12. Алиса спросила, не изменились ли наши планы, и хотим ли мы ещё поехать в Италию. 13. Преподаватель сказал Алану, что он должен много читать вслух, чтобы улучшить своё произношение.
12. Alice asked, have not changed our plans, and we still want to go to Italy.13. Professor told Alan that he should read aloud to improve their pronunciation.
12. Alice asked, if not changed our plans, and we want more to go to Italy. 13. The teacher said to Alan that he has a lot of reading aloud to improve their pronunciation.
12. alice asked, not changed our plans, and do we still go to italy.13. the teacher told alan that he owes a lot to read aloud to improve your pronunciation.