Новокузнецк-это город металлургов и угольщиков, я проживаю в этом горо перевод - Новокузнецк-это город металлургов и угольщиков, я проживаю в этом горо английский как сказать

Новокузнецк-это город металлургов и

Новокузнецк-это город металлургов и угольщиков, я проживаю в этом городе уже 14 лет, и я могу о многом рассказать, что мне нравится и что мне не нравится, чем я горжусь.
У этого города своя большая история не многие ее знают и не многие ею интересуются.
Он был основан в 1618 году, это второй по количеству жителей и первый по площади, а также старейший город Кемеровской области.
Не будем отходить от темы, чем же я горжусь?
Я горжусь многим, например то, что в нашем городе есть ветераны, великие люди, ушли на войну в 1941, оставили свою семью, жену и детей, большинство не вернулось, и лишь единицы выжили.
Так же с нашим городом связаны знаменитые на весь мир писатели: достоевский, Маяковский.
Я так же горжусь тем, что у нас много парков, кинотеатров, театров, фонтанов, библиотек, музеи.
Мне так же нравятся то, что у нас много зелени и то, что здесь живут люди самых разных национальностей и религий, что их не презирают, ведь мы все похожи, мы все люди.
Но за этим всем есть так же главные проблемы, от которых хочет избавиться каждый, это заводы, они все строятся, деревья вырубаются, воздух становиться грязнее, появляется смог, поэтому многие хотят отсюда уехать.
Но, не будем заканчивать на грустной ноте.
Все-таки, своим городом нельзя не гордиться, даже если тут плохая экология, потому что, мы тут родились - это наша маленькая родина
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Novokuznetsk is a city of Metallurgists and miners ', I live in this city already 14 years old, and I can tell you a lot about what I like and what I don't like what I am proud of.This city has its own great story not many know not many people are interested in it.It was founded in the year 1618, is the second largest and the first square as well as the oldest city in Kemerovo oblast.We will not deviate from the topic, what I'm proud of? I am proud of the many, for example, that in our city there are veterans, the great people, had gone to war in 1941, left his family, wife and children, the majority did not return, and only a few survived.The same with our city bound world-famous writers: Dostoevsky, Mayakovsky.I am proud that we have many parks, cinemas, theatres, fountains, libraries, museums.I just like the fact that we have a lot of greenery and the fact that there are people of different nationalities and religions, that they do not despise, because we all look like we're all people.But all have the same major problems, which wants to get rid of everyone it is plants, they are all built, trees are cut down, the air become dirtier, there could, therefore, many want to leave.But, will not end on a sad note.Still, one cannot help but be proud of their city, even if there bad ecology, because we were born here is our little homeland
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Novokuznetsk, a city of metallurgists and miners, I live in this city for 14 years, and I can a lot to tell you what I like and what I do not like what I'm proud of it.
The city has its own great story not many people know her and not many her interested.
it was founded in 1618, is the second in the number of inhabitants and the first area, as well as the oldest city in the Kemerovo region.
we will not deviate from the topic, what am I proud of?
I am proud of the many, for example the fact that in our city there veterans, great people, went to war in 1941, left his family, wife and children, the majority did not return, and only a handful survived.
as with our city connected world-famous writers. Dostoevsky, Mayakovsky
I am as proud, we have a lot of parks, cinemas, theaters, fountains, libraries, museums.
I also like the fact that we have a lot of greenery and the fact that there are people of different nationalities and religions, that they do not despise, because we are all alike, we are all people.
But behind all this there is also the major problems which wants to get rid of one, it works, all of them are built, trees are cut down, the air is getting dirtier, there could, so many want to leave here.
But let's not end on a sad note.
still, their city can not fail to be proud of, even if there is bad ecology, because we were born here - it's our little homeland
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
novokuznetsk is a town and угольщиков metallurgists, i live in this city for 14 years, and i have a lot to share what i like and what i don"t like what i am.this city has a big story not many know it and not many people are interested in it.it was founded in 1618, the second in terms of number of inhabitants, and the first in the area, as well as the oldest city of kemerovo oblast.don"t focus on what i am?i"m proud of many, for example, in our city there are veterans, great men went to war in 1941, left his family, wife and children, the majority is not returned, and only a few survived.as with our city are famous all over the world writers: dostoyevsky, mayakovsky.i am proud that we have a lot of parks, cinemas, theatres, fountains, libraries, museums.i also like the fact that we have a lot of green and the fact that there are people of different nationalities and religions, do not despise, but like all of us, we"re all human.but behind it all there is the main problem, which wants to get rid of all the plants, they all are built, trees are dying, the air becomes cleaner, appears able, however a lot of people want to leave.but, we don"t want to end on a down note.after all, the city should not be proud of, even if is a bad environment, because we"re born is our little hometown
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