когда я был еще учился в школе, летом я жил у бабушки в частном сектор перевод - когда я был еще учился в школе, летом я жил у бабушки в частном сектор английский как сказать

когда я был еще учился в школе, лет

когда я был еще учился в школе, летом я жил у бабушки в частном секторе. У нас было много свободного времени и мы катались на велосипедах и ходили играть в футбол на поле которое находилось за огородами около можно сказать леса. В один из дней когда мы решили пойти играть с друзьями в футбол. Мы поехали на футбольное поле на велосипедах. Мы играли какое то время в футбол, пока мяч не улетел в очередной раз в кусты. Я и мой двоюродный брат полезли его доставать. Когда мы его нашли мы решили всех разыграть. Дальше ситуация развивалась следующим образом. Мы выбежали из кустов с криками что за нами гонится какой то бешеный мужик с топором и нам всем необходимо быстро убегать. И мы побежали к велосипедам и начали уезжать. Все остальные приняв происходящее за чистую монету побежали к велосипедам тоже. Некоторые даже бросили свои велосипеды и начали убегать без них. Несколько минут спустя мы начали смеяться и кричать что это была шутка и нет никакого мужика с топором. Но некоторые наши товарищи уже успели уехать так далеко что нам пришлось их догонять чтобы сказать что это была шутка
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
When I was still studying in school, summer I lived at Grandma's in the private sector. We had a lot of free time and we went on bicycles and went to play football on the pitch which was for towns around the forest can be said. One day, when we decided to go play football with friends. We went to the football field. We played football for some time while the ball flew into the bushes again. I and my cousin got up it got. When we found it, we decided to all play out. Further, the situation has developed as follows. We ran out of the bushes with cries that the chases some crazy guy with an axe and we all need to escape quickly. And we ran to bicycles and started to leave. Everyone else is taking what's happening at face value ran to bicycles too. Some even threw their bicycles and began to flee without them. A few minutes later we started laughing and screaming that it was a joke and there is no guy with an axe. But some of our comrades have already managed to go so far that we had to catch up to them to say that it was a joke
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
when I was still at school, in the summer I lived with my grandmother in the private sector. We had a lot of free time and we rode bicycles and went to play football on the field which is located behind the vegetable gardens can be said about the forest. One day when we decided to play with friends in football. We went to the football field on bicycles. We played for a while in football, until the ball has flown once again in the bushes. Me and my cousin have got to get it. When we found it, we all decided to play. Then the situation developed as follows. We ran out of the bushes, shouting that we were being chased by a mad man with the ax, and we all need to get away quickly. We ran to the bike and started to leave. Everyone else is happening by taking at face value ran to the bikes too. Some even left their bicycles and began to run away without them. A few minutes later we began to laugh and cry that it was a joke and there is no man with an ax. But some of our comrades have had to go so far away that we had to catch up to say that this was a joke
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
When I was still went to school, in the summer I stayed with grandparents in the private sector.We have a lot of free time and we are on the bike and went to play soccer on the field that was the rabbi about you can say forests.On one of the days when we decided to go play with friends in football. We went to a soccer field on the bike. We played what is the time in football, as long as the ball does not flew again, the bushes.I and my cousin got his chin over it . its reach. When we have found we have decided all play. Further the situation developed as follows.We run away from the vines with cries that the us haphazardly what the graceful crash with an ax and we all need to be quickly. And we went to Shimano's and started to leave.All of the other by adopting what is happening for the railroaded into raced to Shimano's too. Some even threw their bikes and started cant keep without them.A few minutes later, we started to laugh and shout that it was a joke and there is no canonized with an ax.But some of our friends have already wait too long to leave so far-reaching that we had to catch up to them to say that this was a joke
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