1. Я знаю ее как честную и бескомпромиссную журналистку. 2. Мы наблюда перевод - 1. Я знаю ее как честную и бескомпромиссную журналистку. 2. Мы наблюда английский как сказать

1. Я знаю ее как честную и бескомпр

1. Я знаю ее как честную и бескомпромиссную журналистку. 2. Мы наблюдали, как он взял топор и направился в сарай, а затем вышел, но уже с корзиной в руке. 3. Я заметила, что, когда раздался выстрел в соседней комнате, он разговаривал с новым гостем. 4. Мы уже слышали, как Лидия исполняет вальсы Штрауса. 5. Вы слышали, как она вчера вечером пела в своей комнате? 6. Он наблюдал, как люди торопились к выходу на перрон. 7. Мне не довелось видеть, чтобы она улыбалась или шутила. 8. Крис заметил, что она бросила письмо на стол, не читая. 9. Заставьте его переписать контрольную. 10. Скажите, чтобы принесли бумагу и цветные фломастеры. 11. Утро застало их все еще обсуждающими план побега. 12. Они ощутили по запаху, что в духовке уже готовится индейка. 13. Кто-то из нас увидел, как она второпях выскочила из дому. 14. Пусть чайник немного покипит. 16. Дайте мне подумать. 15. Мы очень хотим услышать, как вы играете на гитаре. 17. Мы наблюдали, как гоночный автомобиль набирает скорость на большом вираже. 18. Вам нужно сдать телевизор в ремонт. 19. У Брентов я обнаружил, что меня окружают друзья и доброжелатели (a well-wisher).
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. I know her as honest and uncompromising journalist. 2. We watched as he took an axe and went to the barn, and then released, but already with a basket in her hand. 3. I've noticed that when a shot was heard in the next room, he chatted with the new guest. 4. We have already heard, as Lydia performs Strauss waltzes. 5. Have you heard how she sang last night in his room? 6. He watched as people rush to the exit to the platform. 7. I didn't see that she was smiling or joking. 8. Chris noticed that she threw the letter on the table without reading. 9. Make him rewrite the control. 10. Tell that brought paper and colored markers. 11. morning caught them still debating a plan of escape. 12. They felt the smell that the oven is already preparing a Turkey. 13. Some of us saw as she hastily jumped out of the House. 14. Let pokipit little teapot. 16. Let me think. 15. We want to hear how you play the guitar. 17. We watched as racing car picks up speed on a large curve. 18. you need to pass the tv in for repair. 19. u Brentov I found that I am surrounded by friends and well-wishers (a well-wisher).
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. I know it as an honest and uncompromising journalist. 2. We watched as he took an ax and went to the barn, and then went out, but with a basket in her hand. 3. I noticed that when the shot was fired in the adjacent room, he talked to the new guest. 4. We have heard Lydia takes the waltzes of Strauss. 5. Did you hear how she sang last night in my room? 6. He watched as people took the time to enter the platform. 7. I have not had a chance to see that she was smiling or joking. 8. Chris noticed that she threw the letter on the table without reading. 9. Make him rewrite control. 10. Tell them to bring paper and colored markers. 11. The morning found them still discussing a plan to escape. 12. They felt the smell that the oven is already preparing the turkey. 13. Some of us saw her hastily rushed out of the house. 14. Let a little teapot pokipit. 16. Let me think. 15. We really want to hear you play the guitar. 17. We watched the race car up to speed on the big bend. 18. You need to deliver the TV repaired. 19. In Brent, I discovered that I am surrounded by friends and well-wishers (a well-wisher).
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. i know her as an honest and uncompromising journalist. 2. we watched as he took the axe and went to сарай, then came out, but with a корзиной in hand. 3. i noticed that when he was shot in the соседней room, he was talking with a new guest. 4. we have already heard lydia's waltzes by strauss. 5. did you hear her sing in the своей room last night? 6. he watched the people were out on the platform. 7. i didn't get to see that she was smiling and joking. 8. chris noticed that she threw the letter on the table, not reading. 9. get him to rewrite the control. 10. tell him to bring the paper and colored pencils. 11. morning found them still are shown debating on an escape plan. 12. they felt it in the oven for preparing индейка. 13. one of us saw it then jumped out of the house. 14. let чайник some покипит. 16. дайте i think. 15. we really want to hear you play the guitar. 17. we have seen how гоночный car picks up speed at a tangent. 18. you need to turn the tv repair. 19. brent, i have discovered that i am surrounded by friends and well wishers (a well wisher).
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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