Привет, меня зовут Наташа. Я хочу рассказать про умную татуировкуУмная перевод - Привет, меня зовут Наташа. Я хочу рассказать про умную татуировкуУмная английский как сказать

Привет, меня зовут Наташа. Я хочу р

Привет, меня зовут Наташа. Я хочу рассказать про умную татуировку
Умная татуировка - это проект, который скоро поступит в продажу. Его начали создавать пять лет назад.

Smart tattoo - is a device that can monitor important internal organs.

во-первых, они применяются в медицине. Они полезны для людей, которые не могут быть постоянно в больнице, но они должны часто сдавать анализы.

во-вторых, в военном деле. You will learn the location and condition of the body of a soldier.

в-третьих, в банковском деле. Use in the financial sector to pay some fees and confirm personal data.

Тату состоит из нескольких частей. две основные части это электропроводящие краски и микрочип.
Электропроводящие краски соединяют электрические детали. Микрочип выполняет необходимые функции.

как работает эта татуировка? она собирает необходимую информацию с помощью микрочипа и передает эту информацию на смартфон, или в больницу, или флуоресцирует.

Эта татуировка очень полезна. у нее есть много хороших качеств (они на экране).
Татуировка также имеет не очень хорошие качества (они также на экране).

Thus, clever tattoo will always follow your health, determine the location.
This is a very useful device. Soon it will go on sale.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Hi, my name is Natasha. I want to tell you about smart tattooSmart tattoo-is a project that will soon go on sale. It started five years ago.Smart tattoo-is a device that can monitor important internal organs. Firstly, they are used in medicine. They are useful for people who can't be constantly at the hospital, but they must often pass tests.Secondly, in military affairs. You will learn the location and condition of the body of a soldier. Thirdly, in banking. Use in the financial sector to pay some fees and confirm personal data. The tattoo consists of several parts. the two main parts of this conductive paint and microchip.Electrically conductive paint connect electrical components. Microchip performs the necessary functions.How does this tattoo? It collects the necessary information using the microchip and passes this information on to your Smartphone, or hospital, or fluoresciruet.This tattoo is very useful. She has a lot of good qualities (they are on the screen).The tattoo is also not very good quality (they are also on screen).Thus, clever tattoo will always follow your health, determine the location. This is a very useful device. Soon it will go on sale.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Hi my name is natasha. I want to tell you about smart tattoo
smart tattoo - a project which will soon go on sale. He began to create five years ago. Smart tattoo - is a device that can monitor important internal organs. First, they are used in medicine. They are useful for people who can not constantly be in the hospital, but they often have to be tested. Second, in the military field. You will learn the location and condition of the body of a soldier. Third, in the banking industry. Use in the financial sector to pay some fees and confirm personal data. Tattoo consists of several parts. Two main parts of this conductive ink, and a microchip. The conductive ink is connected electrical components. Microchip performs the necessary functions. How does this tattoo? It gathers the necessary information with the help of a microchip and transmits this information to a smartphone, or a hospital, or fluoresce. This tattoo is very useful. she has a lot of good qualities (they are on the screen). The tattoo is also not very good quality (they are also on the screen). Thus, clever tattoo will always follow your health, determine the location. This is a very useful device. Soon it will go on sale.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
hi, my name is natasha. i want to tell you about smart. smart tattoo tattoo is a project that will be for sale. he started to create five years ago.

smart tattoo - is a device that can monitor important internal organs.

the firstthey are used in medicine. they are useful for people who can't be kept in the hospital, but they have often tested.

second, military. you will learn the location and condition of the body of a soldier.

in the thirdin banking. use in the financial sector to pay some fees and confirm personal data.

the tattoo is composed of several parts. the two main parts of the conductive paint and a microchip.
electroconductive paint connect electrical parts.microchip performs the necessary function.

what's the tattoo? she collects the necessary information with the help of and transmits this information to a smartphone, or hospital, or fluorescein.

this tattoo is very useful. she has many good qualities (on the screen). the tattoo is also not very good quality (they also on the screen).

national clever tattoo will always follow your health, determine the location.
this is a very useful device.soon it will go on sale.

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