1. Сейчас зима. 2. я надеюсь, в сентябре будет тепло 3. они добрались до реки в десять часов. Было уже совсем темно 4. Когда мы приехали в Сочи, была весна. 5. ночь, но на улице довольно светло. 6. здесь очень жарко, не правда ли? 7. Сейчас поздно. тебе не следует звонить им. 8. Ему было трудно переводить эту статью, так как он не знал многих слов. 9.Ты думаешь, тебе будет легко написать эту контрольную работу ? 10. так просто выучить эти правила! Почему вы не сделали это? 11 Было нелегко понять его слова. 12. я надеюсь, вам будет интересно послушать его 13. он сказал, что вам важно закончить статью сегодня. 14. сейчас шесть часов. я думаю, слишком рано будить его.15. так странно, что ему не понравилось морское путешествие на корабле 16. я знаю, что ему трудно работать на заводе и учиться в институте 17. студентам было легко разговаривать с ним по-английски. 18. в комнате очень темно, я не вижу, что стоит в том дальнем углу 19. здесь слишком грязно. пойдемте по другой улице 20. нам интересно поговорить с ним. онтолько что вернулся из Англии 21. вам будет приятно осмотреть город. он очень изменился за последние годы 22. мне было трудно узнать его. он очень постарел 23. он сказал вам, что очень важно обсудить этот вопрос сегодня?
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. it is now winter. 2. I hope it will be warm in September 3. they reached the River at ten o'clock. It was already quite dark 4. When we arrived in Sochi, it was spring. 5. night, but on the street pretty light. 6. here is very hot, isn't it? 7. Now late. You should not call them. 8. He found it difficult to translate this article, because he did not know of many words. 9. do you think you will be easy to write this backup job? 10. so simple to learn these rules! Why have you not done it? 11 It is not easy to understand his words. 12. I hope you will be interested to listen to his 13. He said that it is important for you to finish this article today. 14. it is now six o'clock. I think, too early to wake him up. 15. so weird that he didn't like voyage on the ship 16. I know that it is difficult for him to work at the plant and learn at 17. the students were easy to talk to him in English. 18. in the room very dark, I do not see what is in the far corner of the 19. Here too messy. come on another Street 20. We are interested to talk to him. ontol′ko got back from England 21. you will be pleased to see the city. It has changed a great deal in recent years 22. It was difficult for me to learn it. He is aged 23. He told you that it is very important to discuss this matter today?
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. It is now winter. 2. I hope, in September will be warmly 3. they went to the river in ten hours. It was already quite dark 4. When we arrived in Sochi, it was spring. 5. Night, but on the street is quite light. 6. It is very hot here, isn't it? 7.It is now too late. You should call them 8. It was difficult to translate the article, as he did not know many words. 9.Do you think, you will be easy to write this test work ? 10. So just learn the rules!Why do you not have done so? 11 It was difficult to understand his words. 12. I hope that you will be interested to listen to the 13. He said, it is important that you finish your article today. 14. It is now six hours. i think, it is too early woken его.15.So, it seems strange that he did not like the law of the sea journey by boat 16. I know that it is difficult for him to work at the factory and learn at the Institute 17. students it was easy to talk to him in English. 18. In the room is very dark,I do not see that it is in the far right corner 19. here too dusty. Let's go to another street 20. We are interested to talk with him. онтолько that returned from England 21. You will be pleased to explore the city.He has changed a great deal over the past 22 years. I have been difficult to find it. It is very i apologize 23. He told you that it is very important to discuss this issue today?
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