многие считают, что без знания английского языка невозможно ничего добиться в жизни.
8. Знание английского языка — обязательно.
9. Люди, борющиеся за чистоту своих национальных языков, пытаются воспрепятствовать проникновению английских слов в их родные языки.
10. Безусловно, английский язык останется самым распространенным языком в мире.
Вместе с тем, предположение, что другие языки постепенно отомрут, представляется абсурдным.
11. Сейчас в Великобритании наблюдается снижение интереса к изучению иностранных языков. Это, в свою очередь, снижает количество потенциальных учителей иностранных языков. Образуется замкнутый круг, из которого трудно найти выход.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. At various times different languages of the world brought their vocabulary in English.2. the current situation of English can be compared to the monopoly of Latin in Roman times.3. It's time to simplify writing complex words in the English language.4. people who speak two or more foreign languages, always command respect from others.5. Nowadays English is not just one way to self-improvement, but the key to success.6. fluency in English increases the chances of getting a well-paid job or promotion.7. many believe that without knowledge of the English language, it is impossible to achieve in life.8. knowledge of English is required.9. people fighting for the purity of their national languages, trying to prevent the infiltration of English words in their native languages.10. Certainly, the English language will remain the most widely spoken language in the world.However, the assumption that other languages are gradually otomrut, it seems absurd.11. Now, in the uk there is a decrease in interest in learning foreign languages. This, in turn, reduces the number of potential teachers of foreign languages. Vicious circle from which it is difficult to find a way out.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. At different times, different languages bring their vocabulary in English.
2. The current situation of the English language can be compared to the monopoly of the Latin during the Roman Empire.
3. It's time to simplify the spelling of difficult words in the English language.
4. People who speak two or more foreign languages, always command respect from others.
5. Nowadays, knowledge of English - it's not just one of the ways of self-improvement, but also the key to success.
6. Fluency in English increases the chances of getting a high-paying job or a promotion.
7. Many believe that without the knowledge of the English language is not possible to achieve anything in life.
8. Knowledge of the English language - is necessary.
9. People fighting for the purity of their national languages, trying to prevent the penetration of English words in their native language.
10. Of course, English remains the most widely spoken language in the world.
At the same time, the assumption that the other languages are gradually wither away, it is absurd.
11. Now in the UK there is a decrease of interest in learning foreign languages. This in turn reduces the number of potential foreign language teachers. A vicious circle from which it is difficult to find a way out.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. in different times, different languages of the world offer their vocabulary in the english language.
2. the current situation of english can be compared to a monopoly of the latin in the roman empire.
3.long time to simplify the writing of difficult words in the english language.
4. people who speak two or more languages are always respected by others.
5.nowadays, english is not just one way of self-improvement, but also the key to success.
6.fluency in english increases the chance of getting a high paying job or promotion.
7. many believe that without the knowledge of the english language is impossible to achieve in life.
8.knowledge of english is necessary.
9. people fighting for the purity of their national languages, trying to prevent the entry of english words in their native languages.
10. of course, theenglish remains the most widely used language in the world. however, the assumption that other languages gradually wither away, it seemed absurd. "11.now in the uk has seen a decline in interest in learning foreign languages. this, in turn, reduces the number of potential teachers of foreign languages. formed a vicious circle.from which it is difficult to find a way out. "
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