10. Небо покрыто темными тучами. Слышны отдаленные раскаты грома. Похоже, будет гроза. 11. Стояла прекрасная зимняя погода. Деревья были покрыты инеем. Сосульки, свисавшие с крыш домов, сверкали на солнце. 12. Сильно подмораживает. Скоро пруд замерзнет, и мы сможем кататься на коньках. 13. За вспышкой молнии последовал удар грома. Пошел проливной дождь. 14. После грозы воздух всегда особенно свежий. Наступает период хорошей погоды. 15. Если в апреле погода будет теплая, то к маю сады зацветут. 16. После дождя прояснилось, и на небе появилась радуга. 17. Эта зима необычно теплая. Едва выпал снег, как началась оттепель. 18. Я слышала прогноз погоды на сегодня. Днем солнечно и тепло, температура около 10 градусов, ветер восточный, умеренный; ночью температура около 0 градусов.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
10. The sky is covered with dark clouds. You hear the distant rumblings of Thunder. Looks like it will rain. 11. There was a great winter weather. The trees were covered with frost. Icicles, svisavšie from rooftops, sparkled in the Sun. 12. Strongly podmoraživaet. Soon the pond will freeze, and we will be able to skate. 13. during the Flash of lightning came the Thunder strike. Went to the pouring rain. 14. After the storm the air always especially fresh. There comes a period of good weather. 15. If in April the weather is warm, the gardens will bloom by may. 16. After the rain cleared up and in the sky a rainbow. 17. this winter is unusually warm. Hardly snow thaw began. 18. I heard the weather forecast for today. In the afternoon sunny and warm, the temperature was about 10 degrees, East wind, moderate; at night temperatures around 0 degrees.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
10. The sky is covered with dark clouds. We hear distant thunder. It seems to be a storm. 11. It was a beautiful winter weather. The trees were covered with frost. Icicles hanging from the rooftops, shone in the sun. 12. Strongly freezes. Soon the pond freezes over, and we will be able to skate. 13. In the flash of lightning followed by thunder. I went to torrential rain. 14. After the storm the air is always particularly fresh. The period of good weather. 15. If in April the weather is warm, the gardens bloom by May. 16. After the rain cleared and a rainbow appeared in the sky. 17. This winter is unusually warm. As soon as the snow fell as the thaw began. 18. I heard the weather forecast for today. During the day sunny and warm, the temperature is about 10 degrees, wind east, moderate; night temperatures around 0 degrees.
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